
Rate My Professors (59)

MCDB90 . 18 Years Ago

Kohls the man!

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MCDB90 . 18 Years Ago

Awesome guy! Knows his stuff!

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MCDB23 . 18 Years Ago

Kohl is the man. He designed this class for non-science people and is very very interesting. Professor Kohl looks out for his students and makes time to help you if you need it. Tests were kind of hard but if you're taking it pass no pass then you're set.

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MCDB24 . 18 Years Ago

Kohl is definitely one of the nicest teachers you will EVER meet. He genuinely wants to help everyone out, and if you ever need any help do NOT hesitate to go to office hours, he'll tell you what you need to know. He is the nicest little man ever! haha. definitely a sweet guy. And the TA was freakin hot. Overall, not too hard and great teacher!

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MCDB24 . 18 Years Ago

This class was basically a crash course in genetics and inheritance, basically how you get genetic diseases. Any actual information on specific diseases is mostly left till the the last few lectures. This class is still amazingly useful and not that hard, half of it is mitosis and meiosis. If have trouble go to his office hours, awesome guy.

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MCDB24 . 18 Years Ago

this class is hard!!! for all you non-bio majors out there that want to take an easy science course. this is not it! i studied my ass off and didn't get a good grade. on the upside, professor kohl puts his lecture notes online. overall, it was an okay class, but i wouldn't take it again.

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MCDB24 . 18 Years Ago

He is the cutest guy ever. Lecture is kind of boring and his tests are hard, but his TA is so hot it almost makes going to class worth it.

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MCDB24 . 18 Years Ago

Loved the teacher...hated the subject.

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MCDB24 . 18 Years Ago

Loved the teacher...hated the subject.

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MCDB23 . 18 Years Ago

This class was fairly simple. Did almost no reading and skipped class a lot and still got a B+ due to the easy tests. Nice guy too

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MCDB24 . 18 Years Ago

this class was awesome. kohl is very nice and outgoing. his lectures are clear and interesting. if you miss lectures he puts them on the internet so thats a big plus.

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MCDB23 . 18 Years Ago

this class was very interesting and prof. kohl is a good teacher. very nice man and very willing to help students. the tests are hard, print out all the slides before you go to class. also go to the review sessions with the ta.

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MCDB90A . 18 Years Ago

great mentor!

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MCDB24 . 19 Years Ago

AWESOME!!!! Professor Kohl is one of the coolest professors I've had in my time at UCSB. His class on Human Disease was very interesting and insightful. He's clear when he speaks, very helpful and charismatic, overall a quality lecturer...I highly recommend taking a course with him =).

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MCDB90B . 19 Years Ago

Cool class, but lots of work. Doesn't explain how he grades assignments, but most people get good grades as long as they do the work on time. Nice guy.

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MCDB24 . 19 Years Ago

Kohl made the class very interesting, but still very challenging.Go to class, PRINT OUT the lecture slides beforehand and follow along with him, take extra notes on your slides.He is very approachable and wants to help out his students in any way. One of the best professors I've had yet.

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MCDB24 . 19 Years Ago

Kohl rocks! Go to class, take notes, and simply ask questions about what you don't understand! His classes are easy if you simply take the time to understand what he wants you to know. Very friendly, nice man.

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MCDB24 . 19 Years Ago

Really like this prof but man he flips through those slides waaay too quickly, and it can be hard to take notes sometimes. This is a great Area C class for non-science majors and is pretty interesting too. Relatively easy grading.

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MCDB24 . 19 Years Ago

I love this man. His class convinced me to go with a genetics-involved major. Entertaining guy and the class is pretty easy, as long as you read and pay attention. I highly recommend this teacher.

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MCDB23 . 19 Years Ago

Even though I was not interested in this topic at all, the lectures were not too dull because he tries to engage the students. The tests not too difficult if you understand all the concepts, but for someone who is not interested it may be a bit difficult. He is however willing to help students.

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MCDB90A . 19 Years Ago

Really cool and laid back class. Lots of writing, but not due until first day of following quarter. Nice teacher. Like everyone else said, he does whatever he can to help you succeed. Definitely take this class if you're into biology.

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MCDB23 . 19 Years Ago

Great prof. His tests require you to think but if you know your stuff you'll do well. If you pay attention you'll learn a ton of information in just a quarter and a science background is not necessary.

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INT94S63 . 19 Years Ago

medical ethics seminar, very interesting, hes active in the field, and knows what hes talking about. very, very easy. no reading, 6 pages of writing all quarter. interesting and easy credit

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MCDB23 . 19 Years Ago

All the slides are online and the tests are pretty generic

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