Rate My Professors (326)

CHEM1B . Joseph C A A Month Ago

Crisjoe is an excellent lecturer who explains concepts clearly. His tests are challenging, so stay on top of the recommended textbook problems and practice exams. Unstuckstudy AI was a lifesaver for preparing - highly recommend combining it with the other study tips.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 2 Months Ago

Expectations for the class are super clear and there's so many resources to use if you need help, which you probably will. This class is definitely the definition of easy classwork, harder homework, and even harder tests especially if you don't do the book problems. You'll get what you put in this class. Joseph is super nice and easy to understand.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 2 Months Ago

Joseph really does care about his students. He wants us to feel confident in chemistry and acknowledges how hard the material is. Huge emphasis on book problems, which I did not really enjoy. I recommend him especially if you have good foundational chem knowledge from high school (he builds off AP Chem well). Final's hard, midterms are moderate.

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 3 Months Ago

Joseph does a fantastic job at making difficult concepts appear somewhat understandable. Provides recorded lectures that I would watch before class, but you should 100% still attend lecture. Do ALL the book problems, there's a lot so find a way to schedule it in. Try to understand WHY each step is done in the problems too. Keep up w/ mirco goals!

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 3 Months Ago

Crisjoe is awesome! However, he will teach you the art of hard work and dedication to chemistry, especially if you haven't taken AP Chem. He really makes you understand not only HOW to do the problems, but WHY you're doing them. Incredibly difficult, but I believe worth it. DO BOOK PROBLEMS!

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 5 Months Ago

Crisjoe is by far the best lecturer in the chemistry series. However, his tests are the hardest. I have sylvester now and joseph has everything SO organized. I am still watching his youtube lectures for 1c. WATCH THEM. before each lecture and as a review. He is so caring, understanding, and kind. Everyone loves Crisjoe! Tough class

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1A . Joseph C A 5 Months Ago

most heinous tests imaginable. Great lecturer but tests are way hardee than other professors.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 5 Months Ago

Huge tip: Watch the lecture vids and take notes before class, then go to lecture and just listen to him talk while annotating. Exams are very difficult and require you to not just know HOW to do every problem but to actually know WHY you are doing it. If you do all book probs and practice tests + pay attention in class you'll do great.

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 5 Months Ago

I LOVE JOSEPH GENTLEPEOPLE. Silly and uses real-life metaphors/situations that make us laugh but also help connect to material. He lectures a bit fast in terms of slide speed but everything is posted. He takes the time for questions & answers them. DO ASSIGNED BOOK PROBLEMS AND HIS PRACTICE TESTS! he takes questions directly off of them.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 5 Months Ago

Chem 1B is a hard class but Joseph makes it very easy to manage. He has very clear lectures and posts slides for every single chapter. There are 2 midterms and a final, with the lowest midterm replaced by the final if it helps you. He's the best general chem teacher in my opinion.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 5 Months Ago

GOAT. Do the ALEKS! It will do nothing but help your grade and help you learn the content. Do his book problems, they will prepare you for the exams! Joesph is a fantastic lecturer and just a fantastic guy generally.

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 6 Months Ago

Gentlepeople, chem is a difficult subject no matter who your prof is. However, Joseph is a good lecturer and the class is structured fairly. The midterms are 25% and the final is 30% but the final may replace your lowest midterm. ALEKS (hw) can be annoying but is very manageable. If you do the book problems and practice tests, you will succeed.

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 6 Months Ago

I had Joseph for 1A and 1B, and he was a great professor for both! He has a way of explaining concepts in the easiest way to understand. Chem is hard no matter who you have, but Joseph is def the best. Like 1A, his 1B tests are heavy on book and practice test problems, so study those well. Would've gotten an A if i didn't bomb the final lol

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CHEM1B . Joseph C A 6 Months Ago

i took joseph for 1A and 1B and the class is obviously hard but you can tell joseph genuinely wants everyone to do well. i really like his lecture style and also just think he's a good person as well as prof. while chem is hard i believe the grade you get in his class reflects the work you put into it and i would recommend joseph 100%

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CHEM1AB . Joseph C A 6 Months Ago

Dr. Joseph is definitely one of the best chem lecturers ever. Very nice and accessible outside of class. However, it is hard to get an A in his class. Midterms were calculation focused, but the final is more concept focused, which made it a lot harder. If you took AP Chem, you will do okay. But you need to build a deeper understanding to get an A.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 6 Months Ago

Joseph is a good professor for those who have a strong background in chemistry. His tests are hard, and he is a very big fan of book problems, but you will most likely succeed in his class if you have taken AP chemistry or are passionate about chemistry. I didn't do well in his class, but it was because his teaching style wasn't for me personally.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 6 Months Ago

Chem 1A with Joseph was very nice. He was a solid lecturer and loved answering questions for students after class. Do the book problems (like every book problem. He has a youtube channel with all of his lectures for Chem 1A-C (theyre identical). Lowest midterm is replaced by the final, and the final is pretty easy compared to midterms.

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1A . Joseph C A 6 Months Ago

i love joseph, he was amazing for chem 1A. made me love chemistry and consider being a chem major, im in sylvester now and i wish everyday i could go back. miss you joseph

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 7 Months Ago

Joseph is not a bad professor, but I do think for the way I learn he just wasn't for me. He is super quick and makes tests hard on purpose, and for me I get anxious and overwhelmed during test taking. I would highly suggest taking the beginners chem class unless you have taken AP Chem or have chemistry background. He is BIG on book problems!!

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1A . Joseph C A 7 Months Ago

Lectures were easy to understand. Great at explaining the material.

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CHEM1A . Joseph C A 7 Months Ago

Chem is a hard class but Joseph is a very good professor and I'm grateful I had him. He posts lecture notes, assigns book problems that are very similar to the exams and gives you practice exams on canvas with worked out answers.

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1A . Joseph C A 7 Months Ago

Very conceited and pretentious . Not good at explaining anything also writes little notes the chalkboard. I asked question in class and he was rude about them. Not nice didn't enjoy his class.

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1A . Joseph C A 7 Months Ago

The dude's a great guy. He's laidback and easy to talk to. He goes at a slower pace to make sure everyone understands. Whenever you ask a question he doesn't make you feel stupid. Two midterms and a final and the final replaces a midterm score if it helps you. He grades the entire class on a curve at the end of the quarter.

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CHEM1ABC . Joseph C A 7 Months Ago

Gentlepeople, this class should be relatively easy if you attend lectures and do the book problems. I don't understand why this course has such a high difficulty rating. Love, Crisjoe Joseph :3

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