
Rate My Professors (227)

ECON2 . 20 Years Ago

Horrible man...yeah, funny if you enjoy lots of racial slurs. Comes to class **** all the time and is an all around ****. Great instructor if you really agree with Reaganomics.

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ECON12 . 20 Years Ago

Crouch is the most qualified teachers I have had at UCSB. He knows his Econ and he will make you know it too. Learn the essay questions and try to make study groups whenever possible. If you go to his office hours don't expect him to be your best friend.

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

Good Professor. You gotta know the essay questions or your screwed. He really knows his stuff

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

Grading system sucks, very curt when you go to office hours.

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

Not the nicest guy, but he gets the point across

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ECON12 . 20 Years Ago

Excellent teacher, interesting lectures, he definitely knows econ. You'll do fine in the class if you just memorize the essay questions he gives you.

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ECON12 . 20 Years Ago

Great teacher!! He knows what he's talking about, and he picks on people!!

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ECON1 . 20 Years Ago

Make flashcards for the essays with a friend. And don't wear a hat in class or he will pick on you. He's hilarious though, one of the only non-liberal professors on campus.

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ECON2 . 21 Years Ago

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ECON12 . 21 Years Ago

Hilarious, vodka-swilling, French-hating old man. Definitely worth a class.

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

This is the best and hardest class you will take at ucsb. You HAVE to come to class to do well but he is very clear if u pay attention and really knows his stuff!plus, his comments are hilarious!!!

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

Hard class but you will learn a lot. Rides a harley, was one of reagans advisors and can be found at the elephant bar having a few drinks before class. He is a very smart man and teaches a difficult class. Study hard!

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

talks too fast and handwriting is aweful but he definitely knows his econ. memorize the farm problem for the first midterm. econ means crouch at ucsb.

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ECONOMICS . 21 Years Ago

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

Just memorize the essays. You have to start studying early, but if you go to lecture and listen carefully, you'll be fine.

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ECON . 21 Years Ago

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

scary to approach, but knows his material! you MUST go to class to do well, but if you listen he explains everything pretty clearly. his comments take a little getting used to, but i found them hillarious.

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

exams are too tough and he talks way too fast. Also, his handwriting could use some improvement.

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ECON12 . 21 Years Ago

Great teacher. Kind of crazy and has been known to cancel morning classes due to hangovers. Brilliant guy and knows his ****.

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

He will either be the best or worst professor you will ever experience. One cannot fully comprehend the UCSB experience without taking this class.

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

He needs to seriously work on his hand writing

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

You'll love him or hate him. Personally I thought he was hilarious as well as being one of my best and fav lecturers.

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ECON1 . 21 Years Ago

His tests are unpassable. he tells you that u should listen, but u cant understand a word he says. good luck, buddy!!!

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ECON2 . 21 Years Ago

Made some pretty ****/**** comments... but hes a smart cookie

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