
Rate My Professors (60)

COMM126 . 8 Years Ago

Tests are easy but she is a very unorganized professor. If you like structure, I wouldn't suggest taking this class. You get a participation grade as well so she requires you to speak up in class.

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COMM89 . 8 Years Ago

I found this class to be difficult. Attendance is not taken in lecture but it is mandatory if you want to pass. Exams are 90% lecture and 10% over lap from the textbook. Grade is based off of midterm, final, presentation, section participation, paper, and research participation. I found the paper to be graded harshly and exams are worded trickily.

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COM89 . 8 Years Ago

Make sure you get all the lecture notes since midterm and final are mostly based on lecture! She tells the class clearly on whats gona be on the test that it makes it wayyyy easier to study compare to Mullin's precomm class!! Put the effort into the class and you'll get an A

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COMM89 . 10 Years Ago

You should pass this class as long as you show up, take good notes, and actually pay attention. Dr. Jansma is extremely well organized and her lectures are very concise with lots of practical examples for the theories taught in class. Her plans for section were also very helpful. The assignments are minimal and graded pretty fairly.

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10207 . 10 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors at UCSB, she is just so hip and cool. Her tests are very straight forward as long as you take good notes. I received a B in her class but I know I could've done better. I never bought the book and the assignments are easy and fun. Great class overall!

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COMM121AND89 . 10 Years Ago

I like her a lot?her classes are helpful and easy

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COMM89 . 11 Years Ago

Must go to class. Don't bother with the book. She's definitely better than Mullin. Her tests are not extremely ridiculous like Mullin's, they are pretty straight forward with a few bogus questions here and there. Overall, she is okay.

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COMM89AND126 . 11 Years Ago

Best professor I have had at UCSB. Would take any class with her regardless of topic. Genuinely cares and multiple choice midterm and final (for both classes) aren't too hard if you attend lecture. 126 is so applicable in everyday life and I recommend it to everyone (one of my fav classes). Reading for 126 is necessary.

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COMM89 . 12 Years Ago

I had a good experience with Dr. J. She is very upfront and clear with what she expects students to know. Her tests are fair. Def need to study. If you're ever stuck on a exam question she will lead you in the right direction if you ask. Lectures aren't bad. And like any other pre-comm class, you have to show dedication and work for that A.

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COMM121 . 13 Years Ago

Shes really nice! but i'm not a fan of the way she teaches and the stuff she teaches. If you don't like raising your hand or sharing your life conflicts in lecture and actually facing and resolving them, DON'T take her because participation in class is required. Midterm, Final, participation, 7-10 pg paper, and 2 journals.

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COMM121 . 13 Years Ago

Unlike any Comm class I've taken. Her teaching method is somewhat stragne, she teaches quite a few non-academic topics. The class felt like a self-help book at times. 2 Journals, one 7-10 page paper. Midterm & Final are application based & fill in the blank.

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COMM89 . 13 Years Ago

Took this class summer 2011 - Jansma is a great speaker and her slides are straight forward and easy to understand. No surprises on tests - just do your reading and study. There is a paper and project required, so ask her or your TA for help if needed. She's helpful and approachable in office hours too. Very sweet lady - great fashion sense, too!

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COMM89 . 13 Years Ago

Her lectures arent as good as Mullin and her test can be a bit confusing, but if you are stuck on a question and ask a TA or Dr.J they WILL lead you in the right direction for the right answer. Lectures are straight forwards but you do have to go since they arent online. One presentation during section and one paper which wasnt hard

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COMM89 . 14 Years Ago

Don't understand this good ratings. The class itself is great And really interesting. Her lectures are pretty much from the book Except less organized. She's vague and claims the big picture is her style but her exams are misleading and Unclear. You think you kno what to expect but her tests show otherwise. Take this class with Mullin instead

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COMM0986 . 14 Years Ago

MUCH better experience than Mullin cus she is unfair n discouraging evn in office hours.But Jansma is clear as well, engaging*neva borin, funny,VERY ENCOURAGING, and generous.papersr not dat bad, and so are the exams, but they r kinda tough,just STUDY notes hard n a bit of the book, ALSO get to knw her n attend offic hrs.Did that n got A-.luv her=)

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COMM191 . 14 Years Ago

I love Jansma! Definitely take her classes if you are interested in doing creative projects. Loved her gender class (126) and the internship one (191) is one of my favorites at UCSB - very applicable and enjoyable, and you get really close to the rest of your class.

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COMM89 . 14 Years Ago

Uh, well, she's nice. Her lectures are easy to follow, too. Her tests though -- absolutely ridiculous. Everything wrong about multiple choice tests come to fruition in her exams. The questions are very vague, and often, multiple choices seem to be the correct answer. My advice is to just not underestimate the exams. STUDY!

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COMM126 . 14 Years Ago

I really enjoy Professor Jansma's classes. Her 89 class is okay, not nearly as interesting as the upper division, but that's due to the course itself, not her teaching style. She is super clear with her lectures and her tests are pretty straightforward. You must go to class and do the reading to do well. I absolutely loved her gender and comm class

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COMM89 . 15 Years Ago

She's a bit of a floozy, and a bit out there, but she really cares that people are learning. The class is straightforward as are the tests. Section is mandatory attendance, lecture is not. Grade is based on Midterm, Final, one paper and section. The tests were not difficult, about 85% lecture, the rest from the book/reader.

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COMM162 . 15 Years Ago

Took Jansma for 162 and 126. Her lectures were pretty unstructured and had us do some pretty unconventional projects. She's an easy grader, as far as I could tell, it's just difficult to know what she expects from her students.

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COMM89 . 15 Years Ago

Seemed to be making up lecture as she went; ambiguous subject matter and not enough clarity on what was important. Test questions didn't seem well thought out and as she admitted: "That must've been one of the questions I drew up at 12am, lol." More preparation, could take a page out of Dolly Mullin's book.

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COMM89 . 15 Years Ago

Teacher is nice, but I was really upset with how unclear her test questions were. Her tests were not fair and many questions had to be removed from our mid-term. It is really important to go to lecture to get notes!! She will test you on both book and lecture. Hard to know what to study from book, she is not clear on it.

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COMM89 . 16 Years Ago

Jansma is a little strange but nice. Her tests are very unclear, she words questions confusingly. She focuses on aspects you wouldnt have guessed instead of just making sure you know the theories. Why the heck do we need to know metatheory?!

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COMM89 . 16 Years Ago

Lectures are pretty straightforward. Make sure to pay attention from the beginning what her definitions are of axiology, epistemology, ontology, because those FOLLOW YOU. TA's do all the grading, I loved Desiree. Tests are TRICKY, but just study a ton.

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