SOC 152B
John Baldwin
352 reviews

152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

He teaches the class with his wife which is pretty amazing! Lectures are interesting and funny, but aside from lecture you have to read the book. Or else you might not do so well in the exams. There are 3 midterms and 1 final. Exams consist of both lecture and book. If you miss a class be sure to get the notes you missed!

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152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

This class was really great. Make sure you go to lecture as some questions on the test appear from lecture. Half the test is lecture, half is text book, and 1 question appears from the box summaries in the textbooks (the one people ignore) make sure to review/look/skim!!

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152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

BEST CLASS EVER! attend lectures since half of tests are based on that. when you read make sure you don't skip the boxes because they will ask questions on that. I don't know why people thought it was so hard? I skimmed, memorized terms, paid attention to lecture and was 3 points away from an A. everyone should take this class it's a gold mine

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SOC142 . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

John is the man. Tough, but the man. 3 midterms, 1 final, A's aren't hard to get, as long as you do the reading and study lecture notes, which there is a lot of. Study hard, study well, and enjoy. He changed the way I see life.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

The Baldwins are excellent professors. They've bean teaching SOC 152A for years and really know how to keep students' attention. A lot of the material is instinctual, but you must study if you want to pass. The material really is .5 lecture and .5 book. READ THE BOXES! Going to the review sections will ensure a solid grade in the class.

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152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

This class was informative and interesting. It covers a good array of subjects in human sexuality. The Baldwins are very good lecturers, but there was a lot of things that were covered in this class. It is NOT an easy A, you definitely do need to read and memorize a lot of information for the tests. 3 midterms, 1 final. No homework, no attendance.

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SOC142 . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

Everything is clear in the syllabus. His lectures for this class was amazing and pretty life changing. I liked the way he taught because he didn't leave students bored. You were always thinking about one topic to the other, and he also used visual representations to teach which was very helpful.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 8 Years Ago

Lectures are amazing, you definitely learn a lot about human sexuality and how it isn't something to be embarrassed about when spoken about. Everything in the class is clear cut, you just need to READ to pass, attend LECTURES, and of course, study.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

Interesting subject of course. Some of the videos and photographs they use in their lecture presentations are waaay outdated (like from the early 1990s and beyond). Lots of exams throughout (4) so you can never really relax and coast in this class, you have to read. Study the boxes in the book! I wouldn't take this class with a heavy course load.

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SOC142 . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

He is an amazing lecturer I was engaged and nodding along to everything he would say That being said you are required to know the littlest details from lectures and readings One of the questions was from a small word he had scribbled down in class

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

The Baldwins have been teaching for decades, so they knows how to hold a crowd of college students' attention. Lectures are very informative and occasionally filled with good videos. The grading criteria are very broad for the tests, which is how they curve them; everything to know is on the study guides. Great class and essential life lessons!

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SOC142 . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

John is an amazing prof. This class is pretty basic, however its a great great class. He is passionate, has a zeal for life and he spreads that to his students in his content and lecture. Take any and all classes by the Baldwins. A must!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

Great professors. 152A is a must take if you are a UCSB student.

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152A . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

A lot of reviews here say this class has hard tests, but honestly I think it's because people expect this class to be super easy because it's just a GE. The tests are pretty easy if you read. You don't even have to do the study guide yourself because they give you answers in the review sessions. I love both Baldwins; amazing class and professors!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

John and Janice are absolutely incredible lecturers. Very interesting class and engaging. 3 midterms and a final. Tests are 5 free response and several multiple choice based off lecture, book and boxes. BEWARE TESTS ARE DIFFICULT. Essential that you know details. GO TO LECTURE test material comes from slides. READ. MEMORIZE.

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152A . Baldwin J I 9 Years Ago

There are three midterms and a final. You must study both lectures and readings in order to do good in the class. Procrastination on the readings won't help. But what does help are the study sessions with the TA's. Overall, it's an interesting class but it requires work.

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152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Pretty easy class but also really useful and something everyone should learn. I didn't have time to do all the assigned readings so I just read all the boxes in the text and took good notes in class which I reviewed prior to exams. Got an A doing that.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

GREAT CLASS! The Baldwins are both great and helpful people. Not an easy class, but it is very interesting and if you keep up with the notes and the readings, you will do just fine

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Its not an easy class. Better take it pass no pass. Though attendance is not mandatory, they test a lot from lectures.Also, they like to test something eccentric that you won't expect on the tests, which make the course harder.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Soc 152a is one of the most interesting and useful classes I've ever had. Both professor Baldwins are great! It's easy to get a good grade if you do all the readings. I know there's a lot to read, but very informative and helpful. Fun class!

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152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

The Baldwins are great! Easy to get an A if you go to class and do the reading. I personally crammed the night before and still ended up with an A+! Easy graders, helpful information, and fun lectures! TAKE TAKE TAKE!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

Expect to put in effort to memorize, memorize, memorize! Honestly, the only thing to worry about in the textbook are the "boxes". Three midterms and a final. Definitely recommend the class! Info you learn is very useful to everyday life.

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SOC185P . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

This was the most interesting class I have ever taken. His optimism makes lecture worth going to. But unless you need this class or you're doing pass/no pass then don't take him. His exams are ridiculous. You have to make sure to take good notes during lecture and do the reading because he asks questions that are barely covered in the reading.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 10 Years Ago

The Baldwins really care about the material and it shows. They are charming, insightful, and break the course material down into manageable, easy chunks. Follow their layout when you take notes in class and try to stay a week ahead on readings. None of the tests are that hard if you do those things, but there are a lot of tests.

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