
Rate My Professors (111)

SOC1 . 3 Years Ago

I found her tone pretty dull and quiet. However, the class material is really interesting and she assigned readings on an wide variety of topics. The movies we watched in class were engaging and eye-opening. The class is generally easy but the midterm and final exams were very long and tiring.

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SOC1 . 4 Years Ago

Great Lecturer, she repeats and emphasizes things that are important to remember. If you do all the readings and listen in class, you will not have a hard time in this class. I highly recommend Gordon she is a great professor and has some good books out too.

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SOC157 . 4 Years Ago

I really enjoyed Professor Gordon's class. It was all very insightful but you are required to participate since you have to grade yourself on that. Sometimes her lectures are a little bit boring but there not too bad. There was 8 briefs to do but she was not a tough grader. Overall I enjoyed her class!

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SOC1 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Gordon has good stage presence and is very knowledgeable. The topics she chooses are very relevant and fun to discuss. There are no papers for her class and attendance is not mandatory, but you should go because she says important things for the midterm and final. Midterm and final consist of short answer, t/f, multiple choice and essays

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SOC1 . 4 Years Ago

I entered SOC 1 very confused because her lectures are sometimes all over the place. The readings really help so make sure to go over the reading questions and key concepts often. I rewrote everything because there would be a new topic every single week which can be difficult to remember during the exam. Overall, I left the class more educated!

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SOC1 . 4 Years Ago

A lot of reading, but it is pretty interesting. Gordon is ok, a little dull but not bad. Very political. Tests are long and a bit of a pain but the quizzes are easy.

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SOC1 . 4 Years Ago

Professor Gordon makes lectures really clear. There were a lot of weekly readings, but they are not really necessary. There are weekly quizzes on Thursdays but are based on movies and very easy. Both the midterm and final were free response with an essay question. The class can be boring at times, but I would definitely recommend it.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Professor Gordon and this class are what made me want to double major in sociology. Her lectures were super clear and easy to understand while still being interesting and prompting discussion. Some of the readings were super dense but not completely necessary. I really loved this class and I think its a good class for first-years.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

This class is average in the sense of how clear the professor is. She rambles just a bit but manages to stay on top of it, which I appreciate. She can have angry fits randomly. The course itself requires some writing papers (during the midterm and the final in the class) and the content is very introductory, so its not too complex.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Lectures got boring sometimes, but the material was very interesting. Professor Gordon taught material that was relevant which helped students understand it better. Just do your work and you'll pass. The final and midterm required a lot of writing though.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

The way professor Gordon addresses sociology topics was clear and concise. She refers back to homework reading in the lecture so as long as you do ALL of the reading, this class is a piece of cake.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Remember to go to the lecture for film questions. Films can be a little hard sometimes for non-native students. A wide range of great topics she chooses to talk about. Very critical perspectives. Heavy readings and heavy memorization for tests. I did not read most readings, but you will have to know the key concepts and read over her summarization*

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

She's seems passionate but makes an interesting subject boring. Readings are interesting, lecture attendance doesn't seem to be too important. She shows films every other lecture, show up to do the short answer responses which are easy and will prepare you for the final. Focus on the reading questions and summaries she posts on gauchospace.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

She's really nice but her lectures are BORING. They are not on the final or midterm so just focus on the reading questions. Don't waste your time doing all of the reading and just know what they are about. There are video questions once a week so make sure you are there for those days. This was a super easy A class.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Such a boring professor! Readings are super heavy! Lots of reading questions! You must be prepared for your discussion in section. The midterm and final were extremely easy, I passed and did none of the readings. Lectures on Tuesday are not mandatory, but she will have writing assignments due at the end of each class on film on Thursdays.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Gordon goes over a lot of the broad content in the readings in the lecture, so it is helpful to go to lecture. Reading is important, but you can get away with skimming. She sends out key concepts with definitions and ideas which is super helpful. All in all a good class, go to section and pay attention, and don't fall behind on reading, bc its alot

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

So much reading that is necessary for the midterm/final, so don't fall behind on it. It was fun to watch movies on Thursday. Not a hard class material wise at all, but you definitely need to study, and start studying early because the midterm/final have many parts to it.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

You don't evn hv to go to lecture to pass bc she posts key concepts @ the end of week on what you studied + thats basically all you need in order to pass. But go on Thursdays since you watch a film + have film exercises (easy) that translate as points. I would say stay on top of the reading, do the reading qs, and review key concepts to pass.

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SOC1 . 5 Years Ago

Reading makes up a majority of what you need to do. Midterm is not hard as long as you read and do the assigned questions. Lectures are really boring but not necessary to pass the class.

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SOC157 . 6 Years Ago

Not a tough grader, briefs are easy, she posts a prompt each week based on that weeks readings so you can choose which weekly prompt you want to write about. Assignments: 5 Briefs worth 10% each (50% total) 1-2 pages double spaced, based on assigned articles Final Paper Proposal 10% Final Research Paper 35% Participation 5%

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SOC1 . 6 Years Ago

SOC 1 was a very interesting class and the material is eye opening. Her lectures are boring at times. Test is based on lectures, movies, and reading homework. Lots of reading and writing and attendance matters. Overall a good choice.

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SOC1 . 6 Years Ago

Loved her! Her slides correlated with her lecture and she seemed to enjoy her time. She prepares you well for the midterm and final.

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SOC1 . 6 Years Ago

She's a little boring but the content she teaches isn't. I highly recommend this class, it's an easy A and you always leave with cool facts. Probably the easiest soc. class and there's no textbook, hw, or papers. You should attend lecture so you don't have to read as much and Thursdays she shows cool documentaries. TAKE THIS CLASS.

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SOC1 . 6 Years Ago

Easy A. Go to lecture, take notes, and get the general gist of the readings, etc. and you can get an A. Tests were IDs, short answer, and matching quotes to author/titles of the reading. Concepts are easy to grasp and mainly tested on the large overarching themes. Would 100% recommend her for SOC 1

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