PSY 117
Stanley Klein
203 reviews

PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

LOVED Klein! I was worried when he said he only used a chalkboard BUT he is a wonderful/interesting lecturer and is engaging anyway. Very insightful, funny, and self-deprecating. Material is interesting and fairly easy to grasp if you go to class and listen! Tests are challenging but fair- listen, read the ASnotes & skim the book!!

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PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

The professor is funny, blunt, and teaches social psychology very well. Go to all his lectures and do the readings. A majority of the questions on the midterm and final are from lectures and a few from the book!

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PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

Klein is basically a god amongst men. Go to his lectures and pay attention and you'll do fine on the tests. His lectures will keep you entertained most of the time, and he likes to crack the occasional joke. Definitely recommend taking any class with him.

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PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

This class is only hard if you don't go to lecture and don't listen. Everything makes sense and is really interesting, and his tests are really fair! He even supplies AS Notes that you can buy. I really liked this class, was one of my favorites!!

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PSYCH102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

This teacher was not only horrible,and avoided fully answering questions in class, but his notes never applied to the test. Several of my other classmates thought his tests were overly confusing. He only writes on a chalk board and hates computers he openly stated that he will take weeks to get back to emails. Avoid having this teacher!!

0 helpful 13 unhelpful
PSYCH102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

Stan was the man. Really funny and interesting lectures. Highly recommend taking this class. The midterm (40% of grade) and final (60%) were both highly based off the lectures and pretty simple. Know the bold terms from book like others have said and thats it. Fun and easy class!

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PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

Great class, he is really funny and entertaining. If you go to class and read the vocab words from the book you should be able to get an A. The AS notes also helped a lot.

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PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

He is a great professor. A very educated man who knows what he is talking about. You have to make sure you study though. Focus on the bold words in the book and go over your notes. I would recommend going to the class you end up learning a lot.

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PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

Very clear lecture! One midterm (40%) and one final (60%). Almost all questions are on lecture material. Some questions on book--but only on bold terms. Know the different experiments, the theory they support, and who conducted them. Overall great class!!

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PSYCH102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

Great class, awesome professor. Prof Klein is very eccentric, but also hilarious. He's very clear about what he expects, and does a great job lecturing. Multiple-choice midterm and final, both very easy. I recommend this class/professor to anyone

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PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

One of the best teachers I've ever had. Buy the AS notes and you don't even need to go to lecture, but I still recommend going. He's funny and entertaining, knows what he's talking about and makes lecture enjoyable

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PSYCH102 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

One of the best professors I have ever had. I actually enjoyed going to every lecture

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PSYCH102 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

His lectures are funny and interesting, but the tests were more difficult than I anticipated. I knew all the material and still got a B in the class... the only B I've ever received in college. I guess it depends on your learning and test taking style, but if you blow a test, you blow the class.

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PSY102 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

Klein is such a badass, one of my favorite professors so far. Really interesting course, a lot of overlap from introductory psych and comm courses. He is just awesome. Great course, just midterm and final. Get the AS lecture notes for sure.

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PSY102 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

Very interesting content, Klein is for sure one of the best lecturers at UCSB. He will definitley stick with you if you take one of his classes, he is very captivating and the way he responds to smart ass questions is a thing of beauty.

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PSYCH148 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

Klien's a badass. I love his nasty lil cough (i know you hate when we talk about this). He's extremely knowledgable and deserves more credit! take his class, but do ALL THE READINGS. random questions on the test from reading that you'd never suspect.

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PSY148 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

He is everything a real professor should be!

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PSY148 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

Professor Klein is very funny and his classes are entertaining and interesting. The lectures are a bit hard to follow as he doesn't have a power point, and doesn't put much on the board except for the class outline. Must be self driven to succeed in this class.

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PSY148 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

Great professor. He's a self professed sufferer of Asperger's - funny guy when I don't really think he intends to. Lectures are very clear and he is obviously passionate about what he teaches. Refreshing class to take.

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PSY148 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

Klein is such a funny guy, very honest, and really enjoyable to have as a teacher.As for the class itself, I'd say you'll do well if you go to class and BUY THE AS NOTES. Klein lectures well but amidst all of the studies he presents sometimes you get confused; the AS notes really help clear that up. I recommend this class, I think you'll have fun.

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PSYCH102 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

his lectures were different, no powerpoint slides. he tried to teach his class as a "narrative", but it's hard to see that unless you BUY THE AS LECTURE NOTES. they will help SO MUCH. just study the notes, and you'll do well.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSYC102 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

Professor Klein is funny and he keeps lecture interesting. The exam is mostly from the notes, but make sure you read the book and study the info. in there as well because there will be a few questions on both midterm and final pertaining to the book and if I would have studied the book a little more I would have aced the class. Overall, great clas

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PSY102 . Klein S B 14 Years Ago

I took Klein for social psych and really enjoyed his class. He tries to be funny, and the lectures are fairly enjoyable. I liked him so much i took him again for psy 148(psy of self) and if you take 102 with him ull see that 148 is almost identical. He uses most of the same ex. Then i took 117 & a lot of same ex, easy to do well in these classes!!!

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PSY148 . Klein S B 15 Years Ago

Klein is what all too few UCSB professors are not: A good lecturer. Class is interesting, but sit toward the front he is low tech, no PP or website. His humor is cool. The difficulty of the course is typical for a ucsb psych class- study and you will receive an A

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