Christopher Ograin

54 reviews
Clear grading criteria Participation matters Gives good feedback Amazing lectures Respected Test heavy Caring Tough grader Skip class? You won't pass. Would take again Accessible outside class Inspirational Lots of homework Group projects Hilarious Tests? Not many Lecture heavy
Past quarters
22 / 45 Enrolled
Mathematical Systems
Christopher Ograin 4.3
09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
39.2% A
ED 135
16 / 25 Enrolled
Advanced Problem Solving in Mathematical, Historical and Pedagogical Contexts
Christopher Ograin 4.3
09:00 AM - 10:50 AM
48.9% A
MATH 500
7 / 50 Enrolled
Teaching Assistant Practicum
Christopher Ograin 4.3
See All
ED 135 Ograin C M Spring 2024 Total: 12
MATH 101B Ograin C M Spring 2024 Total: 24
ED 134 Ograin C M Winter 2024 Total: 15
MATH 101A Ograin C M Winter 2024 Total: 40
See All
MATH101B . Ograin C M 2 Years Ago

I like Ograin. He's a good lecturer. He often puts things into common language so it's easy to get what he's saying. Homework load is light. Office hours are worthwhile.

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MATH101A . Ograin C M 2 Years Ago

Definitely one of the best math profs I've ever had! The questions on tests always had familiar concepts; it's just a matter of self-discipline when it comes to studying. Ograin gives out about 10-20 practice problems per week, but only assigns 1 to be due each class. DO THE PRACTICE PROBLEMS. Not doing them is why I almost failed: lack of studying

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MATH101B . Ograin C M 3 Years Ago

I have this professor for 4 of my undergrad classes and so far 2 of my graduate classes. He is easily one of my favorite professors at UCSB. I would definitely recommend taking his courses. He clearly enjoys teaching and is more than willing to go the extra mile to make your experience in his class enjoyable.

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MATH4B . Ograin C M 3 Years Ago

Great professor! The exams are very fair and he does a great job at covering all the required content in lectures.

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MATH4B . Ograin C M 3 Years Ago

Prof Ograin was great. Very organized class. His lectures were easy to follow and he was always available for questions. No curveballs on exams because he truly tested for understanding of the material. Homework took a while but was helpful to understanding course content. 5 exams worth 75% and 9 webwork sets worth 25%.

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MATH4B . Ograin C M 3 Years Ago

Best math prof I have EVER had. He cares a lot about what he's teaching, which makes the students have a love for the subject too. Encourages questions. Class was based on 5 tests, one given every 2 weeks, and weekly webwork problems. Totally handleable and he managed to make it fun. Take him if you can!

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MATH101A . Ograin C M 3 Years Ago

Prof. Ograin is one of the clearest and most organized professors in the math department. He never throws curveballs on tests and his homework and exams are all direct applications of what he covers in lectures (not always easy). The class can be a little dry sometimes, but he is genuinely so kind and helpful when needed. Would highly recommend.

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MATH4B . Ograin C M 4 Years Ago

Professor Ograin is great, very clear lecturer and let's you know exactly what is expected of you. He allowed me to submit a test late because of a technical difficulty which saved my grade big time. The only downside is Exams are worth 75% of the grade so you have to be sure not to mess up on them.

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MATH101A . Ograin C M 4 Years Ago

This professor knows math and knows how to teach it. I learned so much. It was challenging, but he cares a lot and will help you if you ask. Class was always engaging.

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MATH101A . Ograin C M 4 Years Ago

Chris is an excellent professor! Lectures are engaging and fun. He assigns a lot of homework but puts all the same stuff on the exams so no curveballs. I would 100% take his class again.

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MATH8 . Ograin C M 5 Years Ago

No Answer for everything, you must be learn by yourself. TOOOOOOOOOOO, Difficult toooooooooo study.

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MATH102A . Ograin C M 5 Years Ago

He assigned a book but then would make up his own proofs that were much harder. He couldn't even do his own proofs when we asked him during office hours. Chris is a "nice" guy but makes material much more difficult than need be. Also incredibly harsh grader.

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