
Rate My Professors (351)

COMM88 . 8 Years Ago

I had three classes with her: comm 1, 88, and 89. I got A's in all her classes. I really loved her lecture. She is amazing and caring. Her tests may be tricky, but if you study her ppts (focus more on her lecture/ go over it at least 3 times before the test), you will be fine. OR just pay attention in class (then, less studying for you to do). :)

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COM1 . 8 Years Ago

a lot of people warned me that this class was going to be hard, but the tests and papers were fairly doable. This is actually my favorite course I've taken so far. Her lectures are enjoyable, relatable, and detailed. As long as you take good notes from lecture and the book, memorize them, and think of good examples, you should be fine.

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COMM1 . 8 Years Ago

don't bother trying to cram info, it only takes you so far. studying often would have helped me so much since tests are only tricky to those that don't know the material by heart. essays are graded in comparison to everyone in the TA's section. I got Pines and she was sweet but super tough grader. have no regrets and do office hours!

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COMM1 . 8 Years Ago

Do not take this class unless you are comm major. Too much reading and lectures are boring. The paper grading is extremely tough.

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COMM1 . 8 Years Ago

Great lecturer! The class requires a lot of work, 2 papers, 1 midterm, 1 final. No homework, research participation necessary, and section participation necessary. Mullin is a great lecturer and going to class at 8AM was worth it. I went to her office hours for help and she was clear and eager to help! Wouldn't recommend for a GE, lots of work

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COMM1 . 8 Years Ago

She is an awesome prof! She's such a great communicator and she makes the lectures really interesting. If you want to succeed in this class do the reading and most importantly pay attention in lecture! Her tests can be a bit challenging. Don't just memorize definitions, understand the concepts and be able to apply it. Comm majors will love her!

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COMM1 . 8 Years Ago

Professor Mullin makes her 8am lectures interesting and her personality is bubbly and entertaining! However, you HAVE to attend every lecture to have a chance at passing. I got an A- by going to every lecture and because she curves her class. Her tests are difficult because of the wording but definitely not impossible. Overall, great intro class!

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COMM88 . 9 Years Ago

Not an easy class. Be prepared to know the notes from inside out. Don't skip her lectures, info she gives there is vital. Tests are draining. Attend her Q&A sessions and ask her questions, she's very helpful.

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COM01 . 9 Years Ago

Tests on the overall concepts, not direct terms. I received an A by reading, studying a LOT, outlining and giving myself plenty of time for the 2 papers. You really work for your grade, and yes-she does use tricky lingo. As for Professor Mullin herself, she's awesome! Great lecturer, very animated and friendly. Stay on top of it and you'll pass!

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COMM88 . 9 Years Ago

Hardest Comm class so far. She even said the tests are the most physically draining, but it's doable. The course info is not very interesting, but her lecturing makes it a bit more exciting. Study intensely and really know the information inside and out for her tests. The group project wasn't so bad, the process is just hassle.

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COMM89 . 9 Years Ago

One of UCSB's best professors. She's very experienced, communicates the content through PowerPts very well (DUH!). She is accommodating to students-I had to take the midterm late and she had no problem with that. She is cheerful, makes lectures interesting with many examples. Tests are hard but definitely doable. Would HIGHLY recommend.

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COMM88 . 9 Years Ago

Lecture doesn't matter or help at all for the tests. The paper is what makes this class hard... you are left in the dark and expected to kill it.

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COMM1AND88 . 9 Years Ago

She was a lot of fun in Comm 1, kept things relevant, and made things interesting. Comm 88 is so boring though, but maybe I'm just not as interested in research methods (attendance in that class is significantly less). Her tests are not at all easy, and though she doesn't trick you, if you aren't paying close attention you can slip.

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8889 . 9 Years Ago

Her tests are tough if you don't prepare for them but you should be fine as long as you go to class and really try to understand all the concepts she's teaching. REALLY study for them though, do not underestimate the easiness of the material she teaches. Mullin makes sure you really do know your stuff. She is a super cool lady and a great lecturer

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COMM1 . 9 Years Ago

Being that it was 8am lectures, Mullin definitely pulled through. Her enthusiasm makes you forget how much sleep you're missing out on. Tests are considered "tricky" because she tests on the concepts, not definitions. Two 5-6 page papers, multiple choice midterm and final. Book is a must and don't even think about skipping out on lectures.

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COMM1 . 9 Years Ago

not an easy A, but concepts are VERY easy so just study,2 analytical papers (5-6 pages). If you're terrible @ analytical papers, go to OHs. TAs VERY helpful w papers! I got an A in the class by going to my TA for my help w my paper, started papers 2-3 weeks before due, read every chapter assigned & took notes while reading&went to every lecture.

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COMM1 . 9 Years Ago

This class is really cool & Mullin is hilarious and makes it pretty interesting. The tests and papers are tough. If you work hard, you can probably pull a B.

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10769 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Mullin's my favorite professor at UCSB. Great lecturer, hilarious, and adorable. Her lectures are enjoyable to attend even though COMM 1 is an 8 am. Be sure to get Avi McClelland-Cohen as your TA! By far my favorite TA who's down to earth, entertaining, understanding, kindhearted, helpful, and accomodating to your personal needs.

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COMM1 . 9 Years Ago

Prior to taking the class, I'd heard her exams were extremely tough and that the paper grading criteria was harsh but that wasn't the case for me. Attend lecture, do your readings and you'll pass every exam and paper. Know the concepts and how to apply them to scenarios (that's what her tests are like).

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89 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Mullin is great, but this class does require work. Her tests are about 80% lecture based. If you review the key terms in the book and take good lecture notes, you should do fine. the term project was pretty annoying group work but she gives plenty of time to complete. Beware of the comparative grading on it though. It's tough.

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COMM88 . 9 Years Ago

Supposedly hardest out of the 4 pre-comm classes but so far, it's my best (1, 87, 88).. Must attend the lectures. Didn't touch the book but there are questions on the test pertaining to the book but only a couple. Midterm was alright, final was incredibly hard. Similar to 1, you just have to know how to apply the concepts!!

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COMM1 . 9 Years Ago

Material presented in lecture and book SEEM straightforward. 2 papers both 5-6 pages. TAs will tear it apart even though you might think you got down to every detail of the topic. Midterm and final are tough because a lot of the answers are relatively similar making you second guess everything. You might think you did well but you could be wrong.

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COMM88 . 9 Years Ago

Comm 88 was the toughest out of the four pre-comm courses but it was manageable. The paper is not difficult but the material is dull. Since she is a fantastic speaker and a wonderful person she does her best to keep lecture entertaining. BUT the tests are extremely tricky sometime so do yourself a favor and don't cram the night before!

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COMM1 . 9 Years Ago

Mullin is awesome and lecture is absolutely essential to passing. would not recommend to people who do not read or taking as a GE. if you read and pay attention to class and really study, an A is totally possible. the curve bumped my B to an A-! TA grades your 2 essays. final was easier than the midterm and the questions are tricky.

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