A very good teacher that makes the course really easy and straight forward to understand. He is also really helpful and responds to my email questions very quickly. Exams were straightforward, no unexpected tricky parts. Everything had been told to us before hand, so there were no suprises. Just do all the set homework and you'll do well.
Good professor, explains concepts thoroughly. He doesn't trick you on exams and what he says will be on them is what actually is. Sort of intimidating though.
I've had him for a lot of courses: 103, 101A, 102A/B, and ED 130. Amazing teacher! Very dedicated. He really wants you to understand the material. Tells you the type of material that's going to be on the midterm and the final, usually problems from the uncollected homework. Great teacher overall.
Awesome teacher, baller
Awesome teacher. He's one of those professors that you listen to and you just get it. No need to go home and relearn all the stuff on your own and then try and interpret the teacher's notes to fit the book. I didn't go to section, it wasn't mandatory, but I still did alright in the class for not really spending extra time studying for it
He's a fine teacher. I easy homework and midterms/final. Interesting guy. He doesn't answer every question though. Sometimes he would suggest that we think about it more and still never offer a solution later. I won't take another class with him simply because I believe our philosophies of teaching differ.