The theory of operations within rings and fields. Polynomials, the fundamental theorem of algebra and other factorization theorems. Analyzing linear, polynomial, rational and exponential functions. Solving algebraic equations and inequalities. Especially suitable for prospective middle and high school teachers.
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeI like Ograin. He's a good lecturer. He often puts things into common language so it's easy to get what he's saying. Homework load is light. Office hours are worthwhile.
I have this professor for 4 of my undergrad classes and so far 2 of my graduate classes. He is easily one of my favorite professors at UCSB. I would definitely recommend taking his courses. He clearly enjoys teaching and is more than willing to go the extra mile to make your experience in his class enjoyable.
Chris is super down to earth and is by far best math prof at ucsb. He really cares about his students. Pay attention and take notes in lecture. He lets you know what will be on exams.
The only reason I would go back to Ucsb is to attend his class. Hes great, smart, and cool!
A very fine professor, he takes the time to explain the more challenging concepts in a variety of ways and alters the explanation if people aren't understanding. This class was solid, it's not his background, but he definitely enjoyed learning it and teaching it. I would recommend anybody to take a class from him for a positive experience.
Definitely one of the best math profs I've ever had! The questions on tests always had familiar concepts; it's just a matter of self-discipline when it comes to studying. Ograin gives out about 10-20 practice problems per week, but only assigns 1 to be due each class. DO THE PRACTICE PROBLEMS. Not doing them is why I almost failed: lack of studying