
Rate My Professors (60)

COMM89 . 16 Years Ago

If you didn't like Mullin before Jansma will make you love her. Jansma's lectures are abstract and ambigious, leaving you confused and unsure. Her test are also confusing and unclear, you have no idea what to study and everything just gets all mixed up. Do not take this class with her. Got A's in all other comm classes and got a C in this one.

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COMM89 . 16 Years Ago

She is a great teacher, I was clear and enjoyable to listen to during class.

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COMM134 . 16 Years Ago

Amazing. I would date her!

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COMM89 . 16 Years Ago

Very nice teacher. Very happy and upbeat. class is not that hard if you take good notes and read the reader and txtbook. Note: Avoid TA Rebekah Pure. She is a ridiculously hard grader.

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COMM121 . 16 Years Ago

This professor is clear and organized, not hard to get an A in her class. However, she is a little too upbeat for me, sort of like an evil barbie doll. Also, Comm 89 was mind numbing, not challenging at all. Don't take her if you can't stand people that seem too happy about nothing inparticular.

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COMM126 . 16 Years Ago

She's really down to earth & enjoys hearing students comments and suggestions. Tests can be kind of tricky, so make sure you do the reading.

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88 . 16 Years Ago

Jansma is amazing! she reminds of a neighbor i would see in the neighborhood on desperate housewives. shes super nice and helpful.

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COMM89 . 16 Years Ago

This class can be interesting, but the tests are very difficult. Also, study, study, study. Avoid T.A. Rebekah Pure at all costs, shes an extremely tough grader,and shes very rude.

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COMM126 . 17 Years Ago

She is extremely passionate about the subject matter. I took her during summer and it was a interesting class. Pretty self explanatory. Lots of reading, the tests are pretty easy as long you complete all readings and study. The manual was not as hard as it seemed. Great class and Great teacher!

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COMM89 . 18 Years Ago

I don't understand why some people say that she is easier than Mullin. With Mullin, once you figure out a system to her tests, they're easy & fair. With J, her explanations ARE so abstract that once you see what's on the test, you struggle to apply what you've learned to the specific answers she expects from you. Avoid Grace A. (TA).Unfair & RUDE!

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COMM89 . 18 Years Ago

I actually enjoyed this class, the theories were pretty interesting and I think she did a good job explaining them concisely. Tests can be a bit confusing but for the most part pretty easy if you study the notes.

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COMM126 . 18 Years Ago

good teacher, as long as you read you should ace the tests. tests are all fill in the blank. nice lady but not very attentive during office hours.

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COMM89 . 18 Years Ago

She wasn't thrilled about teaching the class at all. She would come in the morning, and her body language would say it all. She's knowledgeable, but I honestly wasn't inspired to give a****. Paper is easy if your T.A. isn't an idiot and the tests are fill-in the blank, but not too terribly challenging.

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COMM89 . 19 Years Ago

She's a yotch. Period. Doesn't listen to her students and just kind of terrible.

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COMM89 . 19 Years Ago

Her lectures were boring, and she did not give good examples. She is way too abstract, and her tests are fill in the blank, which is completely unfair. If you can avoid taking her, take Mullin instead!

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COMM89 . 19 Years Ago

i truly feel that she does not know what shes talking about in lecture,or that she goes to the extent of researching those theories she presents in lecture,and i believe this because i did extensive research on two main theories,for my paper and presentation,and the various sources I read did not match up with her lecture and irrelevant examples

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COM89 . 19 Years Ago

her lectures are not clear and she says things that are different from the book/assigned readings. Her tests trick you and are unclear. Shes a BIYACH

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COMM89 . 19 Years Ago

she is so nice and actually interesting to listen to. she makes the boring class about theories as enjoyable as possible. Her tests for this class are fill in the blank with the major terms, so if you understand the terms and get the material you'll do fine. Paper is pretty easy, midterm, final, oral presentation, section and 2 experiments.

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Great class,even though a little out numbered genderly. Very sincere teacher with material and students. must take

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CONFLICT . 19 Years Ago

Jansma was a great prof to have. She really involved her class and she takes an interest in them as well. I only had her for one class, but she hugged me after I accepted my diploma and it felt great that, despite all the students she has in a quarter, I was still recognizable to her.

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COMM101 . 19 Years Ago

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I had her for 2 classes back in the day. Interesting discussions and lectures, and she's very approachable. Definitely take advantage of office hours.

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This was a great class... Jansma made it fun to go to class. It was an early one, but she woke you up... The one thign that sucked was having a TA grade everything, b/c she is usually more lenient and grades easier than the TA.

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This class was so fun! It was Super easy... It is kind of like the "Men are from Mars, Women are from venus" books. There are mostly girls in the class so if you're a guy you are stoked! I've has Jansma for 5 classes, shes the best.

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