Ralph Gallucci
243 reviews

CLSSC36 . Gallucci R 13 Years Ago

A little dull, often late for class. However, very forgiving and friendly. Deeply interested in his topics. There are better professors in this department from my experience, but his classes can be worthwhile if you're the kind of person that is fine with writing a bit.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 13 Years Ago

Easy Class. Seriously, there is no excuse for not passing this class with at least a solid B. Either read the text or attend lectures, tho summarized versions of the myths and prominent characters on Wikipedia will work well in a pinch. Focuses more on objectives, like people, places, and things, than the wishy-washy literary aspects. Nice guy too.

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 13 Years Ago

May not be an exciting lecturer but he's very sweet and loves his students. This class is just him sitting in front and going through each of the books we are required to read. He is very helpful with the midterm and final. Class website has EVERYTHING you need for studying. Good class for G.E.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 14 Years Ago

Overall a decent class, lectures are like attending a funeral however. You can either read or go to lecture, doing both is extremely redundant, all he does is summarize the reading. Only paper was a book review. Midterm/Final was all multiple choice and true false, Very easy as well. No tricky questions, all straightforward. A very easy A.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 14 Years Ago

as long as you read the textbook your good. He mostly goes over in lecture what the reading from the text book was about.

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IN95 . Gallucci R 14 Years Ago

His super power is the ability to expand any three sentences to a 15 minute long speech.

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 14 Years Ago

Hard class, the lectures are all over the place and don't prepare you for the test. You are expected to have a lot of pointless names/information memorized. I would not recommend this class to anyone.

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CLASS37 . Gallucci R 14 Years Ago

I am currently taking Gallucci's Classics 37 class and he is a Highly-qualified professor with a true desire to see his students succeed academically. His office hours are helpful and his ability to clarify any question demonstrate his qualifications as an astounding Professor.

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CLASS80A . Gallucci R 14 Years Ago

Gallucci is a great ambassador to the Classics department. My fave Prof at UCSB. This guy knows how to relate to students and he WILL help you if he sees that you're willing to do the work and you're serious about it.

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CLASS80A . Gallucci R 14 Years Ago

worst professor I've had so far. his lectures are all over the place, talks about one thing then ends up on another topic.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 15 Years Ago

He is very caring and geniunely cares about his students. Did not expect this from a college prof.

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 15 Years Ago

He is truly the best. Very caring and takes time to listen and give direction and encouragement.

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CLASS80A . Gallucci R 15 Years Ago

Very interested in his own research and material, but lectures are boring and go on tangents. Can miss many lectures because he repeats the same stuff. However, tests don't draw from what he emphasizes in lecture. One 5-page paper, worth little. Good amount of reading. Sometimes lecture conflicts with reading; not often on test anyway.

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CLAS36 . Gallucci R 15 Years Ago

You don't have to attend the class if you read the books. But if you don't read the books, make sure you take notes and attend lecture. All he does is retell the books you read in meticulous detail. But I did not enjoy the class. Its a pretty good class to fill in the literature GE

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 15 Years Ago

Gallucci is such a BORING lecturer. He speaks in parentheses, with no enthusiasm, it was impossible not to get distracted. The topic is interesting, I just wish I took the class with someone else. Crowd in lecture was skim. I don't blame them. He was painful to listen to. He made me dread a class I normally would have LOVED. LECTURE WAS SO BORING!

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CLAS36 . Gallucci R 15 Years Ago

Going to lecture is useless; he just summarizes what you are supposed to read. Tests aren't that hard, but make sure you know the stories and characters and use his study guide.

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 16 Years Ago

Friendly professor, knows his stuff. Lectures however, are completely pointless as all he does is stand at the front and mumble. Going to lecture is a waste of time, just read the assigned readings, attend section (also pointless but they give quizzes) and you'll get an A. This class offers probably the easiest Literature GE you can get at UCSB.

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HIST36 . Gallucci R 16 Years Ago

Gallucci has became my favorite professor at UCSB! He is amazing!! I had no prior interest in Classics and just took Ancient Epics as a G.E., but now i'm really interested in the subject! Gallucci's lectures and very interesting and clear and his assignments are fair and not overly difficult.

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CLAS40 . Gallucci R 16 Years Ago

Getting an A in this class is very likely as long as you attend lecture. At times it's hard to understand what he's saying since he mumbles and speaks low so sit in the front. He will most likely let you crash the class if you need to since he is very understanding.

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CLAS37 . Gallucci R 16 Years Ago

Dr. Gallucci is awesome! He is extremely helpful, considerate, intelligent, and a great professor!

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 17 Years Ago

Gallucci is a great professor and makes it super easy to get an A. Tests come STRAIGHT from lecture -- assigned reading is merely supplemental. Tests are simple and straightforward, no tricks: if you attend class and pay attention, you'll get an A. He wants his students to succeed. Even holds his own review session! Nice guy, great professor.

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CLAS38 . Gallucci R 17 Years Ago

He's really chill.

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CLAS100A . Gallucci R 17 Years Ago

This class was pretty interesting. I recommend bringing a laptop to this class and type EVERYTHING he says, because it will appear on the midterm and final. He repeats himself a lot though which is nice, because you never it is important. I only read the plays, not the textbook- and I was sooo close to pulling an A-. Tricky final- so study study!

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GRE102 . Gallucci R 17 Years Ago

Professor Gallucci is one of the best here at UCSB. I was about to give up on Greek, but with his help I'm now reading Plato and loving it. Very approachable and willing to help. Lots of handouts and quizzes, but I feel as a result(wste) my Greek is much stronger!

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