Econ100B is a very standardized course, and a lot of practice is helpful for you to study. You gonna miss him once you take other ECON classes immediately. Prof.Qin made this hard course manageable to learn. I think he is largely underrated somehow right now.
Tests are hard but the class is manageable. I had a hard time focusing in his lectures, but once I switched to watching his lecture videos you can see he goes through the topics and each example very step-by-step which I found helpful. Just keep on top of the topics and you'll be fine.
One of the worst professors I have had at UCSB. All the material must be learned on your own and lectures are useless. Does not care about his students in the slightest.
made 100b so hard for no reason. lectures unhelpful. midterms way too difficult. gonna have to complain for a curve hopefully
Qin seems like a good guy, but as a professor he is not hitting the mark. I mainly used CLAS rather than the lectures to actually teach me the material. The practice final (only one was given) was a little strange with the wording of their questions but the actual final this quarter was HORRENDOUS. Get ready for lots of independent learning
Went to class 3 times total, prof is adorable but the tests were lowk hard
Doesn't know the material or how to teach. Honestly just a useless class taught with no help from the prof. or TAs. Nobody can understand why the Econ dpt consistently provides awful, awful classes with some of the worst professors one could imagine. Don't worry if you're in the major and have to take it though, you'll never use this material again
Dear god this class was hard. I struggled with lecture, he seems like a sweet old man, but it's so hard to learn in his class. It is a continuation of 10A and only is based on two midterms and a final. Average for final was horrible and they almost didn't curve it until everyone complained. If you have to take this good luck.
Our final exam was worth 50% of our grade and the average was 14/25. With this in mind he does not curve the final or the overall grade of the course. In preparation for this final I completed every practice problem provided for the exam however the final was incredibly different than what he gave us to practice. Do not take his course.
Had a B going into the final. Ended with a D. I could have prepared better but I found the class difficult as I had two other upper divisions to take with it. My advice is spend more time than you feel necessary on practice and remember every fact possible.
The fact that its split 25/25/50 for midterm midterm final is already brutal, but on top of that you could do really well on both midterms like I did, but get screwed over on the final because of how much stuff there is. By the way not curving the final when the average was basically failing is absurd, so now the class is sitting an average of a C
Terrible class. The median of the final is 14/25. The final is worth 50%. No curve.
I think most comments here are unfair to Professor Qin. His explanation of the material is very clear and the tests are straightforward. As long as you listen carefully during lectures and do the practice, it is not hard to get a good grade in the class. Also, if you ask him questions after class, you will find that he is very kind and helpful.
Idk how he is in person, but online Qin is an amazing professor. Lectures seem boring at first but you get used to them. Explains concepts very clearly and his practice problems are very useful for studying for the exams. I highly encourage everyone to go to TAs office hours as they are very helpful. Put in the work and youll get an A or an A-
lectures, including midterm/final reviews were completely useless for tests. Lecturing style was very boring and least helpful.
He doesn't do a good job of teaching the material and at times makes it more confusing. I had to teach myself for the most part and often found the book more helpful than the lecture notes. He provides practice questions, but his test questions are much much harder than the practice questions and there are unexpected intuition questions
Lectures do more harm than good. Ignore him and go to CLAS.
Pretends that he loves to help students, but if you do go to him, he does not answer your questions directly and not helpful at all. He does make the class harder than it has to be.
Not a good teacher period. Lectures were pointless to attend. Made 100B harder than it had to be.
He's extrem hard, so dont take his class
This guy is horrible. Please don't take him for summer session.
Not a good teacher. Covers theory in class and does not cover questions that appear on tests. You will have to learn on your own and practice tests are not very helpful because he makes up his own questions. However, probably better than proulx
He isn't the easiest professor, but he's not too bad, I guess.
his teaching style is so unorganized. he does not have a schedule planned out for each class meetings. his tests are a little unfair and cover stuff that he didn't go through.