Economic theory relating to imperfectly competitive product markets, input market, and welfare, with emphasis on applications. Includes an introduction to game theory.
Grading1, 2, 3
Level LimitLetters and science
CollegeEcon100B is a very standardized course, and a lot of practice is helpful for you to study. You gonna miss him once you take other ECON classes immediately. Prof.Qin made this hard course manageable to learn. I think he is largely underrated somehow right now.
Tests are hard but the class is manageable. I had a hard time focusing in his lectures, but once I switched to watching his lecture videos you can see he goes through the topics and each example very step-by-step which I found helpful. Just keep on top of the topics and you'll be fine.
One of the worst professors I have had at UCSB. All the material must be learned on your own and lectures are useless. Does not care about his students in the slightest.
made 100b so hard for no reason. lectures unhelpful. midterms way too difficult. gonna have to complain for a curve hopefully
Qin seems like a good guy, but as a professor he is not hitting the mark. I mainly used CLAS rather than the lectures to actually teach me the material. The practice final (only one was given) was a little strange with the wording of their questions but the actual final this quarter was HORRENDOUS. Get ready for lots of independent learning
Went to class 3 times total, prof is adorable but the tests were lowk hard