
Rate My Professors (56)

MATH4B . 4 Years Ago

Not clear on presenting a big picture of what we are currently discussing on the lecture, but still a good professor. No curve because the A-standard is very low.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Amaaaaazing! his lectures are very helpful and necessary to understand in order to do good on his exams, dont really need the book. go to class so you get iclicker participation points/attendance but you can miss a couple of times. 2 midterms and a final, do good on final do good on the class.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Justin is a very nice instructor. Most times he could explain stuffs clearly yet sometimes he cannot, but he posted slides online so u can take those as study guide. His 6pts scale did make life easier as it wasn't hard to get an A with easy quizzes & fair tests. 4.75/6 i.e. 79.1%+ gives u an A, which is not that hard if u do study for the exams.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

CLAS will be your best friend for this class. Prof Kelz does a good job checking concepts for us w iclickers in lecture, but often I found myself getting confused whenever we started something new and how it related to previous things we learned.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

Professor Kelz is a super nice guy because he gives decent grades and enough material to be prepared for the exam. Even though sometime he introduce some 'weird' concepts in class, he seems to help people to reveal more info for students who are interested in math major. I also took his 3B last quarter because 90% of lecture make sense and easy.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

His grading scale made it pretty easy to get an A, with lots of partial credit and a generous curve. However, I wasn't a huge fan of his lectures as their structure was unclear and I often didn't know WHY we were doing what we did. Putting headers on my notes was a lot harder than it should have been. CLAS & their drop-in were super helpful!

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Kelz is cool, really goofy and fun. His tests are harder than average though and sometimes he likes to show how smart he is rather than teach, overall he is a great human and good teacher.

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MATH3B . 5 Years Ago

Kelz was great but he did act pretentious. When asked questions, he explained it in a way that could have been said much simpler. His 6-point grading system, however, was a life saver! Had it not been for that, I would not have passed the class. He is great at lecturing yet introduces weird applications like Gabriel's Horn or the like.

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4B . 5 Years Ago

Nice guy, but not the best teacher. Odd focus on weird concepts and lots of swing questions. Not sure what to make of it. Barely passed last quarter. Homework is detached from exam questions. Almost completely different material.

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MATH4A . 5 Years Ago

He's fun but he focuses too much on Math concepts which is really hard for me. His explanation isn't clear enough to visually illustrate the concept and meaning behind each formulas. Anyway, tough test and lecture confuses me a lot

6 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Kelz is underrated and is actually a great professor. He keeps the class as interesting as possible given the nature of math courses. His grading scale is the most forgiving scale I have ever seen and allows you to get an A with just one good test score out of three midterms. He is friendly and is willing to meet outside of lecture.

2 helpful 6 unhelpful
MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Justin is awesome. I was hesitant and a little scared going into this quarter after reading his poor RMP reviews, but honestly he's the best lecturer I've had. He engages the class, promotes collaboration, and genuinely breathes life into the material. If you have the chance take him. Also, his grading scale is amazing.

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MATH3A . 5 Years Ago

The best math teacher I've had so far. He's a gem of a teacher and makes sure to answer questions. Tests are very difficult and unexpected so you better know every small thing before going in. Overall a grade teacher with a great curve that sets you up for success.

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MATH3B . 5 Years Ago

Great professor and whos very underrated. Tests are more difficult and he comes out of nowhere with some of the questions, but he makes up for it with a nice curve. I feel like math at the college is level is hard to explain in through lecture, so I relied a lot on online professors. Still definitely one of the better professors at UCSB.

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

PROs: posts ALL lecture notes (both handwritten and PowerPoint) to GauchoSpace; very helpful during 1-on-1 time; a solid understanding of MATH 3B & 4A concepts guarantees at least a B. CONS: expect every midterm question to be either a worst-case-scenario question, a computational chaos, or just a straight up curveball that was never even discussed

18 helpful 1 unhelpful
MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Actual gem of a man. Loved this class and I honestly genuinely will miss it.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Great professor first time didnt use the textbook and understood everything from the lecture. As long as you understand the slides youre good to go.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

It's hard not to recommend Kelz. His classes are easy and take minimal effort if you show up and pay attention during lectures. That said, I didn't really like 4B. It was pretty uninteresting. Still, if you have to take 4B, do yourself a favor at take it with Kelz.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

I do recommend his math 4B. Do homework and understand his slides then you will get A. Also I do recommend the TA, called David. He is patient and nice. Pay time and get A exactly !

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Deserves a higher rating, First math class where I didn't need to read textbook to get an A.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

Professor Kelz was an incredible lecturer who put allot of effort into teaching students creative and interesting methods for solving DEs. I really enjoyed his lectures and found that it was much more useful to really learn what he taught in lecture then to read the book. REALLY pay attention in lecture and you will ace the test.

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MATH4B . 5 Years Ago

He is a cool professor. Grades in a 6 points scale. so basically 78% is an A. Go for it.

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MATH3B . 5 Years Ago

His class is not easy, but he does explain everything. He solves problems on the board during lecture and then posts those exact solutions from class online. What more could you want in a Math course?

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MATH3B . 5 Years Ago

I did not like Kelz at all. His lectures were always unclear and his tests were way harder than expected. He made the material 10x harder than it should have been.

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