
Rate My Professors (163)

ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Don't let the reviews on here fool you. From what I noticed in lecture, most people were either asleep or on Facebook. If you actually go in wanting to learn and pay attention now and then, this class isn't bad at all! Pretty easy, and if you go to Walsh's office hours, you will find that he's a pretty interesting, chill guy.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

Good god was this class boring. I was so excited to learn about anthropology, but it was one of the worst experiences of my life because it was that boring.

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ANTH2 . 10 Years Ago

I thought this class would be more interesting than it was. I only go to lecture because I am even more lost in my section--my TA barely teaches us anything or goes over any material and has a really strong accent which makes it hard to understand. Walsh goes on about random societies and I'm never sure what's going to be on the tests or not.

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ANTHRO2 . 10 Years Ago

Really good guy overall

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ANTHR2 . 10 Years Ago

I took this class because it seemed interesting but I was dead wrong. The material is beyond boring and I stopped going to lecture. The midterms didn't have much to do with the book so I never read. I had a really good TA who was much more helpful than Walsh though. Unless you have to, I wouldn't recommend taking this.

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ANTH2 . 11 Years Ago

This guy is so boring. I feel like he drones on about nothing forever. I didn't do the reading and got a 'B' so I'm sure if you keep up in the textbook, getting an A will be easy. He also talks way too much about Mexico because that's his area of expertise. He also missed the first two lectures because he was in Mexico.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

The lectures are extremely boring. What was discussed in lecture, the book and section didn't seem to overlap. The midterm and final had extremely random questions that weren't on key concepts. I studied a lot but found the questions to be unfair because they were on minor, insignificant details, although they were all multiple choice.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

Pretty good professor. I rarely used the book, as almost everything was reviewed in the lecture. Is in love with Mexico and uses it as his primary example. The lectures do tend to be on the boring side, and I would recommend taking additional notes, not just copying down the slideshows.

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ANTH101 . 12 Years Ago

Frustrating class, so much potential. tests are subjective, so i found it unfair. Example question: all of these answers are correct, but which one is best? Ended up with a B- and studied like a crazy person

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ANTHR2 . 12 Years Ago

This was a super easy class. All of his questions came from his lecture so don't skip. It helps if you write down extra notes otherwise the slides make no sense. And the book was pretty useless. Don't bother buying and reading it.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

Lectures skimmed material and most things could be found in the book. Pretty boring. Nice guy but I wanted to die every lecture. Do well on the paper. Section participation, paper, midterm, and final are weighted equally.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

Class was very boring. Too many people, so sometimes hard to concentrate. Focuses on little details, and has a love of Mexico. Case studies were interesting, but did not go into much detail. Lectures skimmed material, all you really need to do is read the book and go to section. Lectures on Fridays are movies.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

Nice guy. Easiest class you will ever take; took me 15 min to finish the final. I don't understand why some people dislike him; perhaps they weren't interested in the topic? But if you are interested, his lectures are great and will pay dividends. I especially like his case studies. He is a bit of an "activist", though. Also the class is huge FYI.

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ANTH0026 . 12 Years Ago

Professor Walsh is very boring. I do not recall ever remaining conscious throughout any of his lectures. However, his class and exams are very easy. To be honest, you do not need to go to lecture to get a good grade in the class. I did not go to about 1/3 of lectures and did not read of the books, yet I got an A-

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

easy, albeit boring, class. gives lectures which sometimes correspond with reading, other times the lectures are incredibly boring and I feel like I've learned little from them. Easy class overall though, if you attend section and try hard on your paper and do the reading you'll for sure get a B in the class.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

This class is horribly boring. His lectures make no sense, and you need to know all the random info on the slides if you want any chance of passing. Pointless ethics project, paid $10 for no reason. Weekly reading. 5 page paper that is graded pretty easily.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

His lectures are boring. His powerpoints aren't posted online so you should go to lecture. His powerpoints are uselss; what's important is what he's talking about. Tests seem to be more on random tidbits than important concepts. Makes you pay to use a website so that you can write a 2 page paper. Lectures are boring, but the workload is light.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

If you're the kind of guy who does well in history, the class is about as good as it gets. Never talked to him, but the lectures were very engaging and interesting. A lot of people do well in the class. However, if you're not very good at social science classes, then this might not be the easiest class. Go to every lecture.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

I really did not enjoy this class. It was huge and extremely boring. There is a decent amount of reading. The tests did not reflect the class as a whole and were not good tests of you knowledge. Take a different anthro class. I do not recommend this class.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

You can tell Professor Walsh is very passionate about Anthropology and his work, however the class itself is usually pretty boring. You never really know what to expect, some days are interesting while others will put you to sleep. He talks a lot and his powerpoints aren't helpful so you have to take good notes on what he's saying for the exams.

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ANTH2 . 12 Years Ago

He seems nice & but lectures are rarely enticing. Goes off on confusing tangents. Luckily, the book is easy to read. Just take notes on the required chapters each week, focusing on the vocab terms, and you'll be fine. Midterm was straight forward, I got a B+. If you're looking for an easy, undemanding class, take it.

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ANTH122 . 13 Years Ago

Seemed like a nice professor, approachable, likes his profession, but didn't quite seem to have the knowledge on what he was teaching on which was pretty funny. TONS of reading, but I think you can get by without doing any of it. In class essay as midterm (he gave us possible test questions upon request which was super nice of him). 10 pg final.

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

Course material was so broad it was hard to gather any meaning beyond common sense. He seemed like a very nice, friendly and lighthearted guy, but he had no control over the class and everyone would leave ten minutes early WHILE he timidly told them to stay in their seats. Overall boring class

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ANTH2 . 13 Years Ago

i loved this class. my favorite of the quarter by far, he is really into the subject matter and it shows, the tests are fair if you do the reading and go to lecture. the sections correlate really well with lecture. he can get repetative in lecture but i loved the class so much. highly reccoment

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