Rate My Professors (130)

109C . Gainer M J 7 Years Ago

Gainer is an incredible teacher. He teaches a tough course but I learned more from him in one Ochem quarter than I did the entire year with other teachers. I think I lived in his office hours and it truly paid off, he for sure bumped my grade. He wants to see an effort and if he sees you are trying he will really help you.

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109A . Gainer M J 7 Years Ago

he's awesome truly.

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 7 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Gainer's lectures because he has a very systematic approach to working through ochem problems. You will not learn concepts in class, you must read before lectures. Don't memorize, it won't help, the trick to ochem is knowing all the exceptions to the rules, and that comes with practice problems. Large curve, 80% got me an A.

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CHEM109C . Gainer M J 7 Years Ago

Dr. Gainer was the best OChem professor I had. He gets a lot of hate because his tests are hard, but he, unlike the other teachers, wants you to actually UNDERSTAND the material, not just memorize it. If you take the time to understand ochem, there is very little you actually have to memorize. His lectures were organized and he is well spoken.

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109C . Gainer M J 7 Years Ago

The first two midterms were extremely fair. You just had to put in the time and do all of the book problems. The final was also extremely fair, except for one twelve point mech that no one got. If you are going to take Gainer, make sure you have a lot of time. He just goes off the book, but attendance is required, which was very frustrating

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Midterm exam was so much easier than the final exam. The class is not as scary as everyone makes it seem. The labs are very easy and repetitive and the class is graded on a heavy curve. Quizzes are pretty difficult, but there are a lot of components that comprise of your grade (quizzes, lab reports, miderm, final, lab work, lab practical).

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109A . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Listen. If you can get an A in this class (ridiculously hard), you could get an A in Bruice with way less effort. If you can get an A in Bruice, you might barely get a B in this class lol. This is way harder professor, 0 old exams or practice exams, way harder exams, and require way more knowledge. He is not an amazing lecturer, and goes fast.

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109A . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Hardest course I've taken so far. Get the e-book and bring your computer to the class since Gainer is basically repeating the book and his pace is way too fast to write everything down. The average for tests is 53% and they are long & hard. I ended up getting an A with overall 79%. Just feeling really lucky since it shows the curve is not too bad.

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109C . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

I took 109C during Summer 2015 and it was okay. I like him better than Bruice but Aue is still the best ochem prof. in my opinion. I feel like this class was more chill during summer and he even offered extra credit. I did a little above average on both midterms. I thought the final was easy & straightforward but I didn't really study so I got a D.

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109A . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Contrary to what people say, Gainer really isn't that great of a lecturer. He spends the first 2-3 weeks reviewing things we know already from Chem 1A/B/C and then whizzes past new and complicated concepts at the end of the quarter - by the end of the quarter, nobody ever understood anything he was talking about because of the pace of the class.

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109A . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Anyone who says Gainer is a bad lecture-er just didn't read before class. And that's the thing about Gainer -- you need to read the sections BEFORE coming to class or else you won't know what he's talking about. His midterms are do-able if you do the book problems and the final is tricky, expect averages around 50-60%. Tremendous beneficial curve.

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Do not pick Gainer over Bruice. He is not an amazing lecturer at all. He moves extremely quickly and expects you to study a lot on your own. His exams are way harder than Bruice, and you'll be expected to know a lot more. Don't listen to the lmao just need to know concepts, when ppl say that it means u have to know inside and out, to barely do well

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109A . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

He lectures so fast it's impossible to keep up, writes on the board and then erases it, so if you miss it it's gone forever. Work on your speed writing skills if you wanna pass this class. Offers no resources or help for preparing for test, completely blindsides you with questions you've never seen before. Pray for that curve

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109A . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Dr. Gainer does a really good job but there's just so much material that it's impossible for him to cover it all in class. Read the textbook and do the problems! Going to class will help you (especially those i-clicker points) but it's basically just a repeat of the reading with some clarification of hard parts. Tests vary from difficult to insane.

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109C . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

idk what half the people on here are talking about. Gainer isnt the worst professor but hes not the best thats for sure. His lectures are so fast and he constantly messes up his own notes that CLAS tutors had to always correct him. Midterms not that bad but his final was completely absurd. His final is the reason I got a D in the class

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CHEM109C . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Chem 109C was not my favorite class but I managed to get a B. The first two midterms were very easy, I got an A on the first one and a B on the second one. The final was very difficulty. I failed the final but got a B in the course. Be ready to do HW because those questions show up on the midterms sometimes and do book problems because they show up

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 8 Years Ago

Ochem is hard no matter what, but Gainer gets you through it. Very dynamic lecturer and really cares about his students. 2 midterms + final, and online homework. Definitely preferred over Bruice.

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CHEM109C . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Literally worst OChem teacher. 1010 would not recommend. His tests are so hard and random.

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109C . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Dr. Gainer is by far the best ochem instructor at UCSB. His lectures are very clear and organized and he's always willing to help. I didn't have him for 109A and 109B, but you wish you did! He also makes video tutorials, which are helpful in reviewing the chemistry. Definitely one of the amazing professors at UCSB.

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

He is a very clear lecturer and his tests are precisely what he lectures onwhat he tells you to cover in the book. If you do the book problems and read the chapters you will do fine, even if you feel like you are failing, because his curve is really high. I think he is a much better teacher than Bruice having taken both professors.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

You have to go to lecture because all the quizzes are based off of what he says. He is very enthusiastic and helpful though.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

He is a pretty good professor but his tests and quizzes are pretty tough. He is extremely handsome. Those blue eyes are to die for ;)

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Morgan Gainer is a must-take for pre-meds. Yes, he is challenging, more-so than Bruice is, but he will make you learn O-Chem until you can recite every mechanism in your sleep, which is good for the MCAT. He will help you learn, and the book is my 2nd bible. His curve is MASSIVE, the rumors are true. Don't take him just for the curve. My 77% A-

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CHEM109A . Gainer M J 9 Years Ago

Gainer is a fantastic lecturer. He's engaging and allows for students to ask questions. He follows the textbook closely so you can and will use the textbook a lot. Get the solutions manual if you can. CLAS is great, I had Rachel she was great. The tests are challenging. Memorization from textbook won't get you an A, practice lots of problems

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