Bryanna Sylvester
330 reviews

CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

She's really good at lecturing and basically an easy formula to do good in the class. JUST DO THE BOOK PROBLEMS and you'll be fine!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

DO HER PRACTICE EXAMS! Don't waste time on textbook q's. ALEKS also helps. lowest exam & ALEKS is dropped- but exams are tough. 17 q's in 45 mins so practice managing time on exams. CLAS for extra worksheets (great for practice) or in-person groups if you want to attend groups. Watch the lecture vids for review or if missing class (same content)

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Sylvester isnt very deliberate in explaining concepts and why she does certain calculations, but otherwise shes pretty straightforward about everything. If you are good at thinking systematically about problems, Sylvester is for you, but if you need the steps laid out, probably not.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

I got lost a couple weeks in bc she seems to underexplain things. Final was nothing like the practice final. ALEKS was okay difficulty wise, but it took soooo long to do hw. Reading the textbook can help supplement the lectures and she did put textbook problems in the tests. Overall gave a very unrealistic study plan imo

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Lectures are straightforward. There are a few times it would be nicer if she could go in depth but doesn't. Tests are fine if you study reasonably. There will be 2 tough questions that aren't really something that can be studied, you just really need to get the concepts and apply them. Otherwise just attend 3 50 min lectures, do the work, pass.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

She was a decent lecturer; concise, good explanations, readily answered questions. However, the course material overall is very tough & fast-paced if you don't set up a good study sched, but luckily there's usually a generous class curve. DO BOOK PROBS/PRAC EXAMS, so important. Lectures are online if you have to miss but I'd recommend attending.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

I thought Sylvester's class was alright, but I took AP Chem in high school so it felt like a review. The people I know who didn't really struggled in this class. She is direct and concise in her lectures, which I liked, but if you are learning the material for the first time this will not benefit you. Her grading curve is pretty generous.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Good lecturer but homework was arduous and useless in preparing for the test. Many test question were not taught in class.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Sylvester wasn't that bad, but chemistry is very hard and you have to study if you want to even think of passing. The only thing really bad about her is that she only reviews the easy versions of problems in class, but gives really hard versions on the exams. Definitely do practice exams that she provides AND PRACTICE DOING EXAMS AT A FAST PACE.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

The only reason why I didn't fail her class is that her practice exams are basically like her real exam, except with dif numbers and maybe a few ALEKS problems thrown in here and there. Grind ALEKS + practice exams a few times and you be chillin'

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

By far the worst professor I have ever had. In some ways her practice exams are like the actual exams except the actual exam will be one hundred times harder. Her final was super hard and was nothing like the practice one. ALEKS is honestly busy work it doesn't help much and she just throws information at you in lectures instead of teaching.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Her lectures are not the best but also not the worst. The test averages were around 65% but she didn't seem to change her teaching style to help us do better. I spent 95+ hours doing ALEKS assignments as well as practice tests on top of that but still managed to fail every test. Find a study buddy who is also in her class if you can. Good luck.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Even after doing her recommended studying schedule with a friend and understanding her practice tests, I still failed every test. The average for the tests were 65% and she did nothing to try to improve that average. Her final exam was nothing like her final practice exam or anything she's taught in class. Do ALEKS, it has good explanations!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Just horrible. Doesn't care about students after seeing our results on the exam. Didnt change anything about her teaching/exams. Lectures are very unorganized and just throws information on you. Although chem is hard in itself, I believe she didnt help us at all. Likes to make her problems/exams very wordy and tricky. I do not recommend.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Practice exams are your best friend- and time yourself; the most difficult thing about this class is the time crunch on tests (and tests make up 80% of your grade). Utilize CLAS worksheets for extra practice; ALEKS is also good concept practice (and helps your grade). Attend class and/or watch recordings. Good luck!! :)

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

Professor Sylvester is great. Chemistry is a beast of itself so get ready. You will have to study outside of class in order to understand the concepts.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

She's a very good lecturer and has an awesome sense of humor! Her tests are very difficult but Chem1A is known to be particularly difficult anyways, so it isn't just her. She is great at answering questions and clearly exhibits expertise as she is able to thoroughly answer any question.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 2 Years Ago

The lectures are required homework is easy, but her tests are extremely hard and there is no curve. Theres 3 tests (the lowest gets dropped) and the final that make up the majority of your grade. Id recommend doing the practice problems because even though I took Chem and AP chem, I still did average on the tests.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 3 Years Ago

Overall solid professor with solid lectures and she is a very nice lady in office hours. I bombed the first exam and did okay on the second exam because I am very bad with chem but she was helpful and I was able to end up with a B+ in the class, almost an A-. Aleks can be annoying but its helpful and overall solid course, would recommend.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 3 Years Ago

Her lectures are not going to blow your socks off. Do not be fooled into thinking that you "understand" the concepts after only watching the lecture and doing the examples in the video. I got an A, and my success hinged entirely on doing practice problems and internalizing the methods for solving these problems. Watch the lectures, do the problems.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 3 Years Ago

Her lectures and tests were very similar and she was an overall great teacher! I would def recommend!

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 3 Years Ago

Sign up for CLAS, do the textbook problems, and the practice tests she gives + CLAS practice tests. The lectures she gives and the ALEKS homework are nowhere near the questions asked on the test. I got a F on the first midterm and ended with an A. Good luck :)

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 3 Years Ago

A literal teacher who does not care for her students. Her lectures are reused and unorganized, does not connect concept to other concepts. Seems bored out of her mind when talking about lectures. Lecture videos are short and rarely go into detail. If you want to pass the class, do the practice exams and sign up for CLAS.

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CHEM1A . Sylvester B M 3 Years Ago

I had to retake chem this quarter and I would recommend anyone who is retaking Chem to do it with Professor Sylvester. Professor Sylvester's class was easy to go over, since her lectures aren't long. I would recommend everyone to use her practice tests and use CLAS since her exam problems were mostly from there. Overall, she's amazing!

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