
Rate My Professors (351)

COMM1 . 5 Years Ago

COMM 1 is a hard class no matter its letter graded or pnp. Most of the questions are from lecture and no ppt slides will be uploaded. YOU HAVE TO GO TO LECTURES. The papers are graded competitively. Class average is about C. Only a certain amount of people will get As.

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COMM1 . 5 Years Ago

Dolly is seriously the best lecturer/professor I have ever had. She made 8ams bearable and all of the information was so interesting. Her tests are pretty difficult, I studied a lot and got an A on the midterm and a B+ on the final so they are doable. However, the papers are graded SO harshly and thats why I couldn't pull an A in the class :(

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COMM1 . 5 Years Ago

Amazing lecture and really nice person, but the tests are hard

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COMM88 . 6 Years Ago

Professor Mullin is a really clear and friendly lecturer! She genuinely cares about her students and was very kind when I made an appointment to talk to her. The class does require a decent amount of effort with its 1 research paper, 1 midterm, and 1 final. Don't slack off and keep up with lectures/reading!

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Dolly is a great lecturer and makes the 8am worth it. Material isn't difficult but go to lecture to make it easier on yourself. Grade is mainly based on 2 papers, midterm and final. Start early on your papers and studying for her exams. Her exams are said to be tricky, but if you know your concepts then they aren't too bad. Go to office hours!

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COMM88 . 6 Years Ago

Comm 88 is the hardest comm pre-requisite, but Mullin made it bearable. Attendance isnt mandatory, but you need the info from lecture, and her lectures are clear and entertaining. The tests arent that bad if you review your notes thoroughly (study groups help). Dont get scared away by the rumors about her tests Mullin is a great professor!

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Had her for both 1 and 89. She's one of my favorite professors. She's very funny and she uses a lot of relatable, easy-to-understand examples in her lectures. I genuinely enjoyed showing up to her class. Some say her tests are hard but I found them to be really easy as long as you show up to lecture and skim through reading.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Class attendance not mandatory, but Mullin makes an 8 AM class bearable and I feel that it is more worth it to attend lecture than learn the material from the book on your own. She is funny too. Easy class. Section attendance mandatory, however. Grade consists of two papers, midterm and final. Comm 1 satisfies a writing GE as well. I recommend it!

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Her lectures are soo interesting and engaging. A lot of the times things in the readings are just stuff she covered in class, so I'd recommend taking lecture notes and then flipping through readings to catch whatever she didn't go over. Papers are straight forward and her paper office hours are super helpful.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Professor Mullin is a very nice and caring lecturer. She explains everything clearly and makes the class interesting and keeps me attentive even though it is an 8 am class. Would definitely take another class with her. But be prepared to take notes during lectures and dedicate efforts to papers and tests. Love this class.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

greatest professor I have had in college! had her class at 8am but actually enjoyed going bc her lectures are engaging and she's hilarious. super sweet lady and very helpful. very clear on grading criteria for papers. take good notes and read the book and you'll do well on the exams

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Great teaching style. However 8AM makes going to class hard for me. If you ask any questions by email she replies really really fast. She's super kind too. Exam questions are phrased in a challenging way and the questions test detailed understanding, so going to class and reading are important. A lot of reading.

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COMM88 . 6 Years Ago

I had Dolly for both COMM 1 & 88 and gotten A's in both her classes. It's possible! Go to lecture, pay attention, supplement with the textbook. Use her study guide & her practice exams! She expects a very thorough understanding of concepts (she wants you to know what examples belong to a concept and which don't). Be explicit in essays! Good luck!

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

she gives great lectures if you like her teaching style, tests are okay if you read and understood.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Dr. Mullin is super friendly and energetic about her teaching. She is always willing to answer your questions. I recommend going to the group office hours for help on exams/papers. Exams are mostly based on lecture, so you must attend class as she will not post lecture slides online. Readings are helpful, but you don't need to know every detail.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Dr. Mullin always came prepared, energetic, and ready to teach for afternoon lectures. The content in her lectures are tested on heavily, so pay attention to those and you will be fine. She's willing to elaborate on any questions, and I had a great time with Dr. M.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

I love Mullin! She is such a great lecturer who gives really well-organized lectures! Make sure you do not skip classes because she won't put the slides online. It's not as difficult as described. Take notes of her slides and go over it before exams, and you will be fine.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Her lectures are so boring and a waste of time, always goes off on a tangent and starts talking about random stuff. However, attending lecture is essential to passing the exams because her exams are lecture based. I only studied for a day before the exam and got A-'s both exams. Just be sure to know everything on the SG and read q's carefully

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

I like Mullin, but this class is graded so unethically. Half the students get a C- or lower on the papers. I got 2 D's. She is good at explaining the material and is helpful, but the tests are diabolical and I failed both the midterm and the final despite studying my tail off. It may seem interesting, but this class will destroy your GPA.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

This course is not friendly to non english native speakers. Because it is hard for them to get to know implications of certain conversations. TAs are told to grade the papers at the average of 38/50. Therefore, it is difficult for international students to get a high score although they study hard. Mullin herself is hilarious and she explains well.

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COMM1 . 6 Years Ago

Professor Mullin is a great professor for this class. Dont skip lectures. I got a C+ and I wrote my papers last minute and barely studied. I could have gotten an A if I tried harder, it was all on me. Dont be discouraged that lecture is at 8 AM, Professor Mullin is one of my favorite professors. READ FROM THE TEXTBOOK.

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COMM1 . 7 Years Ago

Prof. Mullin is amazing! She is so energetic even during 8 AM lectures and is super helpful, motivational, and easy to understand. However, her tests are brutal and the papers are graded harshly by the TAs. If you are looking for an easy GE, this is not it.

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COMM1 . 7 Years Ago

Dolly Mullin is an incredible teacher, but beware: she scales her tests accordingly. Even if you feel confident in everything you learned all quarter, the mid-term and final are brutal. If you're taking her class letter grade, make sure you attend class and you'll be fine. Sections are usually fun (for Comm 1 at least).

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COMM1 . 7 Years Ago

She's a great teacher and speaks very enthusiastically while clearly delivering the topics. I changed my major to Communication after taking this course. I definitely recommend going to office hours as well because she was very helpful.

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