LAIS 189
Myriam Gonzales Smith
47 reviews

SPAN25 . 11 Years Ago

She was mean to students, constantly grumpy, and made students feel like failures. She did not teach what was in the course description, and she just expected students to know a lot of the course material wihout teaching it. Avoid taking this class with her if you can.

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SPAN102L . 12 Years Ago

She is incredibly condescending and unhelpful. Her class gets confusing easily, and she assigns an unreal amount of homework. The material is not very difficult, but the amount of time you have to spend on her assignments is excessive. She acts as if this class is the only one you're taking.

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SPAN102L . 12 Years Ago

Worst professor in the Spanish department. She makes students feel terrible for trying to participate in class if their answers aren't completely correct. She is rude, and doesn't understand that the majority of the students in the class are still learning spanish and working up the confidence to participate. AVOID AT ALL COST!

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SPAN16 . 13 Years Ago

I had her for span 16 n 25 n I thought the material she Taught was interesting. Nevertheless, she does tend to belittle people's answers if they are not exactly what she wants to hear. I thought her class was easy that is why i had her for 2 classes. But as a person she can be a little rude.

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SPAN102L . 14 Years Ago

She's very serious, loves literature with a passion, helpful, the only 'bad' things is that she gives a lot of readings and writing responses but overall, excellent!

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SPANSPAN . 14 Years Ago

SPAN 25-The rudest teacher I have had at UCSB. Makes everyone scared to speak, as she tends to belittle her students. I did learn quite a bit, but it definitely was NOT worth putting up with her antics. No textbook- reader instead, which was extremely disorganized. Would HIGHLY recommend taking this class with a different professor.

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SPAN102L . 14 Years Ago

I love love her. she made me love my heritage. She is extremely knowledgeable. I've taken three classes with her and aced all three of them.

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SPAN102 . 14 Years Ago

Had her for span 25 and 102L and really liked her interest in helping students. She is very nice. Lectures can bit a bit confusing, especially as a non-native speaker, but you eventually get the hang of her style. The reason she does not allow native speakers in25 is because they are meant to take 16..I don't think it has to do with her personal feelings toward particular students.

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SPAN25 . 14 Years Ago

This teacher has issues. She's Peruvian & categorizes herself ?high class? she belittles native speakers and encourages them to drop n join. 16a+16b very selfish. Watch out for her! Cuz the dep. is 2 afraid to put her in her place. Yup, she might get good reviews from students who she likes, the rest of us drop before her reviews come up.

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SPAN25 . 15 Years Ago

She is really rude and has strong bias against native Spanish speakers. How come she's in charge of the placement assessments?Her recommendations don't make sense. totally inept and tries to make things harder for Spanish speakers.Don't take her..

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SPAN25 . 15 Years Ago

This teacher has prejudice towards her own race. she doesn't accept Spanish speakers in her class. Rude and stubborn.

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SPAN16B . 15 Years Ago

She is the best teacher ever! Very helpful and funny, she gives you a study guide for the tests with everything you need to know. Fluent in Spanish which helps, take her you will not regret!

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SPAN102L . 15 Years Ago

This professor is horrible. Her lectures are kind of all over the place and it is pretty unclear what you are supposed to actually know. She also thinks she is funny, in my opinion she's not. I literally dread going to this class.

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SPAN25 . 15 Years Ago

She is a Latina who doesn't allow native speakers in her class. So if you need this course, you are better off with another instructor. She is very rude and has favorites. It was a bad experience entering her class; her stubbornness made me change my whole schedule and was only able to add 8 units. Don't attempt to take this course if you are fluen

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SPAN25 . 15 Years Ago

She was a great teacher. A reasonable grader, very helpful and enthusiastic. She really cares about her students. Nice woman with a sense of humor. Definitely take a class with her. Homework was manageable, 3 compositions, a midterm and an in-class final.

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SPAN16B . 15 Years Ago

She was nice and very lenient

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SPAN16 . 15 Years Ago

I Loved This Class. There is work to do but she helps you through most of it, and she is very lenient with all the work that needs to be turned in. She is funny, random, and makes the class very interesting. A small reader and a book. 3 2-page essays, 2 midterms, and 1 final with a decent study guide that helps you. Curve on pretty much everything!

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SPAN5 . 17 Years Ago

She was such a fun teacher! Definitely one of the best spanish teachers. She's super fun and helpful!

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SPAN102L . 17 Years Ago

She grades VERY easily. I got 100% on my midterm and I thought I did BADLY. She barely assigns any homework and the stuff we talk about in class is pretty straight-forward. There's one midterm (she gives you a review sheet that has everything you need to know) and then the final is just a 4 page essay...but she grades VERY, VERY EASILY!!!

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SPAN110C . 17 Years Ago

LOVE HER. i've had her both for 102L and 110C. She's just plain awesome. makes class fun and interesting, and genuinely cares about her students. she's a total sweetheart.

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SPAN3 . 17 Years Ago

The absolute best Spanish instructor I've ever had. SO helpful!! She was enthusiastic and spoke primarily in Spanish which really helped. Assignments were good and fairly graded. Genuinely cared about the well-being of her students and didn't stop until she was sure you understood the material. If you can take her class DO IT! You'll learn so much!

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SPAN3 . 18 Years Ago

Prof. Gonzales-Smith was awesome. She makes jokes all the time and as long as you pay attention she will be really nice and helpful. It's alright not to know the answer to her questions because she will help you work through it. Take her class if you can. I actually feel like I learned Spanish.

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SPANISH4 . 18 Years Ago

She is very helpful and fun. She expects you to put some work in, but you definitely get a lot out of it. One of the first times I felt that I actually learned Spanish in a long time.

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