Rate My Professors (279)

MATH4B . Porter M J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Professor Porter can sometimes be a bit monotone during lecture, but if you look past that, his lectures are extremely clear, with concise notes that have downloadable templates for them before class, and are uploaded after class. He provides a ton of resources to help with his class, and his homework helps you get very prepared for tests.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Did not go to a single lecture because they are really boring. Just watched his online video notes which covered the material well. The tests are fairly easy as long as you watch the lectures.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I love porter

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MATH4B . Porter M J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

speaks to monotone and quiet during lectures; relied more on his online notes and lectures. Homework is a bit hard and time-consuming. Midterms and finals are basically based off his exams/final reviews, so those really help. You also get to use a notecard during the exams. If you understand the concept well enough, you're set.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Porter is a good teacher, but his exams were nothing like the study guides he assigned. The midterms and final had very few questions (>10), so it was hard to get a good score. I am typically very good at math (I got an A in Math 3A), but this class was extremely difficult for me. It will likely be the lowest grade I've received at UCSB so far.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Be prepared for the light voice of this professor. He literally whispered in vocal fry which makes it harder to recognize... Learned nothing from him. MATH4B itself is not a difficult course, he makes it difficult. Self-teaching is what you need if you choose to take his course.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

He is a nice person, but lectures are very hard to follow along to. He just works through example problems very quickly during the entire lecture without explaining how to do the concept first. His lectures are very monotone and it is hard to hear what he is saying. You're better off watching youtube videos than going to lectures.

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MATH2A . Porter M J 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

best math professor i've ever had

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MATH2A . Porter M J 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

I rated him 5 as a person but as a professor, he is impossible to learn from. The lectures are only offered twice a week at 8 am and the way he teaches is bent over a podium talking in a very monotone voice, which is painful at 8 am. Not much to learn from him, I learned more from calculus youtube videos than what I learned going to his lectures.

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MATH2A . Porter M J 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Lectures are not mandatory, but helpful in learning the material. Porter is very accessible through email or office hours, and explains concepts very clearly and thoroughly. Exams were pretty easy and similar to practice exams. He is very accommodating (exam 2 and final exam were take home due to the TA strike) and just a nice person in general!

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MATH3B . Porter M J 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

The lectures were not useful, simply copied down the problem, not learning how to solve it. The homework was difficult and long. However, his grading policy was extremely easy, dropped 2 out of the 3 exams. Long story short: Am I still completely lost when it comes to Calculus? Yes. Did I get an A in the class despite this? Yes.

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MATH2A . Porter M J 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

I'm pretty bad at math but prof Porter was super good and easy to understand! I would definitely take him again. His grading was super fair and the exam review problems were very similar to the tests.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Professor Porter is one of the best math instructors I have ever come across at any of the universities I have been to. He explains everything in detail in a step-by-step way that helps you understand how and why every part of a problem is solved. Tests are usually fair, and as long as you go to lecture and do problems at home you'll be just fine.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

easy to get a high score. The exams will be easy if you can complete all the assignments successfully.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Sometimes lectures in a monotone voice, but overall easy to understand and pretty lenient on grades. Dropped our lowest 2 out of 3 exam scores so the final was optional due to the strike, as well as a few more homework assignments than originally stated. Posts lecture notes on Gauchospace too, as well as other resources.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Exactly what you want from a good professor

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MATH2A . Porter M J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

If you have the option, TAKE PORTER. Best decision ever. He is extremely nice and easygoing. His lectures were clear to understand. Make sure to try and get high scores on all your webworks as your grade depends on the homework and exams mostly.

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MATH2A . Porter M J 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Great professor! Super approachable, very nice about questions and all. The tests were super straightforward -- easier than the webwork and around the same as the review assignments. The class was relatively difficult, especially if you've never done calculus before, but definitely doable if you put the work in.

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MATH3B . Porter M J 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Definitely take him if you have the option. The tests are very similar to the review worksheets and are super easy. Homework completion is important. Overall, awesome and very considerate professor.

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MATH2A . Porter M J 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Math 2A is difficult if you have minimal pre-calculus experience, but doable. If you need help, utilize his office hours along with math lab and CLAS. Lectures are not mandatory, but would highly recommend attending, 8 am makes it easy to skip, but going will save your grade.

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MATH4B . Porter M J 2 Years Ago

Easy grader. Boring lectures, though.

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MATH34B . Porter M J 2 Years Ago

The HW was a lot but it represented 50% of our grade and the lowest score was dropped. This class is a surprisingly easy A as long as you put in the work.

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MATH34B . Porter M J 2 Years Ago

If you are given an option to take Porter, TAKE HIM!! He makes the class very easy, all you have to do is watch/attend lecture, do webwork, take 2 midterms, and final. The tests were online and super easy too like the review worksheets. The prof is such a great lecturer, a little monotone, but explains math very well and is overall such a nice prof

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MATH2B . Porter M J 2 Years Ago

Took it during Winter 22 and the midterms and final exam were online. Lecture attendance doesn't matter but section attendance does count.

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