
Rate My Professors (103)

GLOB124 . 16 Years Ago

Best professor at UCSB! I enjoy attending his class.

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GLOBL2 . 16 Years Ago

the reading is pretty heavy and there's a weekly write up assignment... but his lectures are interesting and i enjoyed the news clips and colbert report/john stewart clips. he picks on people sometimes in class but i never got picked so it was ususally just entertaining.....

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GLOBL2 . 16 Years Ago

First of the reading were brutal. 60+ pages a week with a paragraph summary for each article to top it off. 1/3 of the midterm based on the reading, 1/3 based on lecture and 1/3 on maps. It was multiple choice, but still fairly hard. Same goes for the final. The maps were the easiest part (just go to for helpful practice).

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GLBL2 . 16 Years Ago

Great teacher and really interesting class! Lectures were interesting and some had guest speakers. The midterm and final consist of multiple choice questions based on the lectures, maps, and readings. I definitely recommend taking this class.

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GLOBL2 . 16 Years Ago

Fun class! He played youtube clips at the beginning of every class. Lecture wasn't always necessary, a bit boring and he goes fast with his slides. The only lecture stuff that was on the exams was the guest speakers and his opinions about article topics. BIG reader but pretty easy to read and there wasn't too much reading. I'd recommend it!

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GLOBL2 . 16 Years Ago

Love global st, hated this class. Lectures were difficult to follow, didn't enjoy the annoying jokes. He singles people out and embarrasses them for not knowing world facts as well. TAs were extremely disorganized (I went to the first and last section, the rooms changed all the time). Midterm and final based on reading/lec/map. wouldnt rec. him!

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GLOBL2 . 17 Years Ago

He uses powerpoints but the slides don't have that much written info on them (a lot of pictures). He talks a lot and it's a little bit tough to guess what's important and what's not. But that's okay...once it comes to the midterm/final he makes them ridiculously easy. Also...there is a LOT of reading for this class.

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GLOBL2 . 17 Years Ago

Take this class. Such a good lecturer and amazingly interesting.

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GLOBL2 . 17 Years Ago

TAKE THIS CLASS! HE is AWESOME! So knowledgeable on the subject matter and he is hilarious. Kind of goofy, but doesnt make you fall asleep in lecture. Only has a reader that you read a ton of articles from, but they all relate to class. LOVED the class. Lots of writing for reading notes, but I learned SO much from it

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GLOBL2 . 17 Years Ago

Juergensmeyer is a Good professor, He is enthusiastic and truly enjoys teaching his classes. He may be a little arrogant and you definately have to go to class... And STAY AWAKE! He takes stuff from class for test a LOT. make sure you read the reader and understand it. Section is usefull if you take advantage, the TA's are interesting people

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SOC138G . 17 Years Ago

Do NOT take this class if you are a Soc major. This class was definitely geared more towards Global Studies majors. It brought down my perfect major and overall GPA for Sociology because of this. Prof. J. is very enthusiastic and a fun lecturer, but information is minimal and as a Soc major, you will feel completely LOST. A real disappointment..

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GLBL2 . 17 Years Ago

He was a great lecturer, however the reading notes required were absolutely ridiculous. The TA's didn't explain how to do them, then each week they would complain that nobody was doing them right. If the class had better TA's it would be much easier, rather than the attitude problem TA's and the one that doesn't even speak english.

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GLOBL2 . 17 Years Ago

If you don't know much about globalization and its consequences, take this class, and you will learn a lot. No textbook, only a reader, but you have to know the main pts/arguments well. Writing requirement=1 page analysis of the reading for that week. Know what guest speakers talked about. And go to his party, it's the bomb!!!

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RGST108 . 17 Years Ago

this is the global religions class. interesting lectures, had a group project, went to different religious centers. he is definitely an interesting professor, likes to relate to students. final was based mainly on readings, so DO THEM! he doesn't discuss the readings at all during lecture, but tests on them!

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GLOBL102 . 18 Years Ago

May be arrogant etc, but he'll give a BOOST to your GPA... absurdly EASY!!! :-)

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GLOBAL2 . 18 Years Ago

take the class- it's interesting, but if you don't know anything about current events then don't sit in the front or he will make and idiot out of you. He seemed like a really cool guy in class but when i went to talk to him at his end of the year party he was really rude and dismissive, so beware....

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GLOBL102 . 18 Years Ago

I just got out from the Global Religions exam... I am pissed off because an unfairly huge portion of exam was dedicated to hindic religions... it is ridiculous... and indeed, the guy's arrogant!

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GLOBL2 . 18 Years Ago

Fun, easy class. Multiple choice midterm and final (easy!), plus reading notes due in section every week. Reading is easy at the beginning, towards the end it's boring. Just don't go up to him in person at the party he throws at the end of finals or you'll be totally disillusioned, like others say he is pretty self-involved, even in lecture.

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MANYGLOBAL . 18 Years Ago

honestly his classes feel like you're on the jerry springer show. he asks rhetorical questions and mostly calls on dumb people, so everyone can laugh at them. if you actually make an intelligent comment and upstage him he just dismisses you. his classes are so easy it's a joke. if you already know anything about global events you won't learn much.

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GLOBAL2 . 18 Years Ago

He's awesome. Just stay on top of current events, go to class, and if you don't want to be called on, don't sit in the isles.

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GLOBLW . 18 Years Ago

he is a shaddy, self interested person. BEWARE

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SOC1 . 19 Years Ago

Great Professor! But he will shame you in front ot hundreds!

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GLOBALSTUD124 . 19 Years Ago

super funny! lives on dp and invites students over. embarrasses people in front of the class who haven't read the news

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he should run for president...

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