MATH 117
XU Yang
22 reviews
Fengrui Yang
9 reviews

31278 . Yang F A Month Ago

Very difficult to understand, and unhelpful.

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31278 . Yang F A Month Ago

Professor Yang was nearly impossible to understand verbally. He would also start progressively shouting towards the end of class which gave me headaches. He didn't teach necessary math8 concepts like truth tables or different types of proof. You just copy his examples and memorize them temporarily for a good exam grade. DONT TAKE, save your sanity.

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31278 . Yang F 2 Months Ago

People complain about the accent but honestly not even that bad. 1 midterm and 1 final make up your grade but the questions were exactly from homework and lecture. Use TA's sections and do the hw, you will be ok.

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31278 . Yang F 2 Months Ago

might be the worse teacher ive ever had. your grade is based on two things.. midterm and final. the grading is unfair and his teaching is horrible. accent is not understandable. good luck if you have to take him.

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31278 . Yang F 2 Months Ago

It's basically a self-study class. Final is worth 70%, midterm 30%. His teaching is terrible and he speaks english at a semi-understandable levelHe had 2 exam questions that Porter and Schley students didn't know how to do. He had 2 professors audit his class where they interrupted him 10x telling him what he was doing wrong.

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31278 . Yang F 2 Months Ago

Not very good, don't recommend

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31278 . Yang F 2 Months Ago

Professor was very out of touch and didn't teach well at all, but was also incredibly harsh and condescending. The grading system was 30% midterm and 70% final. There was no syllabus until multiple weeks into the quarter and he wasn't going to have a website or a canvas until the department made him. Learned everything from the text and TA.

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31278 . Yang F 2 Months Ago

For Math 4B he wrote small, could not understand and made the final and midterm worth your entire grade. He was terrible

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31278 . Yang F 2 Months Ago

AVOID!!!!! Had him for Math 4B, and it was horrible. First lecture 15 people walked out. He is very hard to understand, given his very strong accent and mumbling, he does NOT explain concepts even if we just heard about them, graded 50% midterm 50% final, and his lectures are just unhelpful. Don't make the same mistake I did by choosing his class.

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MATH104A . 6 Months Ago

legendary. Guaranteed A if you go to lectures and put in a little effort.

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MATH104B . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

took his 104A earlier so take this 104B again. getting a good grade is not easy when your TA is tough, but prof himself is not bad. hw is reasonable. if u skip his class, dont skip the review session. the grading policy is so nice. the "drop the lower mid score" literally saves my life. //will write another comment when i finish his 104c.

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MATH104A . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Prof Xu Yang is very nice and patient. He has review sessions that help us prepare for mid & final, which is SUPER helpful. drop the lowest for one of the hw & one of the mid.

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MATH104C . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Literally just used another professor's lecture slides and notes.

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MATH104C . 2 Years Ago

Very heavy accent and does NOT care about his students. Just keep talking and talking and assume everyone knows what he talks about.

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MATH3B . 3 Years Ago

Professor Yang communicates with the students often with emails, his lectures were straight-forward and I felt like I had a deep understanding on the content, and the exams are challenging. I strongly recommend for Math 3B.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Did not even create his own lectures, used another teacher's lectures from the previous quarter - everything was asynchronous. Quizzes were 5 questions and the lowest one is dropped. You will definitely need to study extra for this class if you want a good grade in it.

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MATH3B . 4 Years Ago

Very disorganized lectures. Bad handwriting and difficult to understand. Lectures consist of him doing examples while providing little to no explanation. Do NOT recommend.

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MATH3A . 5 Years Ago

wasn't attentive to student needs :(

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MATH3A . 5 Years Ago

Super disorganized, hard to understand his speech or handwriting, no response to emails, posts hundreds of hw problems but doesn't say which are important, midterms and final consists of some stuff we don't spend any time on. Didn't show up to any of his exams which all had grading errors, Yang is intelligent and a nice guy, but bad at teaching.

4 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH3A . 5 Years Ago

Extremely unorganized from the start. He writes so messily on a tablet and his explanations are so bland. He changed his grading scale so many times throughout the quarter. He never showed up to exams because they had mistakes on them. Some things on the midterms were never covered in class. Some people aren't meant to teach and he is one of them.

6 helpful 0 unhelpful
MATH104B . 6 Years Ago

This professor is extremely straight-forward. The homework for his 104B class wasn't so bad either, especially if you work with your peers. His exams are awesome. He has a review lecture and goes over ALL possible questions he could ask you in the exam and goes over how to do them in detail. It seems pretty counter-intuitive, but I learned a lot.

2 helpful 2 unhelpful
MATH4B . 9 Years Ago

He is a nice guy who is good at explaning concepts and giving examples. He writes his notes on the board and does not post anything on gauchospace. He requires us to register ourselves on wileyplus which costs me $120 for homework.

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MATH4B . 9 Years Ago

Professor Yang has been my only math professor at UCSB that I have consistently been able to follow, every lecture. He has a bit of an accent but, overall, his lectures are extremely clear and helpful. They apply directly to the homework and tests, and it is easy to succeed if you show up to every class.

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MATH4B . 10 Years Ago

Pretty hard to understand during lectures and re-writes book examples for lectures. Midterm was OK; however, the final was very difficult. Try to avoid him as he is a hard grader with no curves.

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