Anderson R W
Bob Anderson
214 reviews

3A . Anderson R W 3 Months Ago

DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE! Bob's class tanked my GPA and I put an insane amount of time into studying for the final. He rambles about random (boring) things during lecture and his final is excruciatingly hard. Literally hate this man.

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3A . Anderson R W 3 Months Ago

I hate this man, nothing he mentioned in class is related to the exam, and his exam is extremely hard and you have no idea how to prepare it. Especially the MCQ questions.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 3 Months Ago

Recommend this class to everyone in the economics department! Yes you have to put a lot of time in if you want a high grade but so worth it. Bob makes the lectures as engaging as accounting can be and is really focused on the significance of learning the accounting language. Utilize your TAs to help learn the material.

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3A . Anderson R W 3 Months Ago

This course is fast-paced, with weekly chapter readings, two timed quizzes, and homework totaling four assignments weekly. While the professor is knowledgeable, they lack compassion and appear egotistical, making them unapproachable. As a minority student, I felt targeted, especially when they assumed my background and spoke mockingly in Spanish.

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3A . Anderson R W 4 Months Ago

I just want to say that this bald man ruined my happiness for an entire quarter. Now my friend, the bear, is also taking the class and he is also failing. Why bob why! Please stop.

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3A . Anderson R W 4 Months Ago

He's a decent professor but those quizzes and midterm so far seem unnecessarily difficult and confusing.

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3A . Anderson R W 8 Months Ago

An intro accounting is not an easy class to teach, but Bob helped me learn so much! I walked in with no accounting knowledge and now feel knowledgeable in the fundamental accounting topics! Sharing his experiences helped me understand what working in accounting is like, and I'm grateful for that. Put in the work, and you will appreciate the class!

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3A . Anderson R W 9 Months Ago

Very time consuming class, but if you put the work in, you will succeed! Watch ALL lecture videos and go to in person lectures. A lot of test questions are stuff he says in both of these. The TA's were very helpful whenever I was confused on a topic. This is a class you can't cram for, so don't wait till the last minute to start studying.

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3A . Anderson R W 9 Months Ago

Paid tuition to hear him yap 9.30 in the morning. Tests questions (MCQ specifically) have no ways to prepare. If he can lecture more instead of sharing his insights/thoughts in class it would be better. I do like his recording lectures as it prepares students for other accounting courses down the road. He goes off tangent when answering questions.

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3A . Anderson R W 9 Months Ago

I LOVE BOB! One of my favorite professors. He made this class very understandable and if you go to lectures and try you will be fine. The final is pretty difficult but I prepared really well for it so I did good.

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3A . Anderson R W 9 Months Ago

This class put me in therapy (wish I was joking). The professor's teaching is good once you get to know the way he teaches and explains, but I wouldn't rely on it you should do outside studying. I found that because GAAP accounting rules are solid it is easy to find good videos explaining what is going on in class if you are lost. USE WILEY!!!

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3A . Anderson R W 9 Months Ago

Singlehandedly turned me off accounting. Way too difficult for an introductory level course. In my opinion much more difficult than ECON 10A for pre-majors because of how ill-prepared you are for exams. Might as well give you a coloring book in place of study guide for the final.

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3A . Anderson R W 9 Months Ago

While lectures aren't required, they're heavily encouraged. I personally loved Professor Anderson, even though he can come off as a bit mean. He's a great teacher and wants his students to succeed. Just remember to stay on top of Wiley and actually read and watch the online lectures.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 9 Months Ago

Very great professor, makes accounting seem elementary and easy to understand.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 10 Months Ago

This was a horrible experience. His ego has no match. He is not understanding at all and will do all he can to fail you.

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3A . Anderson R W 11 Months Ago

Bob structures his classes in a very inefficient way. So inefficient that it would not be worth it to attend lectures, except for the fact that he mentions random facts in lectures that he puts on the midterm and final. With that being said he is fairly knowledgable at accounting, just not at teaching. Good luck if you need to take 3A for a grade.

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3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 1 Day Ago

Bob overall was an amazing professor! The coursework is not extremely difficult, but takes time to go through. Go to lecture, watch the online lectures, and make an effort to understand the content and you will be fine. The midterm/final take up a majority of your grade, but both are based on straightforward content covered in lectures/reading.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 2 Days Ago

Bob is an AMAZING & SWEET person. His analogies helped me to understand the topics better, and his insights into the workforce were GREAT. I loved how he gave recorded lectures! The 3A content is not hard but VERY time-consuming. YOU HAVE TO PUT IN THE WORK (2 WEEKLY online quizzes). GO TO LECTURE & SECTION! 75% of your grade are exams w/ NO curve!

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3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

He's a seasoned miner with ink stains on his fingers from the amount of manual journal entries he has done. He's Jung's archetype of a hard worker. It's rare to see nowadays amongst all these free-loaders.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

GO TO LECTURE! His class is definitely tough, and his midterms are extremely difficult. The final was 37.5% of our total grade, and the average score was a 54%. Its hard to get an A (or even a B) in this class, so I would recommend P/NP if youre able to. And I cant stress this enough, GO TO LECTURE

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3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

He's an excellent professor for those willing to put in the effort. Aspiring to enter finance, I value his rare investing insights. Be enthusiastic about your learning and you'll succeed. His exams fully align with the course material, a unique quality among econ professors I've encountered. Went during office hours and he's also super friendly.

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3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

This class is a flipped classroom style, which rarely works and definitely does not work here; the lecture time is used for questions and students are required to watch the videos containing all of the knowledge on their own time. Class time is wasted with Anderson talking about his own experiences rather than material.

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ECON3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Bob is a fantastic motivational speaker, but a horrific professor. The lectures are hour long tangents loosely based off a question about the homework. Has a big ego and loves to brag about himself. You have to purchase Wiley Plus, which can cost upwards of $100. Prof relies entirely on it; you could pass the course over WP without his material.

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3A . Anderson R W 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Overall this class was not the hardest but final is in a week and not even the TA's know what the format of the final is. Same goes for midterm, went in blind because no one knew what it was going to be like. Don't take him if u can !!

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