Rate My Professors (321)

1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Alright Gentlepeople... 1A SURVIVAL GUIDE: 1. Attend class for iClicker points! 2. Get Aleks done EARLY in the week. 3. Work out a manageable schedule for book problems. DON'T OVERWHELM YOURSELF! 4. MISTAKES ARE OK! 5. He will LITERALLY copy/paste problems from practice exams & book problems. DO THEM. 6. Use CLAS, OH, Organic Chem. Tutor on YT!

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Professor Joseph cares about his students and wants them to pass. His lectures are uninteresting and difficult to follow, though it isn't his fault that chemistry is such an awful subject. Do all the assigned book problems at the pace he recommends and do all the practice tests before each midterm/final and you should be fine.

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1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I've never taken AP chem so I had a really hard time keeping up with all of the material. Joseph's lectures really helped me grasp the concepts and I think I would be really lost just looking through the notes and textbook without him. Just do the practice tests and book problems, go to CLAS, and study

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Worth going to lectures even if you don't pay attention so you can get iclicker points to skip Aleks. Only bad thing about this course is Aleks, it is a unique type of hell that you must experience to appreciate. If you've done AP chem, this course is very straightforward.

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1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Prof Crisjoe is super nice. It might just be chem 1a in general but it felt as though Aleks took up way too much time and didn't actually help me when it came to learning. Definitely do not miss lecture or you will fail the course. This is a weeder class so don't stress if you fail and have to retake it.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Hes great. Grind out Chem book problems and youll be alright

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1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

he is a good professor that rewards hard work and understanding of the material, go to class and make sure to do assigned additional book problems and previous exams and tests should be fine.

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1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Lectures were some of the best lectures I've ever listened to. EVERY single topic was presented clearly. His office hours are so helpful and he answers every question without fail. Tests are almost 80% based on practice exams which he posts online, and the other 20% is book problems. Work on book problems EVERY day for at least 1 hour to get an A.

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1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Joseph is a very great professor. Very clear lectures with all key points on slides. Practice exams help a lot. Clearly answers every single question you ask. I hate chem but I really love Joseph.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

If you want to have a shot at passing gen chem, take Joseph. He was straight up with you from the very first day of class: come to lectures, do the book problems to the point where you have them memorized, don't fall behind. You'll get the hang of the way he tests, too. Reuses A LOT of past test questions, literally got a 100 on the final.

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1A . Joseph C A 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

TAKE JOSEPH FOR GEN CHEM SERIES!! That's the best advice you can get. He was considerate, always answered emails quickly, truly cared for his students, lectured well, and was just genuinely an amazing professor for a hard class.

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CHEM1ABC . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

He is very straightfoward with his exams. If you just do the practice exams and book problems then it you are almost guaranteed to get at least a decent grade. Ive never gone to lecture in person and only watch his videos and still get good information. I email him questions and he responds within a day usually and he is super nice and funny

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

This was my second time taking chem1A and the first time I had Price who was a great professor, but I actually like how Joseph taught better. I feel like Price's lectures were too fast which lead to me being confused, but Joseph takes his time and makes sure you understand what is going on. I definitely recommend him over any chem professor.

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1ABC . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

I love Professor Joseph I had him for the entire gen chem series and I don't regret it at all. With enough effort and thoroughly understanding the concepts by going to lecture and reading the textbook, it's a very straightforward class. UNDERSTAND THE BOOK PROBLEMS GO TO CLAS GO TO LECTURE and you'll be ok.

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CHEM1BC . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Solid professor. An A is possible if you put the time and effort, pay attention to his lectures, do all the book problems (even more than once, I did the ones I didn't understand over and over until it clicked), do the practice tests/quizzes 2-3 times. Exams are fair game, they're always problems you've seen before.

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CHEM1C . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

All of gen chem sucks and all of the teachers are difficult, but Joseph is engaging in his lectures and you can tell he cares about his students. The tests were hard but just study a lot more than you think you need to. Do the book problems multiple times because he uses some of them on the tests, and keep up with ALEKS.

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Chem itself is always going to be super hard, but taking Joseph can definitely make it feel a little easier. Although he does put hard book problems on the midterms, his lectures and especially lecture videos are well explained and easy to understand. His office hours are extremely helpful since he essentially teaches the book problems.

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1C . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

I had Joseph for the whole gen chem series and I absolutely loved his class. If you want to do well, you have to put in a lot of time and effort. You don't really need to read the textbook as long as you go to the lecture. If you want to do well, do the book problems at least once. Also, take advantage of CLAS and office hours.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Having taken Price, Joseph, and Mercy for the gen chem series, Prof. Crisjoe "it is on the money" Joseph was the best by far. He has clear & easy to understand ~15 minute videos for every topic, allowing you to learn at your own pace and not miss any information. He makes it clear what is important to know for the exam and never tries to trick you.

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Prof Joseph is great, teaches straight to the point. At first, I thought he did not go in depth enough, but compared to other professors, he's able to take a complicated topic and make it easier to understand. I used his youtube videos even when I wasn't in his class. His office hours are also very helpful, and his tests mirror the book problems.

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

I miss Joseph so much. You don't know how good something is until you let it go :( I LOVED his lectures. I was too lazy to do book problems but I always understood his lectures enough to get C+s on midterms with no book problems. He jsut teaches so well and has great lecture videos online too!! He's really kind and his office hours r very helpful!

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Joseph's expectations are really transparent, which is do your HW, do book problems, and before exams take a look at previous exams. The exams are literally just book problems and problems pulled from previous exams, except with a number or 2 changed. His lectures were pretty clear to me, though if you missed something he has recorded videos too.

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CHEM1BC . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Amazing professor, better than Price. He is an interactive lecturer so you can always ask questions. Exams are always based on book problems and previous exam and quiz questions, so do them all multiple times. Took him and got an A in Chem 1B and am currently in his Chem 1C.

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1A . Joseph C A 2 Years Ago

Very nice person!

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