Carole Paul
66 reviews

ARTHI1 . Paul C 4 Years Ago

My least favorite learning experience here at UCSB. I *love* art! But with Doctor Paul I find it so very difficult to care about the material, lecture is an information dump at best, the texts are "mandatory" but I recommend splitting the cost or avoid purchase entirely, you'll probably be able to manage without it. TLDR: Very, very boring

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ARTH1 . Paul C 5 Years Ago

10% participation; 20% midterm; 30% paper; 40% final. Midterm and final both have aspects of memorizing 70 art pieces by artist/name/date/location/importance and readings taken from a $75 course reader over 500 pages long. Before I took this class, I thought I would be able to memorize 70 images easy-- don't be ambitious. Don't take for a GE.

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ARTHI141D . Paul C 5 Years Ago

If you're not an art history major, don't take this class with her. Definitely not for someone with little to no background in art history. Gives like 70+ images to memorize and only tests you on 4 through short answers and essays. Reader was $75 which you basically have to get as the questions were based off the readings. Terrible experience.

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ARTH1 . Paul C 5 Years Ago

Do not take this Prof!!! She expects you to memorize 70+ terms by date, year, artist location and you will get docked if you don't get every detail correct. She goes on in lecture and is hard to follow. I'm taking for GE, but would never do it again

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ARTH1 . Paul C 7 Years Ago

If you're not into art, this class will be so boring for you. It's a pretty easy GE. Mostly just memorization for tests. There is a paper but its not bad at all. Put minimal effort in and passed everything.

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ARTH1 . Paul C 7 Years Ago

get ready to hear about the getty and to sleep in the dim lighting room! it wasn't too bad, depending on the TA too! get ready to memorize if you want to pass this class! she also taught this class before so there are already quizzes and study guides on quizlet with same material and images. not too bad for a GE

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ARTHI5B . Paul C 7 Years Ago

Nice professor. Lecture is mandatory because she talks about the paintings which you would need to know for midterm and final. Final is cumulative. Must memorize 30+ paintings which isn't bad. Really enjoyed the class and loved art.

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ARTHI141D . Paul C 7 Years Ago

Lectures are pretty boring, but Dr. Paul is really nice. Her midterm and final grading are only hard because you have to memorize 80 art pieces with their time/artist/name/collection but then you are only tested on 4 of them. Other than those 2 tests, there's a 5 page paper, but the topic makes it easy to get 5 pages.

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ARTHI5B . Paul C 8 Years Ago

She's a nice lady, but the class is dull. She just stands in one place for the entire time and talks and talks and talks. Some topics about museums are interesting but most of them are boring. Be sure to study the images she posts up, including the dates! One midterm and a final, both composed of the same exact format and style. Talk to your TA!

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ARTH1 . Paul C 8 Years Ago

Beware for dim lighting and images without captions. Unless you really love art, it is very verbose as an introductory course. Try to not take it, you will fall asleep! You are expected to know over 100 images by name, date, and location which is extremely tedious. The crazy thing is she would ramble on when the pictures have no captions.

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ARTH1 . Paul C 8 Years Ago

Overall just OK. If you pay attention in lecture and practice your flash cards you'll pass no problem. The lectures do get a little boring sometimes and I did not get much out of the class, but if you're taking it for a GE it's not so bad.

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ARTH1 . Paul C 8 Years Ago

Professor Paul is a GREAT Professor. I was in her honors section and she was always so engaging with the material. She obviously enjoyed the material she taught and is always clear about what is expected of you, and prepares you well for the tests - nothing on them should take you by surprise. She's also really nice and cares about helping students

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ARTHI115D . Paul C 10 Years Ago

One of the best professor I have ever had in UCSB. She knows exactly what she is talking about. Definitely a professional scholar in her field. Attend the class and do the reading, you will be amazed what you will learn from this class.

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ARTHI1 . Paul C 11 Years Ago

Drink coffee before class. The room will be dark and lectures will not be interactive at all; you'll probably fall asleep. Exams are are all memorization and essay response; and this is an "art" class, but the focus is historical context not eye-training. Reader is dense and technical; skim through it, don't waste time trying to understand it all.

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ARTH1 . Paul C 11 Years Ago

Take this class Pass/No Pass. If you want to learn about western art you will enjoy the material, but there is lots of useless memorizing. If you go to lecture and PAY ATTENTION, you don't have to read the book, which is worth it. I'm glad I took the class, but I didn't like her test format, or the way she treated us like high schoolers

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ARTHI1 . Paul C 11 Years Ago

Prof Paul is one of the most monotone, boring lecturers I've ever had. There is SO MUCH material to memorize, and honestly that is the bulk of your grade (70%) for tests. Avoid taking this class with her, maybe the class all together. If you do, however, you've been warned... The textbook is expensive, reader is HUGE, and sections somewhat useless.

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ARTH1TUES . Paul C 11 Years Ago

AVIOD AT ALL COSTS. Terrible terrible terrible. Way too much information to memorize, you never know what your supposed to be taking notes on, and the professor is very snippy and unapproachable.

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ARTHI1 . Paul C 12 Years Ago

She is a horrible professor. Her exams are all about memorization. She includes works that she hardly goes over and expects you to memorize way too much. She is uptight and uninteresting. Avoid this class at all costs.

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ARTHI1 . Paul C 13 Years Ago

HORRIBLE! She said "etcetera, etcetera" at least twenty times a lecture, spoke in a monotone voice and didn't put any information on her slides of artwork. She put about 20 pieces of art on the midterm and final out of over 75 that had to be memorized (name, artist, date, location). Most horrid class ever.

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ARTHI113 . Paul C 13 Years Ago

Prof. Paul is an extraordinary professor. Her class is helpful and full of information for art history majors. Great lectures and very nice.

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ARTHI1A . Paul C 14 Years Ago

Lots and lots of memorization in this class. I found lectures interesting and if you don't fall asleep you pick up valuable details you need to do well on exams. I basically skimmed through the text but still managed to do well on exams. If you have an interest for art, what is required of you from this class will come naturally.

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ARTH1 . Paul C 14 Years Ago

I fell asleep in the majority of lectures, she said "um" and"etc." all the damn time. Must memorize images however, and the reader helped on short essay questions, the textbook helped me due to its clarity on the topics that she discussed, because I was asleep the whole time. Super boring and I feel bad if you have to take this class.

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ARTHIST . Paul C 15 Years Ago

I DON'T RECOMMEND taking this class with Professor Paul. Way too broad and hard for an introduction course. Put to much of an extreme emphasis on memorizing images for the midterm and final (WHICH DOESN'T TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE, JUST YOUR ABILITY TO MEMORIZE CAPTIONS).

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ARTH1 . Paul C 16 Years Ago

Overall, she was okay. Lecture was extremely boring, but necessary for the tests. We didn't really use the book, but the reader was important. The paper was not too bad either.

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