Rate My Professors (130)

CHEM109AH . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

Gainer has given fair quizzes and final, which was adequately challenging to give me some incentive to put in effort while not ruining my grade. His curve was surprisingly PHAT - got an A+ with an A- raw score. Forming a study group is kind of important in this course.

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CHEM109AH . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

Lectures are OK, I wish he would put in like 1% more effort into giving recommended book problems to guide us. Quizzes and exams are super tough but the curve was great (in person my 89 was an A+). I just got the sense that he didn't care as much as other professors. Funny guy though. Use the organic chemistry tutor on youtube, textbook is trash.

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CHEM109AH . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

Gainer is really great at explaining confusing topics and making ochem as accessible and easy to comprehend as possible. His notes are hard to understand without attending lectures. He is also helpful during office hours. This is a difficult class but Gainer doesn't assign busy work and his worksheets/quizzes are straightforward.

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CHEM109AH . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

Tests were every other week and were fair. Gainer is good prof but the class goes very fast and can be difficult to follow. If you miss something in class its also hard to go back as his notes are very confusing to understand.

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CHEM109AH . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

Gainer is good at making things clear. He's very patient cares every individuals.

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CHEM109AH . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

Gainers tests were very fair, although this is to say that they werent difficult. For honors ochem, he was a very good professor and explained the material very well. He makes sure you actually understand what you are learning rather than just memorizing.

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CHEM109AH . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

Everyone gives Gainer a bad rating. OChem is just a really hard class, and they are mad they are struggling. Gainer is a great teacher, incredibly approachable and knowledgable. He won't give you anything you didn't earn. If you read the suggested readings, do the end of chap problems, and attend lecture, you will most def get an A.

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CHEM109C . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

109C is a TOUGH class. Taken summer of 2021, last online quarter due to the pandemic. The class was graded by weekly quizzes, 1 final exam (worth 2 quizzes, and same difficulty), HW, and class participation. If you spend the time to READ THE TEXTBOOK/watch lectures, you can do well. Gainer is fair (not easy), and available for many OH. Small Curve.

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OCHEM109A . Gainer M J 2 Years Ago

Took this class in 2014. Lost my best friend and roommate during the Isla Vista Shootings. Went into Gainer's office to plead for accommodations and sympathy, he failed me and I had to retake this course.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

Professor Gainer does not care about his students. Your entire grade and experience will depend on which TA you get which is really sad. The TAs will take off points even if you're right to maintain a curve. Professor Gainer looked over my reports and promised me points back for things I got right the first time. He never fixed my grades or replied

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

If it wasn't for the curve, I'd have failed. This class made me rethink my chemistry degree. It was like he wanted to make things difficult on purpose, shortening testing windows, never giving rubrics for assignments, and overall adding rules that only make online learning as awful as people imagine.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

man is on a power trip

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

6AL is a hard class but Gainer does try to make it easier for everyone. There are tons of prerecorded videos to explain challenging concepts more in depth and there are weekly lecture meetings for even more practice. Your grade mostly depends on your section; as long as you get 10% above the average you'e going to get an A.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

Dr. Gainer seems friendly, but truly does not care deep down. Wifi was down and he wouldn't give me an extension for a quiz. The course has many weird "rules" and the instructions for labs are unclear. Way too harsh grading on labs. Reverse curve; grades down (idk why). As whole, he makes the course unreasonably hard just because it is online.

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109B . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

I'm bad at chemistry and get confused. So, if you are as well then I would recommend getting him but you need to spend time on his videos. they are semi helpful, lectures tell u what's on the exam. You need to study to pass. He's a good teacher who makes it basic to understand but if you are like me u need further help than this. Exam is extreme

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

He makes a LAB hell. I don't know how its possible that he's made the lab quizzes so difficult that they are more difficult than the chem series itself. My section's averages range in the 60s for quizzes and lab reports and that just goes to show how the class is. I have never felt like such an idiot elsewhere, like I do when I take his quizzes.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

Definitely worthless person in the Chem department here. Quizzes are unreasonably difficult, maintained a 4.0 throughout first 2 years, yes A in ochem, and 6AL is just a whole beast. Impossible to understand the criteria, does not respond to emails, least caring professor I've met. Wish they could change the instructor. Good luck all you pre-meds

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

I have dysgraphia and he would not let me type up my lab reports. I ended up changing majors because I could not get past the 6XL series due to this. I really wish the administration would do something about this.

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CHEM6BL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

I have taken many hard professors but he takes the cake. Weird deadlines, weird rules. The class is full of absolutes. The curve is down not up. I had a 80% raw score on the final and ended up with a 67% after the curve. DO NOT TAKE HIM IF THERES ANOTHER OPTION>

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CHEM6ALBL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

Took gainer for 6AL and 6BL online during COVID. I would recommend taking him during COVID as the web final is less scary (only worth 6-8% of your grade). There were weekly quizzes (6-7 quizzes). Quizzes are moderate difficult, need to study well and you will do well. Lab report were a lot of work, GO TO YOUR TA OFFICE HOUR AND ASK WHAT THEY WANT.

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CHEM109C . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

Took this class during the summer 2020. He made sure there was a final and did not curve the class. Only dropped one quiz even though syllabus said two (very misleading). Quizzes are hard and based on videos and what he says. Wish he was more understanding. Spring quarter 2020 he didn't give previous quarter a final AND curved. good luck

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CHEM109C . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

I had Gainer for 109C and for Chem6AL. I thought he did a really good job transitioning the courses to online learning on such short notice. Both classes require a lot of hard work, but he was always willing to answer questions. Lab was only miserable because I had an awful TA. I have had Bruice, Read, and Gainer and Gainer was my favorite.

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CHEM6AL . Gainer M J 3 Years Ago

So many things wrong with this professor and class. Curves down (people were curved down entire letter grades), not empathetic yet makes several mistakes himself, isn't clear about assignment requirements or grading criteria, never answers his email, quizzes are too difficult, does not explain the material enough. I could go on for ages.

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CHEM6BL . Gainer M J 4 Years Ago

This review may be biased, due to the temporary shift to online instruction. The lab class was enjoyable, and I learned a lot, even though I could not be there to do the experiments. Dr. Gainer clearly tried his best to accommodate the CHEM 6BL students. Be sure to go to office hours to address any concerns about grading or lab concepts.

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