Nuha Khoury

53 reviews
Skip class? You won't pass. Lecture heavy Tough grader Get ready to read Participation matters Caring Tests are tough Amazing lectures Would take again Graded by few things Accessible outside class Gives good feedback Beware of pop quizzes
Past quarters
50 / 50 Full
Survey: Islamic Art and Architecture
Nuha Khoury 2.0
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
6 / 60 Enrolled
Modern Art of the Arab World
Nuha Khoury 2.0
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
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ARTHI 132J Khoury N N Winter 2023 Total: 43
ARTHI 132I Khoury N N Spring 2021 Total: 46
INT 89AU Khoury N N Spring 2021 Total: 25
ARTHI 186Q Khoury N N Winter 2021 Total: 6
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ARTHI132J . Khoury N N 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

do not take her classes unless you're willing to change the grading option to pass/fail bc of how bad of a teacher she is

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ARTHI132J . Khoury N N 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Professor Khoury's lectures are so hard to follow and disorganized. Very few assignments make it hard to actually get points in the class. Readings are not helpful. I suggest not taking a class of Khoury's.

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ART132J . Khoury N N 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

She was super sweet when I had her online. She made sure the class was accommodated for during covid by letting us retake quizzes. Midterm/Final were really difficult and shes specific about certain details. As a Middle Eastern studies major and I knew the information before she was taught it but missed points bcI didn't mention specific details.

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ARTHI6K . Khoury N N 4 Years Ago

By far the worst professor I've ever had at UCSB in my almost 4 years here. I'm an art hist major and I sat there questioning my life choices every lecture. Jumps from a 1-2 pg paper to a 7-8 page research paper (its lower div). Went on ridiculous tangents, impossible to follow lecture/material, and way too much useless info. Don't do it.

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ARTHI6K . Khoury N N 4 Years Ago

By far the worst professor I have ever had. Consistent disorganization in lecture, repetitive and useless information, and inability to connect with students is what you'll find in this class. Very easy content, but my God, Nuha is impossible to listen to for even an hour and 15 minutes 2 days a week. TA's really save her ass b/c she's incompetent

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ARTHI6K . Khoury N N 4 Years Ago

Pretty tough class for a GE, but definitely doable. Professor and TAs are helpful on papers, and it's clear what you need to memorize from image reviews and lecture.

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ARTHI186Q . Khoury N N 5 Years Ago

Khoury is nice person with a cute sense of humor but she's an absolute WRECK of a professor. She is extremely unorganized and scattered while simultaneously expecting the world from her students. Asking her for clarification will only get you a response with your question framed back at you. Its more hassle than its worth, everything is UNCLEAR.

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ART132J . Khoury N N 5 Years Ago

She's a wonderful person however, as a professor she's infuriating. Her lectures are just impossible to follow, she misspells artists names constantly, randomly takes attendance, makes up random assignments on the spot there's absolutely no prep or even discussion of tests, most of the works I studied I googled, Interesting content but not worth it

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ARTHI132J . Khoury N N 5 Years Ago

She is very nice and super passionate. However, she puts next to nothing on her slides so if you don't go to lecture & pay attention you probably won't pass. She takes random attendance & will call you out for clicking your pen or being on your phone. Also doesn't allow laptops. Readings are all posted online, but you'll be tested on the content.

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ARTHI6K . Khoury N N 5 Years Ago

She is a super sweet lady and is totally willing to talk after class but her lectures are kinda useless because her slides are worthless (they're so jumbled and have so little clear information) and she covers the same topics over and over again although the repetitiveness provides very little clarity. Also, her essay topics are so vague!

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ARTHI6K . Khoury N N 6 Years Ago

Khoury was very scattered. You could tell she was very passionate about the topic, but her lectures were super hard to follow and she would often get off track. Try to sit in the front row if you want to avoid falling asleep. She takes attendance randomly and it counts for the grade, so I recommend going to every class even though it doesn't help.

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ARTHI6K . Khoury N N 6 Years Ago

Professor Khoury is one of those teachers who truly loves her subject matter and does a good job of passing that onto you. Her lectures can, however, be a bit disorganized and not well-managed for time. A fun class, but it might be hard and/or boring if you aren't an art/history person. A lot is covered, so get ready to study.

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