
Rate My Professors (64)

GEOL1 . 18 Years Ago

Class was way hard to stay awake in. I self taught my material and got one of the higher scores in his class, a C. He ended up have to curve it do to how poorly everyone did. Nice guy, boring class.

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ENVS2 . 19 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors. He is a very smart and funny old man. This class is pretty easy, but you do have to do a term paper. If you go to lecture, he tells you some things that will for sure be on the midterms. I loved this class!!!

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ES2 . 19 Years Ago

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ES2 . 19 Years Ago

Horribly boring class and ineffective lecturer. He's hard to listen to for an hour and half and goes on regular tangents. Not recommended if you just have to take a GE.

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ENVS2 . 19 Years Ago

Keller kicks ass! He is really cool and funny. The tests are a little tough but dont bother with the book, just study the notes.

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ENVS2 . 19 Years Ago

Lectures are rather boring. I fell asleep everyday in class. Somewhat funny guy when I actually manage to stay awake. The textbook is useless (save yourself $120) and just get the AS Notes as the tests are mainly based off of what is said in lecture.

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ENVS144 . 20 Years Ago

He is a lot harder for ES 144 Rivers upper division. Give you 12 questions and use 2 for midterm, heavily on project/fieldwork(50%), take home final. Sucks at lecturing and use his mess lecture notes online. Interesting topic, but a moderate amoun work

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GEOL1 . 20 Years Ago

Go to lecture and section often and make sure to read and you will receive an A. He stives to make it possible.

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GEOLOGY1 . 20 Years Ago

Keller is sweet and teaches a wonderful geology course.

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GEOL1 . 20 Years Ago

Prof. Keller is the man. He makes jokes. Is real funny, and loves class and his students. Calls everyone scholors and really helps out. He gives you questions to the midterm and final which helps alot. Nice Guy!

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ENVS2 . 20 Years Ago

Such a great guy.

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GEOL1 . 20 Years Ago

He's so into his work-its awesome!

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GEO1 . 20 Years Ago

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GEOL1 . 20 Years Ago

A wonderful teacher and a humorous man. It's always relaxing to be at his lectures. The tests and homeworks are fun and entertaining.

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ENVS2 . 21 Years Ago

This class was awesome

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ENVIRONMEN . 21 Years Ago

Very animated and informative

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