
Rate My Professors (103)

SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

He's the FONZ of UCSB professors. Check out my Jag! Very knowledgeable. Nonors sections are worthwhile if you can be a part, but try not to get involved with any of his social science experiments in Cmapbell hall...Zzzzzz

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GLOB2 . 19 Years Ago

the best

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Juergens is one of the best professors I had in college. His ability to lead a thoughtful and critical discussion is incredible- be careful, though, he'll keep you on your toes- be prepared in class to answer tough questions.

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SOCIOLOGY . 19 Years Ago

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GLOBAL134 . 19 Years Ago

i worked with jerk-ensmeyer for years, was an honors student under him... he is a **** jerk, so dont expect to get anything from him unless you are a dude who kisses major ass.

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GLOBAL2 . 19 Years Ago

Yah he's funny and charismatic if you're they type who is content to passively absorb information in lecture. If you actually INTERACT (with this #$*!) you'll realize he refuses to wast any of his precious time with undergrads: he's rude but above all DISMISSIVE.

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GLOBAL2 . 19 Years Ago

What can I say about this professor...he inspired me to change my major to Global Studies! He definitely shunned a new light on in my miniscule brain...he taught me about the major issues that r goin on in the world...Great professor...can b cocky at times cuz he knows his stuff....but very respectable too.

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GLOBL2 . 19 Years Ago

If you ever need to take a class just for general ed, make sure to get one with Juerg! Very simple class, and yet you learn a lot at the same time! A pretty eccentric prof., and yeah he's kinda full of himself, but that's why he gets along with everyone. Very knowledgeable in world issues. Readings are pretty interesting as are lectures.

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GLOBALSTUD2 . 19 Years Ago

Experienced, worldy, Charismatic, and funny professor. Lectures are slightly flimsy but interesting. He is convincing and makes intrigues you about Globalization. Tests are easy if you read and take notes in lecture.

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GLOBAL2 . 19 Years Ago

Jurg is the best! Super interesting class, not too hard. He's a very important and respected person in his field. If you get a chance to take a class with him, DO IT!

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GLOBAL2 . 19 Years Ago

I love him. Funny, smart, and a great lecturer. And he threw a party after the final. His house is amazing too.

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GLOBAL2 . 19 Years Ago

I love this man! Take this class.

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GLOBAL2 . 19 Years Ago

easy class, doesn't lecture very much maybe 30 min or so, laid back

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SOC138G . 19 Years Ago

does he even realize that he's teaching a class or is he just waiting for the red phone to ring? Don't get me wrong, seems cool, must really know his stuff-but he appears as if he is 'over' teaching.

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GLOBAL2 . 19 Years Ago

He's a great professor, really funny and knows his stuff. He starts every class with a clip of "The Daily Show"--my kind of man!

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GLOBAL1124 . 19 Years Ago

great guy, sometimes too busy with govt.stuff, butis all good, love how he brings in speakers and other professors. Test "pice of cake" just take notes and read, iz all good...oh final, can be taken with a blind fold and will pass, trust! only thing is if hes parties had liquor be alot better...

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GLOBAL134 . 19 Years Ago

He is a really great prof.... he really helps you understand the whole history behind a situation.

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SOC134TTERROR . 19 Years Ago

He is a celebrity in his field. Lectures are interesting. Very unorganized, couldn't keep track of when he was giving tests. He is so busy with his field work it seems he leaves his class last and therefore is disorganized. But, I wouldnt miss this class for anything! He's well spoken.

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GLOBAL124 . 19 Years Ago

He is one of the best professors I have had through out my college life. If you are a nerd you will not enjoy his class because he is really cool laid back person.

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GLOBAL1 . 19 Years Ago

Great guy. He is very arrogant but he knows what he's talking about. A lot of readings and some writing, but you'll be okay. Just go the lecture.

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GLOBAL124 . 19 Years Ago

He's arrogant and cocky. If he pulled his head out of his ass maybe he would be a better Professor.

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GLOBAL1 . 19 Years Ago

Best professor I've ever had. Makes the class very interesting. Very funny.

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GLOBAL124 . 20 Years Ago

I have never encounted a professor that showed more blantant favor for males over females. I have approached him for two classes about doing an honors section and have been blown off both times. For someone so liberal, what happened to women's rights?

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