
Rate My Professors (39)

DEVELOP105 . 8 Years Ago

I took developmental at CC but Professor Corpuz's class seemed more relevant to today. The material is mostly new stuff (like epigenteics) that I did not get anywhere else. He is very clear in lecture and in a auditorium with hundreds of people, he still made time for Q/A. He's engaging and very inviting and I really enjoyed going to lecture.

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PSYCH105 . 8 Years Ago

The class did not cover much about child development. Most of the research articles we had to read did not agree with any other texts that I have read in other courses or even for leisure. Lectures were clear but subversive. No room for disagreement. No room for common sense. I was highly interested in the topic, until this course.

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PSYCHOLOGY143 . 9 Years Ago

Randy is a great teacher and I liked the way he teaches classes. I think his examples really helped learn.

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PSY143 . 9 Years Ago

The class was easy in my opinion but I know two people that got a C. It's one of those classes where if you think the material is interesting, his lectures get you really excited about biology (which I used to hate!!!) and you end up googling more on the things he says because it's all fascinating. If not, then it's probably harder.

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PSYCH143 . 10 Years Ago

Go to lecture. The material is scary hard when reading the pdfs but his lectures were gold. Alot of his slides are just 1 huge picture and then he talks for 10 minutes about the topic, takes some getting used to but its really cool because you leave realizing you actually paid attention and get it now instead of teachers that read off slides

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PSY143 . 10 Years Ago

Got an A! whew. Everyone bombed the 1st quiz and i think he made it hard as like a warning. It was cool that when people started reading that the class turned into a huge discussion. There were like 80 people and he knew names and stopped alot to force people to think. ALways stopped for questions. Very cool class and awesome way to end college.

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PSYCH143 . 10 Years Ago

First time I ever wanted to leave a review but 143 was the most interesting class I've taken at UCSB. He assigns a ton of reading and the quizzes were hard but the exams were fair. Its a very different type of pscyhology so it might not be for everyone. I learned a ton though.

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PSYCH143 . 10 Years Ago

too many videos. id prefer him lecture instead bc he makes it easier to understand then all the clips; ask him alot of questions because he can explain things pretty clear and that helped for test

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PSY143 . 10 Years Ago

Class was legit. Every topic was superinteresting and made me look at psych in a whole new way. Espcec the mating stuff it. Took P/NP cuz I thought itd be hard, but wasnt that bad.

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PSY105 . 10 Years Ago

Easy class and he made it impossible to not do well. Lots of videos help learn the stages.

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PSY143 . 10 Years Ago

Don't take this if you don't like things from bio or evolution psych. I thought it was a class on how we could improve relationships but it was all about research. i thought the class was hard because i never knew what to study. His lectures are interesting but it's hard to learn since he assume everyone is biopsych. He helps alot in office hours.

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PSY143 . 10 Years Ago

Randy is hilariously witty and smart. I loved this class, which consisted of a midterm, final, and fairly easy quizzes. I come from a biopsych background so maybe it was easier for me -got 100% on the midterm. tests/quizzes were based on lectures so if you show up and listen you're set! And the material is so interesting it makes you want to go

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PSY143 . 11 Years Ago

I don't think the class was easy at all. Too much info to expect us to remember. topics are interesting but there's too much content especially since no text. You pretty much have to go to every class cuz a lot of the grade is on the quizzes and those were no joke. He seems like a nice guy, but the class could be more clear.

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PSY143 . 11 Years Ago

I loved this class!!! Quiz grades count for 30% and they're unannounced but he kinda drops hints if you're paying attention. He's really smart and funny too and class is taught with funny stories that make the stuff real. Made me think about evolution a lot more when it comes to dealing with people.

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PSY143 . 11 Years Ago

Cool class. Nicest prof I've had so far in psych, actually seems to care about people doing well and understanding. Tests were easy if you go to class. He posts slides but the material is not easy to learn solo. He talks a lot about his own stuff. Big part of grade is pop quizzes which helps most unless you don't go to class. Helps in office hours

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