
Rate My Professors (59)

MCDB23 . 11 Years Ago

He is so nice, and definitely has a passion for this course, but he grades on a 50% 50%. Two tests one grade. Two very difficult tests that had completely irrelevant questions to the material. But he is very nice and willing to help.

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MCDB23 . 13 Years Ago

Go to Lecture and do the reading. I did just the opposite for the first half and got a D on the midterm. I stared paying attention and did the reading and ended up with a B. He curves the class appropriately and is always willing to help.

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MCDB23 . 13 Years Ago

Super easy class to get an "A" in, and you will learn a great deal about cancer. Attend every lecture because it will not only help you understand the material, but it may even save your life through the choices you make.

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MCDB23 . 13 Years Ago

He is a great professor, lectures are a must and putting in time to study definately pays off

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MCDB23 . 13 Years Ago

He is such a sweet guy. Tries to engage the class so the lectures won't be too boring. Reading helped me a lot for the final. I did no reading whatsoever for the midterm and did not pay attention in class so I failed it. But with a little reading from the book, I passed the class with a C. Take it, it's pretty much passable!!

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MCDB23 . 13 Years Ago

Great guy. Sounds like George from Seinfeld. Lectures were boring for the first part of the quarter and didn't get much better. He obviously is passionate and funny, but I just wasn't too fond of the class. The textbook was the best part. I loved reading it. Concepts were made clear. He should have gone along with the text more. Tests too tricky:/

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MCDB23 . 13 Years Ago

Kohl kind of sucks. Class seemed really easy at first but the midterm is a whole different story. Questions are totally irrelevant to the material. Lecture and book don't correlate at all. There is no point to this class. Don't be fooled by the 3 units and no section.

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MCDB23 . 13 Years Ago

kohl really wants people to do well, if you go to office hours he will spend a lot of time helping you individually. the midterm is harder than you would expect, you need to know details but if you go to class and do the reading you should pass the class no problem.

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MCDB23 . 13 Years Ago

He was a really great lecturer and his class is extremely interesting. I advise anyone who wants an entry level bio class to take this!

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MCDB23 . 14 Years Ago

He's really nice.

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MCDB23 . 14 Years Ago

Dr. Kohl is a really nice guy that cares about his students but the class itself was not the best. I would not recommend it unless biology really interest you. He puts the slides online. I never went to lecture-read the slides and the book because the test are hard. Easy class to pass with little work

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MCDB23 . 14 Years Ago

Class seemed pretty easy until the midterm rolled around. Who knows where he got the questions from but it wasn't lecture. The book is easy but read it carefully because he asks for specific details and facts.

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INT94S . 15 Years Ago

okay so i only took him for a freshman seminar, but i felt like rating him anyway because i liked him that much. he is very knowledgeable and was helpful even in areas outside of the class.

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MCDB23 . 15 Years Ago

Professor Kohl finds a way to teach a science course in a non-scientific way. He really makes the material trivial, but still engages in the complexities of cancer. 80% of the final and midterm come directly from lectures and the 0ther 20% from the textbook. He posts all of his slides online word for word. MCDB 23 is a definite take with Kohl.

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MCDB23 . 15 Years Ago

Dr Kohl is awesome! Hes super nice and willing to help students. Going to lecture is not mandatory but if you want to make a good great its a good idea. The tests are based on the slides and 20% from the book. The book is basically for children. Its an interesting course and Kohl is a sweet grandfatherly type..

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MCDB24 . 16 Years Ago

I didn't know anything about science but I needed the GE and Professor Kohl is extremely helpful and makes his class passable.

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MCDB23 . 16 Years Ago

one of the most interesting classes i have taken. the professor is a really nice person who really cares for each one of his students. we need more people like him.

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MCDB23 . 16 Years Ago

He completely understands if you have no clue about biology and makes his class passable. Go to office hours and read. The material was really interesting he doesnt just teach about cancer but how to deal with people in understanding their condition.

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MCDB90A . 16 Years Ago

Dr. Kohl is awesome!!! He is so helpful and truly cares about his students. If you are a pre-bio honors student, DEFINITELY take this class. One of my best experiences in college so far!

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MCDB23 . 16 Years Ago

If you're a Bio. major, you might hate it! He is very repetitive and his tone of voice takes time getting used to. I personaly do not like him, but good luck!

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MCDB23 . 17 Years Ago

this guy is great. i'm terrible at science, but he was as helpful a prof. as i could have asked for. love him.

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MCDB23 . 18 Years Ago

Content is interesting, lecture is decent (hard to correlate it with the tests), very helpful professor, but only if you seek his help. Get help early! The tests are somewhat difficult. Hard to get an A.

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MCDB23 . 18 Years Ago

Kohl is awesome- I absolutely hate math/science, and I was struggling at the beginning of the class.. like a lot. I went to his office hours before the final, and he took HOURS explaining everything to me and a group of people. He cares soo much about how his students do, and all I wish is that I had gotten help earlier!

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MCDB23 . 18 Years Ago

Wonderful teacher. Knowledgeable and passionate about the sciences. Good class, not as dense as a "normal" biology class, but you still learn a lot. If you are interested in cancer, this is a great basic intro.

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