Ralph Gallucci
243 reviews

CLASSICS40 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

Well, poor gallucci, he is sort of boring. He told one joke all year, but no one laughed because no one expected it. I think that its a class worth taking, he knows his stuff and is a really nice guy. However, he is just sort of dry.

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CLASSICS3738 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

An awesome professor. He knows everything you could imagine about the subject, and he is always helpful in office hours. You can get a good grade by going to lecture and doing the reading. Highly recommend this professor!

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

His lectures are unorganized, he relies on films, and his voice expresses no passion for this field of study. It was difficult to find the will to go to class each morning. Do yourself a favor and wait for Athanassakis.

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

If you want a GPA booster and Literature class, TAKE THIS. dont take like Comp Lit or something hard like that. this class is cake, gallucci is the man. the stories are the odyssey, iliad, aeneid and gilgamesh, and theyre actually interesting. plus u already know what theyre about. take this forsure

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CLASS40 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

This was the easiest class that I've ever taken in college. In fact, it was so easy that I even got an A+. I took "Ancient Epic" before taking "Greek Mythology" and the tests were almost identical. If you do the reading (even just spark notes) and go to lecture you can easily get an A.

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CLASSICS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

very easy class if you do the readings

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CLASSICS3640 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

Gallucci is very willing to help and if you go to his office hours he will do a lot to help you out in the class.

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CLASSICS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

study for the tests as they can get pretty specific...lectures are boring beyond belief but you dont need to read, sparknotes should do you fine. papers super easy, go to office hours & he gives you a 100. He's a really cool guy who knows a lot about his subject, he will just put you to sleep at 8am

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CLASS37 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

Boring as hell. Grade is based on tests, so study for them. Easy to get a good grade though.

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

He is a very good teacher and teaches a very good class, but he tends to go off on tangents. It is very important to go to all of his lectures and take good notes. It helps to read, but his lectures pretty much cover all the reading.

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CLASSICS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

SO EASY! but your 2 tests are your whole grade so study hard. so boring, but he says all the answers in class.

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CLASSICS125 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

If you are a visual learner, then his lectures are not for you. He uses a small amount of visual aid. However, he is always around the Classics dept. if you need help. He's a nice man and very bright. I learned a lot. Oh, one last thing...during lecture, right down EVERYTHING he says.

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

very easy teacher, but very boring. definitely take this class if you have taken class 40 because it's basically a repeat.

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

he's legit. yes, kind of boring but shows a true love and interest in his subject and is interested in people who share the same interest.

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CLASSICS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

Really cool/nice guy. The class is wicked easy and the books you have to read are really simple. You already know what 1/2 of them are about. Midterm & the 2 one page essays are a piece of cake. People say the lecture is boring, but what lecture isnt boring. take this class...easy A or B. fun too.

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 19 Years Ago

One word: BORING! But incredibly easy.

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CLA40 . Gallucci R 20 Years Ago

He was a cool prof and lecture wasn't too bad. Some days were better than others, but he gave MC tests for the midterm and final, and the study guides for thoses helped a lot. Essays are very doable too. I recommend Galluci.

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CLASS100B . Gallucci R 20 Years Ago

Gallucci's class is definitely boring beyond belief. His multiple choice miderm and final exams are pretty easy, although he throws some questions in there that no one has a clue about. Gallucci is a really cool guy though, and is easy to talk to.

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CLAS40 . Gallucci R 20 Years Ago

Boring class. I failed the midterm and barely passed the final, but he let me write an essay for extra credit to get a Pass.

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CLASS171 . Gallucci R 20 Years Ago

Material is very dry...most people don't even go, but the exams are multiple choice and there are sometimes writing sections. Graded fairly, lecture is boring and scattered in presentation

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CLASS37 . Gallucci R 20 Years Ago

the grading is pretty easy but there is soooo much reading and he blabbers on and on with no specific point and does no prenunciate so it is defficult to understand the greek and roman names

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CLASS36 . Gallucci R 20 Years Ago

Galluci is probably the worst professor I've had here. He is boring, tangential, and talks always in circles. There is no outline to his lectures, and all he does is summarize plot. No reflection of theme. Complete waste of time.

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CLAS36 . Gallucci R 20 Years Ago

def an EASY class, go to class and no reading necessary, the reading's pretty good tho, no sections either. boring lectures, but the tests are easy.

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CLASS120 . Gallucci R 20 Years Ago

Dr. G is DA BOMB! I see him as a mentor figure who got me into Classics and he's always willing to help me. Thanks a lot!

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