
Rate My Professors (493)

PSYC1 . 13 Years Ago

This was a pretty difficult class. A lot of information and terms you have to remember for the tests (around 200 terms & concepts). The professor is really funny and tries to relate to the IV crowd, which is a nice touch.

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PSY1 . 13 Years Ago


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PSYCH1 . 13 Years Ago

i love this class and the professor even though it was harder than expected. fridlund is hilarious and makes the class so much fun. plus the subject is very interesting. i recommend taking this class just do the reading and pay attention since grades consist of just final and midterm.

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PSYCH1 . 13 Years Ago

This class was SIGNIFICANTLY harder than I initially thought. 1/2 of the test material is only found in the book. Study exactly what is on the fair game sheet. Only 1 midterm and 1 final which are very difficult. Only 5% of the class got an A.

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PSYCH1 . 13 Years Ago

I took this class pass/no pass. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be; I figured I would just go and take the tests. But you really have to study if you want to do well. The class is very interesting so I don't regret it. 1 midterm and 1 final along with 6 research credits you have to fulfill. Very interesting class with great teaching.

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PSYCH1 . 13 Years Ago

AMAZING professor. He makes class so fun. I loved going to all these lectures. I am a first year just getting started and this was the perfect class to take. You must read and study to get a good grade but he is awesome. Can't wait to take another class with him

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PSYCH1 . 13 Years Ago

Amazing class, amazing professor, amazing TA. I loved everything about this course. It's moderately easy. Read the book, take good lecture notes, study hard (definitely use the fair-game sheet), and you'll get a good grade. Tests pretty straight forward - just make sure you know the materials.

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PSYCH1 . 13 Years Ago

Great professor. HILARIOUS. Easy if you work hard. Go to lecture, and instead of taking notes print out the fair game sheet prior to class and take notes on that. It's the best way to go. Had him for Psy1 (into to psych) and Psy103 (psychopathology). You're going to love his witty and sexual humor, and not to mention the fact he is very engaging.

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PSY103 . 14 Years Ago

I had Fridlund for psych 1 and fell in love with his style of teaching. I was incredibly excited for psych 103, but he completely disappointed me. He spent too long on some sections (depression), and not nearly enough on others (alcoholism). His tests are anything but straightforward, actually, and I'm a good student. Go to lecture & study the text

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PSY103 . 14 Years Ago

hes a cool professor, one mid term one final multiple choice test are difficult i got a D but i learn alot, its alot of reading the subjectas interesting but like i said the test are hard

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PSY103 . 14 Years Ago

Never replied to emails, but opened the floor for questions in class or after class. Psychopathology alone is interesting, but Fridlund made it so much better with his funny anecdotes, portrayals, and I like the way he used current events and popular culture to get his point across. Gave out study guides and stood by them, so this was easy and fun!

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PSY103 . 14 Years Ago

Fridlund is a God Amongst Men!

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PSY103 . 14 Years Ago

AMAZING PROFESSOR! He got me interested in Psych, take any class with Fridlund, hes great! His tests are very straight forward so long as you put in the work to study the lectures

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PSYCH103 . 14 Years Ago

BY FAR ONE OF MY FAVORITE PROFESSORS HERE AT UCSB. He cares SO much! he makes lectures fun, hes funny and psych 103 content is so interesting! took him for 101 also. Wish he lectured for more classes, he's amazing. DO NOT LEAVE UCSB WITHOUT TAKING ONE OF HIS CLASSES!

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PSYCH103 . 14 Years Ago

I love this man!

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PSY4295 . 14 Years Ago

In lecture he covers a lot of information you should really go. sections have been very helpful because they cover extra things he didn't in class. The only problem i had was with the wording on the exam. I suggest studying the items on the fair game sheet as soon as you get it and focusing on that for the exams rather than doing all the reading

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PSYCH1 . 14 Years Ago


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PSYCHPSYC . 14 Years Ago

He exalts such great charisma and knows how to keep you focused on his lectures with his random anecdotes and jokes. I love the level of comfort he established with the students. TA sections were kind of pointless, and I didn't really like having to do the experiments that took six hours of my time...but Overall, a great experience!

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PSYCH1 . 14 Years Ago

If 1 person out of 800 gets 100% on the midterm or final= no curve. This class requires a lot of reading. And only 1 midterm and 1 final.

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PSY1 . 14 Years Ago

Wonderful teacher! I looked forward to lecture everytime. He is a great speaker and presented material in a manner that was very easy to follow. I missed at least 5 lectures and several sections and pulled off a C+ grade, but if I had put in more effort (first quarter freshman) I believe this class could have been an easy A. Highly reccomend!

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PSY1 . 14 Years Ago

Fantastic teacher. I learned SO much from. Yes, inappropriate, but therefore incredibly funny. Go to the lectures. He gives you a fair game sheet (concepts that you'll need to know), and basically.. all I did was go through that and study everything off of it for the mid/final and I got an A. This class was sort of common sense to me though

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PSY1 . 14 Years Ago

Interesting subject matter but was hard for me bc its just a midterm and final that determine your grade and no homework to kind of bring it up. you have to do 6 experiments with graduate students or you get dropped a lettter grade. those are easy. if you are a good reader and soak up a lot by what people say you should do fine. im not so i gota D

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PSYCH1 . 14 Years Ago

His lectures are very entertaining and I learned a lot in them. Didn't do any reading or work until a few days before the midterm/final and got an A. Not a hard class if you study exactly what he tells you will be on the test (he gives you a "fair game sheet" to study from). I'm glad I took the class and it was an easy A

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PSY1 . 14 Years Ago

Amazing teacher! loved his lectures, really interesting and full of cool videos. midterm and final isnt too hard as long as you review the fair game sheet. overall a pretty easy class and very interesting!

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