Nuha Khoury
65 reviews

ISLAMICART . Khoury N N 19 Years Ago

I literally almost fell out of my chair from boredom on many occasions in her class. There are only so many floorplans of mosques one can look at. I was there in '95 and I think the dean had to get involved because everyone was failing the course.

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ARTHIST132D . Khoury N N 20 Years Ago

I know she has a bad rep,but that is mainly due to here teaching abilities in lower div. survey courses. have her in upper divs and she is way better. assignments handed out weeks prior to due date is good, test are not hard, but can have some wierd questions.

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ARTHIS6B . Khoury N N 20 Years Ago

the most horrible teacher i have ever had. i signed up for european art history but instead some i got some islam indian bull****. Doesnt talk about anything specific and tests do not reglect lecture. TA do all the work and are just as big of prunes

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ARTHIS6B . Khoury N N 21 Years Ago

What can I say? Truly one of the worst professors I have ever come across.

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ARTHIS6B . Khoury N N 21 Years Ago

Horrible teacher. Annoying voice, hard to listen to. I swear she tries to make her students fail. People only pass becuase of the TAs.

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ARTHIS6B . Khoury N N 21 Years Ago

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AH6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

Not only that Khoury is completely incoherent, doesn't know what she is doing and is obsessed with Isfahan and T&O maps, of which (believe me) u don't wanna know, she will bore & confuse u to death and the class will be basically on Islamic Geography!!!!

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ARTHI6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

Khoury is unbelievaby incoherent, easily distracted, and extremely unorganized. She teaches material completely irrelevant to the course and get facts and dates wrong. If taught by her, stay away from 6B!

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ARTHIST6 . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

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ARTHI6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

Spends too much time reviewing old material and BORING!

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6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

Annoying A** voice. Pointless lectures. Doesn't give a S*** about her students and would love to see them all fail.

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6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

Easy class!!!...compared to engineering courses :oP

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ARTHI6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

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ARTHI6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

T-in-O maps = Satan. Khoury continually finds new ways to ask how why and is this focused?? . Bradley and Scooter hate it too. Khoury yelled at us and pooped a 5 pound bag of potatoes on the stage. Stay away from 6B!

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ARTHIS6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

Dont Not take this class!!!! Worst prof. ever.

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ARTHIST6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

A professor I will avoid for the rest of my time at SB

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ARTHI6B . Khoury N N 22 Years Ago

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