
Rate My Professors (87)

MCDB101A . 5 Years Ago

Free response questions were easy as long as you know the slides and listen to lecture/ The problem solving was the hard part of the class but if you're able to do the problems its easy because it doesn't really change overall problem just numbers

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101A . 5 Years Ago

I love Dr. Thrower. His class is very challenging, but you really do read a lot. His reader problems are pretty much the exact type of questions you will see on the exams. His exams are hard but very fair. His lectures can be a tad boring at times, but he is a very chill guy that really cares about his students.

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MCDB101A111 . 6 Years Ago

Doug Thrower honestly changed my life. Probably my favorite prof ever, b/c he's so knowledgable and caring. He has a lot of office hours and makes every effort to help students. I had him for both Genetics&Human Physio and he gave me such a good foundation in/love for both subjects, which will continue to benefit me forever. Thank you Dr. Thrower!

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101A . 6 Years Ago

Very fair professor. He has more office hours than most professors. The lectures are extremely dull but you must go, especially for iclicker questions. You will do well if you really engage and keep up with the material. Ask questions in lecture or through email - he will give a detailed response.

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101A . 6 Years Ago

Loved this class!! Everything you need to know for his tests will be explained very clearly during lecture and if you take good notes you don't need to read the textbook. Slides are mostly diagrams, not words, which helped a lot as far as understanding concepts.

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101A . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Thrower is very difficult. He does not test you on topics only on concepts. Genetics should be taught on a board not through a powerpoint. Take him if you only want unnecessary stress and are ready to teach yourself.

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101A . 7 Years Ago

CLAS is definitely REQUIRED, otherwise you're going to be staring at problems for a really long time. He tests on the notes only, but you have to pay attention in class because he explains the notes further in class. Skipping class is gonna make the class tough because he adds more to the notes and expects you to know it. Very rewarding class.

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101A . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Thrower is all around a great professor. Yes, he can be monotonous at times, but IF you can pay close attention during his lectures, he conveys information well and is all around a solid professor. Tests are fair and are reasonably difficult. You HAVE to attend CLAS however, as actual problem solving methods aren't covered during lecture.

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101A . 7 Years Ago

lectures are so unorganized and tests go far beyond than the material learned in class. must read the book to get a better feel of material. CLAS is the only thing that helped me pass this class. definitely have to work for your grade. look at past exams if you can, they help a lot. would not recommend taking this class with Thrower.

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101A . 7 Years Ago

Dr. Thrower is a nice guy and really cares about his students. However, his lectures are very unorganized and hard to follow. The class is extremely detailed and his tests are hard -- but everything you need, he tells you. CLAS is a must because he relies on them to teach you how to do problems and additional info presented in section. It was meh.

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101A . 8 Years Ago

Great professor. Lectures are long and can be boring because his tone doesn't change but he explains everything very clearly. Office hours are super helpful and CLAS is a must! Class is pretty tough but UNDERSTAND everything on the lecture slides and you should be fine. If you memorize you will not pass. Do all the reader problems.

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MCDB101A . 8 Years Ago

He's really nice in person but his lectures are so boring. He has a pretty monotone voice. Tests are tough, but all of the information you need is on his slides. He doesn't really go over how to do some problem-solving questions, so go to CLAS for that. I didn't enjoy his class but it wasn't as bad as it could have been. He's adequate.

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MCDB101A . 8 Years Ago

He is more willing to help his students than any professor I have had before. He has more office hours than any professor I have ever seen and emails back extremely quickly. Yes the tests are tough, buts it's a hard class. Gives extra credit for iclicker questions, which is awesome. Go to lecture because his lecture slides don't cover everything

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MCDB101A111 . 8 Years Ago

Dr. Thrower is one of the most brilliant professors in MCDB. He knows a little bit about everything and he actually knows everything about human biology. He is insightful and has great stories about his past in biomedical research. Furthermore, he's a genuine man. He cares for his students more than any professor I've had at UCSB.

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MCDB101A . 9 Years Ago

Go to CLAS, do the reader problems, show up to section and you're guaranteed at least a B. If he writes anything at all on the board you know it's going to be a question related to it on an exam. EC Clicker questions!!!

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MCDB101A . 9 Years Ago

Thrower is a good lecturer although sometimes a little boring. I found the course material a bit dull but he includes some interesting facts that help it out. CLAS is a MUST!! Get the reader for CLAS and the course reader. Textbook was almost useless I used it maybe 3 or 4 times so don't buy just check out from library before midterms.

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126A . 9 Years Ago

there's iClickers but lecture is actually useful. typical thrower class where it's hard for him to keep you awake but if you do, he really knows his stuff. he responds to emails pretty well but his TA tends to be useless

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MCDB101A . 9 Years Ago

Thrower is older and has such a smooth voice, at 8am it puts you straight to sleep. This class isn't that bad, I would recommend CLAS 100%! It was a life saver. The material isn't too tough to understand, there's just a lot. Memorize the proteinsenzymes. Tests are free response and multiple choice, and the book isn't really necessary. EC iClicker!

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MCDB108C . 10 Years Ago

Thrower was a fine teacher for biochem C. This was Thrower's first year of teaching biochem in 10 years, so I can see why things weren't so smooth. However, his tests aren't that hard and are VERY fair. The people who complain are lazy students who only wants to know material that will be on the test. Understand the problem sets and you'll be fine!

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MCDB108C . 10 Years Ago

Great for genetics, 101A, but is awful with biochemistry. He constantly second guesses himself, so he appears to not even know the material well. He also seems incredibly disinterested while teaching. His class consists of throwing a ton of information, like pathways and enzyme names, for no apparent reason and no interconnecting themes. Awful.

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MCDB108C . 10 Years Ago

I loved Dr. Thrower for genetics, but this class is absolutely awful and DEATHLY BORING. He sounds like he doesn't even know what he's talking about half the time. Lectures cram in way too much material, so this class involves ridiculous amounts of memorization for pathways that you won't be able to remember 2 days after the test anyway.

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101A . 10 Years Ago

Thrower is an amazing professor. This class is made so simple by CLAS. I kept up with the slides and memorized the mechanisms, NOT every word. I ended up with an A+ by a long shot. You simply just need to put in about 15 hours a week. It scares me to see that people are calling thiss class hard, it's really not. Thrower is the man!

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MCDB101A . 10 Years Ago

His class is not hard if you read his slide and understand what is going on. You also have to attend CLAS and do the practice exams. Other than that, the book and section are not helpful.

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101A . 10 Years Ago

This class is harder than it should be. His lectures are hard to follow. His midterms and finals are insanely hard even when you study because he doesn't actually test you on the info in the book/lecture he tests on what if this or that went wrong? How should I know if you haven't taught it to me and its not in the book? Really frustrating class!

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