
Rate My Professors (167)

ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

He seems nice & but lectures are rarely enticing. Goes off on confusing tangents. Luckily, the book is easy to read. Just take notes on the required chapters each week, focusing on the vocab terms, and you'll be fine. Midterm was straight forward, I got a B+. If you're looking for an easy, undemanding class, take it.

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ANTH122 . 13 Years Ago

Seemed like a nice professor, approachable, likes his profession, but didn't quite seem to have the knowledge on what he was teaching on which was pretty funny. TONS of reading, but I think you can get by without doing any of it. In class essay as midterm (he gave us possible test questions upon request which was super nice of him). 10 pg final.

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

Course material was so broad it was hard to gather any meaning beyond common sense. He seemed like a very nice, friendly and lighthearted guy, but he had no control over the class and everyone would leave ten minutes early WHILE he timidly told them to stay in their seats. Overall boring class

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

i loved this class. my favorite of the quarter by far, he is really into the subject matter and it shows, the tests are fair if you do the reading and go to lecture. the sections correlate really well with lecture. he can get repetative in lecture but i loved the class so much. highly reccoment

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this class. Straightforward. Lectures were alright, T.A's were really helpful. The book we had to read was interesting. i have to say one of my favorite classes.

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

Easy class, pretty simple. Showing up to lectures was boring but important for test. I didn't read any of the text and I just went off what we discussed in section. Pretty easy

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ANTHR5 . 13 Years Ago

His lectures were pretty boring. The tests were extremely easy though. And even if you failed the tests, the two essays you had to write in the class would bring your grade back up. The essays are also extremely easy, and can be made up. You don't need to read the book to pass the tests.

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ANTHR2 . 13 Years Ago

Boring, boring, boring lecture. Easy, easy, easy tests. Essay was all made up. pointless to read the novel and the ethnography. it was an easy A. but a boring 50 minutes.

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

The class was fairly easy and most of the test questions were based on lecture but some of the questions were random. Go to lecture and study every detail on your notes because he would ask things that I wouldn't expect to be important. My T.A. was awesome so that helped a lot. Read the books assigned but don't stress on the little details.

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

He's class was extremely easy i suggest attend lecture because for me most of the test was based on it! book wasn't that helpful but i still suggest reading it. he's class is boring but can be bearable if you are a patient person. He's an awesome person if you get to know him!

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

Worst class ever. Do NOT take anthro 2! I thought it would be a fin and intersting class going into my first year of college, but I was very mistaken. Tests were random and lectures were pointless.

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ANTHR2 . 13 Years Ago

The class was pretty easy, but his lectures are so random and pretty boring. Midterm and Final weren't that hard, but he just throws random questions in there, but the class was okay.

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

I did not enjoy this class. His lectures are boring and you have to do a stupid online project. The tests are only 40 questions and ask the most random things about case studies and anthropologists, but not a lot about key concepts. It's a pretty easy class though.

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

I am a freshman and this class killed anthropology for me. The lectures were impossible to follow and the online assignment was ridiculous. Professor Walsh's topic choice and presentation was incomprehensible and boring. If you are a freshman I recommend not taking this class or taking Anthro 5.

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

This class was strange to say the least. Walsh constantly mumbles under his breath. In lectures, he talks about his trips to Mexico over and over again. The lecture material is uninteresting. And we had to participate in some ridiculous online project where we wrote a paper for this company yet we had to pay to register!

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ANTH117 . 14 Years Ago

Walsh is a great professor. He manages to not only present interesting topics, but lets students discuss them among themselves during class time. This cuts down on the monotany of a 1 and a quarter hour lecture. Definately worth taking.

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ANTH2 . 14 Years Ago

This guy seriously lacks intelligence. All of the information I learned in the class could be summed up on one page of notes. He spends most of the lectures just repeating himself. Just use common sense on the tests to get an A. The extra reading is not worth your time, just a few questions on each tests about them.

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ANTHR7 . 14 Years Ago

never read the textbook, slept through lectures and movies and passed =]

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ANTH117 . 14 Years Ago

Walsh is legit. Discussion oriented class that made you think about pretty much everything you've learned in anthro and apply it to borderlands. A fun class. Probably useful if you don't present your class discussion in a monotone whisper.

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ANTH2 . 14 Years Ago

I went to maybe 1/5 of the lectures and studied for the final for maybe 3 hours and managed to pull an A-. Very easy class. For the tests, review lecture notes, movie notes, and the key terms from the book and you shouldn't find the test too hard. I thought a lot of it was pretty intuitive.

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ANTH2 . 14 Years Ago

Not a bad class at all. I would recommend it highly.

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ANTH2 . 14 Years Ago

Strongly agree with the post below. The tests were so frustrating because they did not test you on actual anthropological concepts, but useless facts scattered throughout boring lectures and movies. Anthropology is interesting, but don't take this class.

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ANTH2 . 14 Years Ago

Takes what should be said in about two minutes and stretches it into an hour long lecture. Easy material to understand, tests are somewhat difficult though as knowing concepts gets you a C, memorizing random facts about obscure anthropologists will get you an A.

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ANTH2 . 14 Years Ago

His lectures would be more interesting if the lecture hall weren't so big and his voice weren't so dull. But he *does* know his topic, even though he'd prefer to tell you about his 'water shortage in Mexico' research than anything else. Reading the assigned books is a waste of time, but reading the textbook is pretty important.

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