
Rate My Professors (64)

ENVS134 . 2 Years Ago

I had Professor Keller online because he was struggling with his health and the entire time he made it clear that he enjoyed teaching the class and was interested in the topics. The nicest older man I have ever met and I honestly feel honored that I was able to take this class. I liked the setup of his class and watching his lectures. I

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ES117 . 2 Years Ago

Ed is the sweetest professor ever! He's very caring and super passionate about any subject he's teaching. I've taken 2 of his classes and the exams are very fair and the homework is not bad if you pay attention in section. I would highly recommend!!

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ES144 . 3 Years Ago

Definitely knowledgable, an easy grader, and made attendance non mandatory which was great for remote pandemic learning. But most boring lectures I have ever had. If the course were in person we would have actually gone to river sites that may have made up for how terrible his lectures are. Would not recommend.

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ENVS144 . 3 Years Ago

Im a hydro major so I took 3 classes with him. I survived fine but he spends 90% of class talking about himself and his research, so Ive basically heard his whole life story multiple times in different classes. This is pretty inefficient to actually cover content, and hes not great at explaining stuff. Nice enough person but not a great teacher.

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ENVS134 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Keller was very understanding as a professor during this pandemic. His lectures weren't mandatory and he was always very friendly and welcoming to all of the students that would show up to class or office hours. He is also a very easy grader so its easy to do well in his class.

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EARTH117 . 4 Years Ago

He talks A LOT and jokes a lot so it's hard to stay focused on what is actually important. But he's pretty funny and the book is interesting. He is easy going and very approachable. Slides are on Gauchospace but they don't always have words, so if you don't go to class, read the book. Writing your essays is the best way to study for MT & final.

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ES134 . 5 Years Ago

Don't take this course w/ Keller. His lectures don't make any sense & his slides have hardly any words. His midterms, labs, and final aren't written in coherent english & include math that he never taught us. The first midterm was so unfair that the TA had to write the 2nd midterm instead so that the whole class wouldn't fail

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ES134 . 5 Years Ago

Do not take coastal processes. He is one of the most boring lecturers and theres two midterms both worth 20% of your grade. The final is worth 30%. It is absolutely ridiculous. The midterms are hard and theres no clear way to actually prepare for them. Professor makes the material not worth taking the class, nice guy but its time for him to retire.

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ENVS134 . 7 Years Ago

Please don't take ENVS 134, Coastal Processes and Management if you don't have to. This class was disappointing. All of the exercises that are group projects. The lectures were poor, Dr. Keller only briefly mentions the things he will test on, and the final had questions that weren't covered anywhere.

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ENVS2 . 8 Years Ago

There's a textbook with lots of reading, but he goes over it in lecture. BEWARE: he doesn't get to it all & with mostly images for slides, you may get lost if you 100% ditch the book. It can be hard to stay focused bc he talks a lot, but he's funny so you get a laugh here and there! Multi choice exams are simple, some tricky q's, but doable.

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EARTH113 . 8 Years Ago

My favorite professor, great character with lots of stories. Very nice outside of class and actually loves being around his students. This class wasn't easy by any means, but what would you expect with "engineering geology" as the title. Homework assignments were tough since they were usually just manipulating physics equations, but tests were fine

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ES2 . 8 Years Ago

Lectures are jam packed with irrelevance. He cant make a valid point to save his life, just insists u buy the book he wrote. Oh and the Tas wont be bothered with your "petty"(actually said this)questions either. Youve been warned. Do yourself a favor and steer clear.

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2 . 9 Years Ago

Keller is a great professor because he is very knowledgable on the subject matter. His lectures can get a tad dry but overall I found them to be interesting. He's really a very funny and friendly professor but he does expect ALOT of work in his sections aka group projects and essays and weekly assignments. Not a bad GE, though.

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ENVS2 . 9 Years Ago

The book alone does not prepare you for these tests. I had to study off practice tests online. Lecture and section are not mandatory nor are they helpful. Group essay due at the end of the quarter. Also comprehension quizzes due before each lecture. Overall, class was super unorganized, professor and TAs included.

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ES2 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Keller's es 2 class was a disaster. Tests focus on unimportant details of case studies presented in the book: information no one knew to study. He had no clue how to lead an informative lecture. His lectures lacked all semblance of any organization. At the end of class he broke the students into "groups" to "discuss" the material.

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ES2 . 9 Years Ago

I love environmental studies but this professor made the class so disorganized and intensive that I learned absolutely nothing. There are 3 online quizzes before lecture each week, question online and question in class, group project, term paper, FIVE MIDTERMS, the lectures are unclear, the tests and textbook are poorly written (too general), .....

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ES2 . 9 Years Ago

This professor assigns 3 chapters of readings every week and each chapter is 30-40 pages long. There were 5 midterms and each midterm covered around 4 Chapters. The final had 100 questions that covered 19 chapters which means that it is impossible to remember all 19 of them to do answer every nitpicky Q. DONT EVER TAKE IT. YOU'RE ASKING FOR DEATH.

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ENVS2 . 9 Years Ago

Environmental Studies is my favorite subject, but sadly this was the worst class I've taken at UCSB. The class is so poorly organized and I honestly felt like my concerns were never recognized or handled well. He is very unhelpful and has little to no clarity in lectures. I also felt that the material was bias. Would never recommend to a friend.

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20479 . 9 Years Ago

This class was the most incoherently structured, poorly taught, most pointless lecture I and my ES major-friends have ever experienced. There is 0 communication between Keller and the TAs, and the 5 midterms are intended to trick and confuse you, no matter how much you study. The lectures are irrelevant. I wouldnt recommend it to any of my friends

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ENVS2 . 9 Years Ago

Lectures are painful. He is very stuck in his ways and unwilling to change based on feedback. He tried to "flip the class," which only resulted in an incredible amount of wasted time in lecture. His tests are unfair and extremely subjective. Lack of communication and agreement between Keller and the TAs. Concerns brought up by the TAs were ignored.

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ENVS2 . 10 Years Ago

This class was sooo painfully boring. I went to lecture maybe twice and passed. Only helpful tool for doing well on the exams is literally the practice questions, about 3/4 of exam questions are straight from that. Lecture is totally pointless as Keller likes to ramble on in a disorganized fashion. Material is easy, kind of like 9th grade bio.

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ES2 . 10 Years Ago

Lecture is pointless. Use practice questions to study for midterms. He creates trick questions even if you think you have the right answers. Whole class was unorganized and the term paper was ridiculous: he expects you to know how to write scientifically even though the majority of students aren't even ES majors. Not worth it and not an "easy A".

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ENVS2 . 10 Years Ago

The lectures are utterly pointless to attend. If you read the chapters(even ones he says to skip because some questions will be from them)and live the practice questions then getting a B/C is easy. The questions on the tests are often trick ones though, so prepared. The paper is annoying and pointless, but a major part of your section grade.

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Lectures are pointless, boring and frustrating. One of his questions on a practice exam was wrong and I brought it up and never got an answer. He gives you practice exams that are almost exactly like the test, except he tricks you on a few. Overall, decently easy class you don't have to go to, except the professor as a lecturer sucks.

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