PSY 117
Stanley Klein
198 reviews

148 . Klein S B 9 Years Ago

One of my favorite professors at UCSB. This man is a genius. If you're getting bored of hearing the same info over and over in psych classes I recommend you take this class. He doesn't use powerpoint but you can buy AS lecture notes for his class and it's really not hard to follow his lectures. Seriously, take this class.

23 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSYCH102 . Klein S B 9 Years Ago

Klein is so brilliant that going to class is fun. He doesn't use a powerpoint bc he talks to his students like ppl. He is very clear what will be on the exam and what will not be on it. Textbook is easy reading, just do it before the 2 exams and you'll be fine. He is a master at the subject matter and uses studies to back up all of his facts.

25 helpful 0 unhelpful
102 . Klein S B 9 Years Ago

Amazing professor. You'll have to study and work for a good grade, but a mediocre grade is attainable if you just show up to class (he's such a great lecturer that at least some of the material will stick--even if you don't study). Make sure to read the terms and big themes in the textbook. 30% of the questions on the exam will come from the book.

16 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY102 . Klein S B 9 Years Ago

Loved the class, loved the professor. Klein is amazing! He's funny, answers questions well, and is completely fair with his tests. Was a little worried when I saw that he has no slides, but I loved his lecturing style! He even gives away a few test questions if few people turn up.

15 helpful 2 unhelpful
PSY102 . Klein S B 9 Years Ago

Klein intelligent. You can tell he understands his field very well. He uses the chalkboard, presents information clearly. No Power-points. He will tell you what he expects you to know for tests so make sure you listenattend lectures. He tends to try to explain things as if he aspires to be a philosopher. Logical, humorous and brilliant minded.

15 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSYCH148 . Klein S B 10 Years Ago

I loved this class! Professor Klein uses the blackboard, so I worried initially, but it really helped! This way, the pace was manageable, plus he regularly made sure everyone followed. It's been too long since I last learned so well. With his teaching, the info just stuck so well. Fascinating material + GREAT teacher = sponge-like absorbency = A.

11 helpful 1 unhelpful
PSYCH148 . Klein S B 10 Years Ago

Kein is a genius. He really is brilliant and you will be able to see that when you go to his class. He bases his tests off of lecture, so I highly encourage you go. He does not use powerpoint, but he really tries to make the material clear. His midterm had no material from the book, but the final did. The midterm is easy, but the final is harder.

20 helpful 1 unhelpful
PSY148 . Klein S B 10 Years Ago

Amazing class, probably my favorite at ucsb so far. very easy, i found it quite obvious what we had to know. learn the as notes and you pretty much get an a in the class. he can seem a little unapproachable, but he is a very sweet guy. id recommend this class to everyone.

16 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY148 . Klein S B 10 Years Ago

I really enjoyed this class, the concepts and his style. He is very patient and wants students to understand. Prof Klein actually enjoys teaching and he wants us to have critical thinking during lectures. I like his humor and the fact that he knows his topic so well. The clinical cases are fascinating. I highly recommend this class

9 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY148 . Klein S B 10 Years Ago

This class is what made me so interested in the Psych major. Going to lecture really helps understand all of his genius concepts and give you some test answers but you can also buy the notes at the AS office which help for studying. The midterm was super easy if you understand the main ideas and study! Go to the review sessions.

14 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSYCH148 . Klein S B 11 Years Ago

Ive been so used to professors using pwrpnt that it was diff. for me to really be able to summarize the important parts of what he was talking about. This is why I relied heavily on the AS notes and the book. btw READ THE BOOK! About 30% of the midterms are based on the books studies. He is overall a good prof. and excellent lecturer.

5 helpful 1 unhelpful
PSY148 . Klein S B 11 Years Ago

This class may seem difficult, but that's because he actually requires you to "think" unlike other typical professors. He has Asperger Syndrome and a PhD from Harvard. Leading psychologist in his field. What more could you want from a professor?

8 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY148 . Klein S B 11 Years Ago

Interesting class and material, tests are challenging.

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSYCH102 . Klein S B 11 Years Ago

Amazing professor!

5 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY102 . Klein S B 12 Years Ago

Great lecturer: funny and engaging. Clearly outlines what he expects from students. Easy and fair grader; tests are straightforward. Always go to lecture and read the book, it helps supplement what he says! Plus he actually tests you on it.

3 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY102 . Klein S B 12 Years Ago

It's sad that this is the last time he is teaching Social Psych because he is a really interesting professor. Lectures are mandatory because he doesn't have lecture slides. He will even give away some answers to the exams just to spite those who skip class. Overall, really funny guy and made the material easy to absorb!

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY148 . Klein S B 12 Years Ago

Really fun and interesting class. The first midterm was really easy and the final was a little more difficult. The reader is a very hard read but most of the material is covered in lectures. If you've taken any of his classes before it's pretty much a review of those with a little more emphasis on the self.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY148 . Klein S B 12 Years Ago

I LOVED this professor and this class. Easily my favorite class of the quarter. The material is really interesting and the professor is an expert on it. He is funny, too! His lectures are structured and interesting, so I absorbed all the material from the lecture. I barely had to study for it. Definitely recommend!

7 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY148 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

I don't know what the person below me is talking about b/c Prof Klein is by far the best teacher I've had. No where near Revlin's level... The class is difficult but an A is totally achievable if you put some effort into the readings. His method of teaching worked well for me, I barely had to review my notes b/c everything he said stuck in my head

8 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

LOVED Klein! I was worried when he said he only used a chalkboard BUT he is a wonderful/interesting lecturer and is engaging anyway. Very insightful, funny, and self-deprecating. Material is interesting and fairly easy to grasp if you go to class and listen! Tests are challenging but fair- listen, read the ASnotes & skim the book!!

6 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

The professor is funny, blunt, and teaches social psychology very well. Go to all his lectures and do the readings. A majority of the questions on the midterm and final are from lectures and a few from the book!

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

Klein is basically a god amongst men. Go to his lectures and pay attention and you'll do fine on the tests. His lectures will keep you entertained most of the time, and he likes to crack the occasional joke. Definitely recommend taking any class with him.

11 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSY102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

This class is only hard if you don't go to lecture and don't listen. Everything makes sense and is really interesting, and his tests are really fair! He even supplies AS Notes that you can buy. I really liked this class, was one of my favorites!!

2 helpful 0 unhelpful
PSYCH102 . Klein S B 13 Years Ago

This teacher was not only horrible,and avoided fully answering questions in class, but his notes never applied to the test. Several of my other classmates thought his tests were overly confusing. He only writes on a chalk board and hates computers he openly stated that he will take weeks to get back to emails. Avoid having this teacher!!

0 helpful 13 unhelpful