Stanley Klein

204 reviews
Amazing lectures Graded by few things Hilarious Respected Inspirational Lecture heavy Skip class? You won't pass. Caring Get ready to read Clear grading criteria Test heavy Would take again Tough grader Participation matters Tests? Not many Accessible outside class Gives good feedback
Past quarters
PSY 148
179 / 250 Enrolled
Self and Identity
Stanley Klein 4.3
17:00 PM - 19:50 PM
36.1% A
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PSY 148 Klein S B Spring 2024 Total: 217
PSY 160SK Klein S B Winter 2024 Total: 77
PSY 117 Klein S B Fall 2023 Total: 113
PSY 160SK Klein S B Summer 2023 Total: 38
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160SK . Klein S B 5 Months Ago

Professor Klein runs a thought-provoking class. While lectures can be dense, paying attention and doing the readings pays off. unstuck study was a game-changer for class prep.

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148 . Klein S B 8 Months Ago

Klein offers a fresh perspective on the field of brain science that few other PBS profs do. He is incredibly knowledgeable about the topics he covers and his passion for this knowledge is inspiring. The class itself is graded simply on a midterm and final exam. I can't recommend taking a class from Klein enough - it is an experience like no other.

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148 . Klein S B 8 Months Ago

the class is made up of midterm and final. you have to buy an expensive book he wrote. lectures are informative and entertaining, he normally ends class early. he'll lyk what will be on the exams, questions are straight to the point as long as you study you will do good. I didn't read the book and still got an A but recommend doing the readings

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PSY148 . Klein S B 8 Months Ago

he doesn't post lecture slides and makes you buy a really expensive textbook he wrote. lectures were entertaining and never lasted the entire 3 hours. he lets you know what will be on the exams. exams are easy and straight to the point so as long as you study you should do fine. i never read the readings and got an A- but I would recommend reading

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148 . Klein S B 9 Months Ago

I get why some people wouldn't like his lecture style, but I really enjoyed it. Class once a week, no mike, no slides, just lecturing - sounds intimidating, but I promise it's not. Your grade is only based on two exams, but the class isn't super dense w/ material - if you go to lecture and study, it's fine. Klein is a prof I'll remember for a while

11 helpful 0 unhelpful
148 . Klein S B 9 Months Ago

I really enjoyed this class and the way it was taught. Lecture was once a week and varied anywhere from 1 hr - 2.5 hrs. Prof makes it clear what is needed to succeed in his class and is very straightforward. He is visibly passionate about the material and about teaching, making class enjoyable. Definitely recommend!

8 helpful 0 unhelpful
160SK . Klein S B 11 Months Ago


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PSY160SK . Klein S B 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

One of those professors you never forget. Gave the most interesting and thought-provoking lectures at UCSB, and somehow keeps the whole room fascinated for 2.5+ hours. Fair and engaging system of learning where all necessary content is emphasized but we are free to explore/discuss other topics.

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PSY117 . Klein S B 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I was definitely intimidated going into this class bc I knew it was only a midterm and a final and he would lecture for 3 hours, but it actually was not bad at all. His lectures are easy to follow along and his tests are pretty easy as long as you know the material. I would say you don't NEED the book bc he goes over most of what you need to know.

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PSY117 . Klein S B 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Taking the word lecture to the literal meaning, he sits and he talks. There are no online notes or any notes of any kind, you have to write your own. One three-hour lecture a week that goes over basically the same thing but with different perspectives makes this an easy class if you can understand the underlying messages.

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PSY117 . Klein S B 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

His exams are the type where multiple of the answer choices may be the correct choice. Many of the Qs are from his textbook, basically what he lectures, and they're very specific. More of a philosophical approach merged with studies.

0 helpful 11 unhelpful
148 . Klein S B 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Stan gets some hate because he doesn't lecture like other professors, but I learned more in this class than I've learned in any other psych classes. He is very intelligent and knows the material super well. He doesn't use slides so you have to show up to class. He makes you critically think, but his tests are easy if you pay attention in class.

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