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Lectures are muddled and confusing. It is currently finals week and the only things in the grade are 6 homeworks and a midterm. This midterm the average was a 54 and he has said nothing about curving our grades, and most students are worried about failing the class. The professor has only offered to drop a single homework grade to "accomodate."
Cheng is a picky grader. His explanations of concepts taught in class are subpar. The only positive of taking his class is that he curves the grades. If you get stuck having to enroll in his class, good luck. Otherwise, I suggest taking a different elective.
Stay away from this professor at all costs. He is the most confusing professor I've ever had in 4 years. take any other class if possible , game theory was way easier because at least the textbook was good. this textbook doesn't line up with material at all.
Should not be a professor. Lectures are so scattered and he bounces around everywhere. Taken during zoom and he recorded the lectures on something from the 1970s or earlier. Where does his massive salary go? id propose that it isnt towards his computer or microphone. or becoming a good professor. Just one broke mans humble opinion.
Material covered is very very difficult. Doing the HW requires a fair amount of guesswork. Exams are somewhat similar to the HW problems but still hard and he's very nice if you approach him one-on-one. The class is about asymmetric information, lying, and cheating games. It's really cool!
Absolutely horrible class. Professor lacked any sort of structure in class. No clear grading scale. Would never take a class with this professor ever again.
Kind and patient
Lectures are boring and bland. I was excited to take game theory and this class was quite a disappointment. Exams weren't terribly difficult, but I had to teach myself most of the material from the book.
I went into office hours with my friend asking him some concepts that we had a hard time understanding and he got so impatient with us, he started yelling and screaming (literally). We got so scared my friend almost cried and I made up a lie to get out of there. He is the WORST i've ever had.
Good professor. He was helpful in office hours and his exams never had anything unexpected. He was fair and would make random jokes in class. Very intelligent individual!
He goes through the material quickly yet is still very thorough with great examples. If you can handle the fast pace he is a great teacher and you will learn a lot.
In fairness, the low scores that professor Qin has received on this site seem to be from students in the Econ 100 series who (no offense) are likely accounting students with less-vested math interests than the largely Finance-minded students in the 104 series. Considering the profs who teach Micro in Econ 1, Qin is much more helpful by comparison.
Once I got used to his accent I really enjoyed the class. I goes over the problems logically. If you are good at math you should do well. some review of calculus might be helpful. All in all good teacher.
I was extremely fortunate to get Professor Qin for Econ 104A and B. His lectures are well prepared and understandable. At UCSB you could do a lot worse!
DO NOT TAKE HIS CLASS. Take it with anybody else. His tests try to TRICK you and go more in depth than what you learn. He's a nice PERSON but beware if you want to keep your gpa.
Midterms and Final can be very tricky. However, I got below average on both midterms and I got a 17/20 on the final so I ended up with a A-. You must do the workbook probs and go to C.L.A.S for help. I studied for 11 hours strait for the final so this class takes dedication. This is the hardest ECON class so once you get through it your fine.
I had to post because I saw all these other people saying bad stuff about him. Qin is awesome. He was one of the nicest and most understanding teachers I've had. The class wasn't too bad either--he is clear in class and office hours. Anyway I think this guy is great.
hard class. lectures were pointless and boring. midterms arent that bad but final had questions that we never learned
Why does nobody goes to his class? 1.) He goes over the stuff you can get online. 2.) He doesn't show examples. 3.) TA's do all of the work 4.) You will get even more confused from his lectures. Finally, his tests are not that hard like everyone says but why take an online structure class like the University of Phoenix?
Make sure you read the book and study his lecture notes. Questions can be tricky. Had an easy midterm but final was a little more challenging. SO STUDY HARD!!! But over all fair teacher.
always expect some totally novel questions on his test. and that's where the risk lies. they usually take one to two steps to solve, but if you miss them (which is not unlikely because you never saw such questions before), you at most get a b+ for every test.
Difficult professor, he knows what he's talking about but he makes up his own questions, so reviewing previous exams does not really help for his tests. You never really know how you do on the test until afterwards when it is compared to other students. (average grade for second exam was 36/75)
easy class if you do the workbook problems.