A survey of the poetry of the Spanish-American avant-guarde focusing on its three main tendencies: colloquial or antipoetic poetry, existentially or politically committed poetry, and self-referential, narcissistic poetry.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeGaslight Gatekeep Girlboss iykyn
She may have been a little harsh in the past but I think she did it because she cares for her students and wants the best for us. She is so much more accommodating now and quite honestly really funny. I have never met a more compassionate professor. That is why I have taken over 7 different courses with her. Don't listen to bad reviews.
She would gaslight her students. Did not explain the material being taught and would assign excess materials to go over. If students would ask questions she would get upset they did not already know the answer. It was not a safe environment to learn in. Overall, the courses consisted of 3 group projects.
Unnecessary work made this class fast-paced. Movie, readings and practice to do before Tuesday every week that wouldn't tie to anything, and tests combined into group projects. Important group projects, hard to get a good grade unless the project was pretty and everyone put in a lot of work. Gaucho Space was highly emphasized but hard to navigate.
Took this class and learned so much that I have been able to apply what I learned to other courses for the Spanish major. Very accommodating but you need to communicate with her if not she won't be able to help you. Textbooks and novels are used in class but you can find them for free online. Section for this class is super helpful!
S20. Amongst the circumstances of the quarter, Profesora Gonzales-Smith was very accommodating. She shortened her lectures after a few weeks, made sure to give us longer windows for the midterms, and was very accessible to us. She's funny, witty, lots of personality! She is very direct, though. Go to her to get clarifications! Readings a must.