PSY 108
Jonathan Schooler
57 reviews

PSY108 . 8 Years Ago

He is a great professor! Lectures can be a little dry and sometimes he seems a little scatter brained but I think it's just because he is so smart its hard for him to break it down sometimes. He is active in research in the field so hearing about his studies is really interesting! It's a hard topic, so it's a hard class. But, it's worth it.

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PSY108 . 9 Years Ago

Prof. Schooler is a good teacher, but the lectures can be a little boring. He seems to present a lot of examples and this sometimes make the lectures seem superficial. If you study hard (and follow the study guide provided by the TA) you can get a good grade.

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PSYC108 . 9 Years Ago

He's is fantastic. He's clear and willing to help if you go to his office hours. HOWEVER do not be fooled. This is a really, really tough class. There's so much reading that you forget what your first name was by the time you're done with it, and since finals are cumulative (uuugggghhh), it makes you hate the class even if it's very interesting.

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PSYCH108 . 9 Years Ago

Professor Schooler's lectures are engaging and teach the material from the book in more a straightforward and engaging way. His lectures are amazing at presenting the concepts so you can easily understand them. He's really nice, friendly, and approachable too. He also asks if anyone has questions and answers them. Best Ucsb professer and fun class.

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PSY120 . 9 Months Ago

Overall an average professor. He didn't show up to a single test we had this quarter, which I thought was kind of weird of him. Ended up going to about half of his lectures, didn't once read the textbook, and still ended up with an A-. Lectures are straightforward-- just memorize them and you'd be good. Tests not bad at all, very straightforward.

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PSY120 . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

honestly the material was interesting and straight forward. the tests were very fair and he had study guides for the midterms and final! honestly very slay

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PSY121 . 2 Years Ago

This is the most life-changing class I have taken. The material is like nothing you have learned before. I learned how to meditate, focus/concentrate, self-compassion, and really a new perspective on life. I can't recommend it more. Prof Schooler is a great person. He spends a lot of time answering questions in class and after. He is availb in OH

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PSY121 . 2 Years Ago

Pretty tough class. Dr. Schooler is an incredible teacher and researcher, but the exams for this course are pretty tough. Two midterms, each worth 25%, and a final worth 50%. He curved the second midterm because the average was extremely low, which was awesome. Highly recommend the class but it can be pretty challenging.

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PSY160JS . 3 Years Ago

Professor Schooler is one of the most amazing professors I've ever had. He's so smart and caring and makes class really enjoyable. Take his science of consciousness class it's literally life changing !!

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PSY117 . 7 Years Ago

There is one midterm and final. You have to read the textbook and know the lecture to do well. He is a pretty good lecturer and willing to help out as much as he can. It is a little difficult but if you do the readings and really understand the lectures, you'll do fine.

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PSYCH1 . 8 Years Ago

Prof. Schooler is brilliant. He has what seems like an encyclopedic knowledge of the field. Great class.

3 helpful 3 unhelpful
PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

His lectures were very clear, easy to follow, and very well organized with great examples. I thought that this class was very interesting and engaging, and as long as you studied the textbook as well as your notes you should be fine. Since your grade is based on two tests, you really have to make an effort to keep up on the material on your own.

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PSY1 . 10 Years Ago

Not so great... slides do not help so much. If you're going to take Psych 1, make sure you take it with Fridlund instead!

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PSYCH1 . 11 Years Ago

Slides are unorganized and have little written on them, so you must take separate notes. Tests are tricky. Otherwise, he was a humorous and relatable professor.

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PSY117 . 11 Years Ago

I didn't think this class was difficult. Just go to lectures, type the slides/what he says, read & highlight the book and study. Tests were extremely fair. Just do what you have to do and you will get an A.

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PSYCH1 . 11 Years Ago

This is a class that would be best appreciated by psych majors. If not, he can be difficult to follow. He is obviously Very knowledgable, however, as teacher he is falls way short. His slides are absolutely useless and the class lacked structure. Humor does not compensate for being an awful teacher.

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PSYCH1 . 11 Years Ago

This class sucked the teacher was unorganized the lecture was boring and he was even 2 hours late with the final exam... in a nut shell this class made me want to vomit

9 helpful 1 unhelpful
PSYCH117 . 11 Years Ago

He is a smart guy and knows his stuff. But he suffers from the "know it all along" effect. The worst and hardest part is how unorganized and poorly written his slides are. The book he assigned is full of grammatical errors like his slides. I didn't know what slides to study for because they are soooo unorganized.

3 helpful 1 unhelpful
PSYCH117 . 11 Years Ago

This teacher is tough. His lecture slides are IMPOSSIBLE to understand.Reading the book seriously helped so much. He is a nice guy and knows his stuff but powerpoints and teaching are not really his thing...

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PSYCH117 . 11 Years Ago

You have to attend lectures or you won't really get the material, even missing 2 classes can get you in some trouble, overall the class is a bit dry, but make sure to read the book thoroughly!definitely helps to study for the midterm/final overall an ok class

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PSYCH1 . 11 Years Ago

I like his lectures, he has a good sense of humor that gets you through it. But his lectures aren't organized so sometimes it's hard to follow with what he's saying. His tests are tricky. Meh.

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PSYCH1 . 12 Years Ago

He's an all right teacher, not the best. His sense of humor helps his lectures out a lot. The class gets better as the quarter goes on. The slideshows aren't organized well, so just write down what he says. Plus, he draws mostly from his lectures to write his exams so it's a good idea to attend them.

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PSY1 . 12 Years Ago

The lectures were boring at times even though he tries to be funny. His monotone made me fall asleep sometimes. Heavy textbook use. You basically finished the entire book in one quarter. Lectures slides are mostly pictures and don't have a lot of information, so you would have to attend lectures to take notes.

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PSYCH101 . 12 Years Ago

Dr. Schooler = amazing. I don't know if anyone else has noticed but he's a GREAT walker!!!! He's got the bi-pedal thing down and he makes great voices!!!! Sometimes he even shares a snack he has!

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