SOC 152B
John Baldwin
352 reviews

SOC142 . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

Entertaining, fun, passionate about the subject, and keeps you interested the whole class. Actually cares about his students success. Overall an amazing teacher!!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

Really interesting class and the profs are super enthusiastic about teaching. The tests are difficult so don't mistake this class for an easy A. You actually have to read the book and remember lecture to do well. Overall great class. I was able to learn a lot.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

Very interesting, even if you think you have nothing to learn this class will surprise you! The exams are easy if you read and attend class and are interested. Midterms (3) are 5 essays (choose 4 to do) and 5 multiple choice questions. The final is completely cumulative but luckily it's curved!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

Took this class for units. Class is very informative but you literally need to read the entire textbook, go to every lecture and memorize everything--I'm not exaggerating. Baldwins are funny but slides are somewhat difficult to follow and they go fast. 3 exams plus final is cumulative. Go to review sessions for study guide packet info & CLAS class

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

this class should be a graduation requirement, you learn things to actually apply to your life, the Baldwins are engaging teachers and so much fun. they care about their students and the topic and it shows. tests are fair. they want you to succeed! the best class i have taken at UCSB. absolutely loved it.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

Maybe the greatest class I have ever taken. It is a challenging class so if ur goal in college is to learn nothing and you never want to attend class don't take this course. Prof Baldwin is one of the most engaging prof I have ever had and is very helpful outside class. MUST TAKE!!! This is one of those rare classes!!!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

Fantastic course. Probably one of the most important classes you can take at UCSB in terms of what it teaches you about human sexuality, a subject that is rarely given the attention it deserves. Not an easy class, however. There is a lot of material, and exam questions are generated at random. Take it pass/no pass or be ready to study a lot for an

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SOC152 . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

I had him for Soc 152A and Soc 142. He is an awesome teacher with fun and interesting lectures. The class is NOT easy and requires that you do the reading. There is a lot of memorization involved but as long as you attend lecture you will enjoy the subject and it will make studying a lot easier. Soc 142 was easier than Soc 152A but take both!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 13 Years Ago

i thought this class would be interesting. but it's difficult and made me feel uncomfortable. take at your own risk.

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SOC185P . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

SOC MAJORS- take any and all of Baldwins classes! I had him for 152A 142 and 185P and enjoyed all of them. To do well you need to read and attend lecture, the material is interesting and worth the work! His short answer test format allows you to write what you know and get a fair grade. He cares about his students so go to his office hours!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

If you're looking for an easy A, this is not the class. However, if you attend every lecture and do some readings, you'll be able to get a decent grade. Like the other reviews, his tests are pretty difficult. The TAs have certain key ideas that they're looking for & if you don't mention it, you get docked off.

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SOC152 . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

hard midterms and they are graded by students

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

i got an A in this class by attending & taking notes at EVERY lecture, doing ALL reading assignments (the whole textbook), going to ALL review sessions and memorizing ALL of my lecture notes & the hand outs (120+ pgs) this is an upper div class so of course it's gonna take more work than most are used to. everyone should take! super interesting!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

I can't believe 600 people a quarter take this class. It can be interesting but the midterms and final are very hard. Do not take this class if you are looking for an easy class to pass.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

This class has invaluable information, but it was really hard. You should take the class knowing it's gonna be a lot of work. I put in a lot of study time and my final grade messed up my GPA, but I'm still glad I took it. Read everything and go to class!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

They were a great team. Lots to remember, 3 midterms but its interesting stuff so its not so bad! Do the readings and go to class and you'll get an A!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

John and Janice are the best professors. The way they interact in lecture makes it even more interesting. The class itself isn't easy. Go to ALL lectures and read all the assigned reading. 3 midterms and the final is cumulative so it's a lot of info to memorize. I got an A-, but worked hard for it. DEFINITELY recommend this class, it's worth it!!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

Sick professor. Him and his wife. Sick as in good. Okay the tests are actually really easy if you READ, and go to reviews. I got a C on my first midterm despite reading the WHOLE readings that were assigned. It's very interesting and a lot of it is common sense but they do ask tricky things sometimes. Very helpful. Best professors I've had thus far

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

My favorite class at UCSB. It is so interesting and the teachers are great. The tests and midterms are not easy, but if you know your stuff you will do really well. I think that everyone should have to take this class because it is so important. TAKE IT! If you are worried, take it with a bunch of friends like me and it makes it even more enjoyable

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SOCZN142 . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

I have taken 5 classes (152a-b-c, 142, 185) with John. They are all the same format (3 midterms, 1 final, all short answers). If you are taking these classes expecting a GPA booster, don't. If you are interested in actually learning something that will change your life forever, take them all! Must read & attend lectures to get good grade!

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 14 Years Ago

extremely willing to help

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 15 Years Ago

John and Janice are good lecturers and the class material is interesting. The second half of the quarter was a lot less exciting. This class takes up a lot of time because of the 3 midterms. You have to know everything they cover in the book and lecture to get a good grade. I'd recommend the class because the material is useful and lectures are fun

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 15 Years Ago

He and Janice are both great teachers. They are very clear and fair in their expectations and grading. They give a lot of reading, and ur expected to kno it all plus the lecture notes (diff from the readings) for the 3 midterms, plus a cumulative final. It's not an easy class, but if u work at it, ull do very well.

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SOC152A . Baldwin J I 15 Years Ago

Great professor!!! Taught everything really well with his wife. The tests weren't too hard, just make sure you go to the reviews and study all of your lecture notes! I highly recommend this class!

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