Thomas Tommy Sprague

61 reviews
Amazing lectures Caring Clear grading criteria Get ready to read EXTRA CREDIT Hilarious Accessible outside class Inspirational Test heavy Gives good feedback Respected Participation matters Skip class? You won't pass. Lecture heavy Graded by few things Tough grader
Past quarters
PSY 108
350 / 350 Full
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Thomas Tommy Sprague 4.6
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
35.2% A
79 / 90 Enrolled
Models of Working Memory
Thomas Tommy Sprague 4.6
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
70.7% A
See All
PSY 163TS Sprague T C Spring 2024 Total: 83
PSY 108 Sprague T C Winter 2024 Total: 346
PSY 594TS Sprague T C Winter 2024 Total: 8
PSY 163TS Sprague T C Spring 2023 Total: 48
See All
PSY108 . Sprague T C 11 Months Ago

Sprague was honestly super awesome. The class overall is relatively easy to do good in, just take the quizzes seriously. Probably one of the biggest drags of the class is the amount of reading he assigns, sometimes up to 2 40 page chapters a week. I found cognition a bit tricky, but if it's something you find cool, this class will be a breeze.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 6 Days Ago

Sprague is one of the best teachers at UCSB. His best qualities are how understanding, patient and down-to-earth he is. He lays out very reasonable and organized expectations on how to do well. Three non-cumulative exams and you get an entire cheat sheet front and back. 8 weekly online quizzes: two lowest scores dropped and extra credit offered

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 6 Days Ago

One of the best psych professors I have taken so far at UCSB. Grading was 3 tests that varied in weight depending on your score and small quizzes due weekly.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 12 Days Ago

Love love love Professor Sprague. He is so nice, and does everything possible to make the lectures engaging. Take a class with him if you have the chance!

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 23 Days Ago

I am just not into professors who make their students "look" for the answers vs. his wife Dr. Scudder, who gives you all the info in lectures to pass her tests. Dr. Sprague gives 40% of the info in lecture then you have to do LONG textbook readings to get the rest. Then on top of that, gives challenging test questions.... Not great in my opinion.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Where do I even start with this silly man. Really fun and interesting lectures. Make sure to read/take notes on the textbook, especially stuff he didn't cover. Some exam questions were a bit difficult, but overall they were fair. Quick responses to any questions. Sprague is the goat.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Sprague is a young professor and is super nice and understanding to students! A lot of flexibility was built into the course for people with extenuating circumstances. His lectures were engaging and had a lot of audience participation and little games to help learning.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

And I cannot express this enough: INCREDIBLE professor. I genuinely loved every lecture and prof was always willing to answer questions (will respond asap to emails too). He truly cares about the material and students; also admits when he doesn't know/isn't an expert on certain topics. Someone give this man a medal or something, 100% recommend

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

One of the best professors I've had at UCSB. Dr. Sprague has so much passion for cognitive psych and even though the material can be hard to conceptualize sometimes, he explains it very well. Weekly quizzes on lecture/readings, 2 midterms and a non-cumulative final.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Genuinely one of the best professors I have had in the PBS department and UCSB in general. The grades were based on 3 exams and weekly quizzes. Read the textbook carefully, take notes and you'll be fine. The content was extremely interesting and his lecturing made it even better, great sense of humor. 100% recommend taking this class w him.

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

All I have to say is take him if you ever have the chance. One of the best professors I have ever had. One of the few classes I would be excited to go to!

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PSY108 . Sprague T C 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

everything has already been said. He is great! Great personality too :)

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