Rate My Professors (364)

CHEM1ACHEM1B . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Professor Price is one of the best professors I've had. His lectures are clear and concise and he knows what he's talking about. The exams are fair as long as you do the book problems and practice exams. He gives you all the tools you need to succeed, you just need to take advantage of them!!

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1B . Price S P 2 Years Ago

I loved Price. Best professor at this school. He is so clear and concise.

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CHEM1B . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Fantastic teacher! The gen chem series is meant to be challenging, but he does a great job at breaking it down. He really gives you everything you need to succeed, it is just a matter of whether or not you are willing to do the work. Definitely take his class!

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Was really nice and was a great teacher. lectures weren't mandatory, but highly recommended. Tests were always harder than what was covered in lecture, so make sure to dedicate time to doing the book problems

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

I've had Price, Sylvester, Anyika, and Joseph for the CHEM1ABC series. Price was by far the best professor with clear, well-paced lectures and very fair exams. He goes through most of the material on the board with supplemental slides which gives you adequate time to take notes and follow along. If you can choose Price, you should.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

The best chem professor there is at UCSB. His lectures are easy to understand and well thought out and at the perfect pace. 3 tests throughout the quarter and one final with 15 mc questions and ~50min. Homework is on ALEKS which sucks. Easy to reach, nice, and understanding prof.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Chemistry is very hard, but Dr. Price did a good job at simplifying it as much as he could. I did badly in the class mostly due to my rocky start at the beginning of the quarter (do the book problems). After experiencing two other chem professors, I realize I truly took Price for granted because he is the easiest of them all by far.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Prof Price's lecture is organized and well structured. He gives right amount of info within 50 mins of class time. Totally digestible. CHEM1A consists 3 midterms, 1 final, and ALEKS. Make sure to do both ALEKS and book problems to prepare for the exams. He also provides practice exams. I did them several times before the real test.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Chem 1A is definitely a difficult course and takes lots of work from your part, but Price definitely helps take off some stress with his care free and chill teaching style. He is really good at going over stuff you're stuck on during his office hours so make sure to ASK FOR HELP. Overall he's a great professor, and the curve at the end helps a ton.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Dr. Price is the best gen chem prof there is. This class is not easy, and in order to succeed you have to go to lecture, and do book problems for each chapter. Seriously they are what prepare you for his exams. You want to fo well on the midterms because his final is annoyingly difficult. The curve is pretty fat, work hard and be consistent.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

An amazing professor that is clear and concise about materials. Explains well and is insightful with students. Caring and understanding atmosphere. Grading scale is standard but as long as you study and ask questions, you will do well in the class.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

I took Price fall quarter and having taken/ hearing about other chem professors he is definitely the best. Super organized, clear, and straightforward with lectures. Tests are hard but so are all chem tests. Great guy.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

his classes are relatively more entertaining than average chem lectures. responsive through email and explains things very well. if you put in the effort you'll ride on the curve and get desired grade. but if you are looking for a easy ge then why are you even considering chemistry

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Price is truly a gem. I walked into this class having forgot everything from high school chemistry, and was super nervous. His lectures and teaching was amazing, and he truly lays a great groundwork of chemistry. This class is difficult, but as long as you do the practice tests/book problems and take good notes you’ll definitely get at least a B!

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Wonderful professor! Concise, straightforward, and fair. Some might say the subject is difficult regardless of who's teaching, but not with Price. This man truly allowed me to grasp basic general chemistry in 10 weeks. Plus, the organization and time management of his lectures was phenomenal. Looking forward to 1B with him!

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

CHEM 1A is a hard class regardless of who you take the course with, but if you're going to take it with anyone Dr. Price is great. His tests are as fair as they come and his lectures are straight to the point. Lectures alone won't help you get a good grade, but as long as you put in the work (book problems!!) you'll see great results. CURVE IS HUGE

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Dr. Price, by far is the most invested and fair teacher I've ever had. His midterms covered everything that was either discussed in the lecture or in the book problems. Even if there were questions that confused me, it was never unfamiliar or completely unseen. Make sure to do book problems before diving into the practice exams!

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

God is real and it is Price. Nothing will humble you quicker than chem at UCSB, but Price is your best bet at making it out alive. His lectures are clear and concise and he is VERY straightforward about how to succeed in his class. Do the book problems and the practice exams and you will be fine. I got As on all of the midterms from that.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Gen chem is hard(!!), but Scott was wonderful and made up for it. He's clear with his expectations, organized, posts lecture videos and power points, and makes lecture enjoyable. Do book problems if you want to succeed, and the lowest midterm is dropped (there's 3 in total).

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Chem is a hard class, but Scott Price is a ray of light in this sea of darkness. I owe this man my life. Lecture is like a gentle kiss on the forehead. I will never go back to a Joseph class, those are like a punch in the nose compared to Price.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

- One of the best professors you can take for gen chem - In-person lectures + recorded lectures makes keeping up with the material doable - 3 midterms (lowest dropped), ALESK, & final make up your grade (curve at the end) - Book problems are a must do to do well in the class - Helpful over email + office hours - An A is very possible!

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Compared to the other chem profs, Price is about as decent of a choice as you can get (at least in the gen chem series). Overall, I didn't resent going to his lectures; he is very organized and determined to make the material clear. Book problems are definitely a must when preparing for exams, so don't take him if you don't want that.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Chem 1a is a difficult class but Price is one of the best choices. His lectures are great, and his midterms are the easiest of the bunch.

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CHEM1A . Price S P 2 Years Ago

Good chem professor and a total cutie. Always made class worth going to

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