Kathleen Bruhn
87 reviews

POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

she goes super fast, you need to actually go to class. She tests on little details,but you don't really need to read, so that's good. She knows her stuff. Overall take it. Class fufills no GE's.

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POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

Clear lectures, tests are very fair. She stops for questions and is helpful in class. She's funny and her class was pretty interesting. The only thing that sucked was that we wrote a 5-page paper that was worth 5% of our grade. Otherwise, I say take this class!

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POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 20 Years Ago

She speaks really fast. She is concerned about Mexico alot. Multiple choice is a bit hard, final is hard. Extra credit in her class does not count that much!!! so don't even bother.

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 20 Years Ago

Not so clear lecture - jumps around. made us remember unimportant information - very specific numbers, etc. and also - she's just annoying

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 21 Years Ago

I believed she explained everything very well and the topics she talked about were interesting.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 21 Years Ago

hard to follow lectures. need to prefect lecturing skills. interesting materials

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 21 Years Ago

Very middle of the road professer.Knows her stuff though,and if not she makes sure her TA's do.I found her tests very fair & not so difficult as long as you study for them.The essays are also somewhat predictable and easy to study for if u think about it.

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POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 21 Years Ago

Adams is 100 times better-He is a much better prof, take him

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POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 21 Years Ago

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MEXICO . Bruhn K 3 Months Ago

came to the TA to get help with my essays and he told me not to worry about them as he'd be curving them, this didn't happen and he lied to the professor saying otherwise, who seems indifferent anyways. no rubrics for any of the papers, don't expect any help from the TA or prof.

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POLS147 . Bruhn K 3 Years Ago

terrible. not considerate during covid, made us write two papers as a final when we had just turned in a paper the week before finals week. isn't mindful that we have other classes other than her own. quizzes are tolerable but overall v bad as a person. sent emails claiming her final was easy as if she were the one writing it. worst professor in ps

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POLS147 . Bruhn K 3 Years Ago

Very unclear grading criteria, super not accommodating during the pandemic. Sent out emails belittling people for asking clarifying questions. essays made us repeat ourselves. harsh grading criteria.

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POLS147 . Bruhn K 3 Years Ago

She is a smart professor sure, but she absolutely does not have the students well being in mind at all. Weekly quizzes, lectures, and readings. 2 papers and TWO essays for a final and gives 1 week. provides rubric then basically says "do everything I tell you and I will give you a B, got to have a perfect paper to get an A". Would never take again.

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POLS147 . Bruhn K 3 Years Ago

took during COVID Lectures are asynch, section is synch & mandatory, weekly quizzes on reading and lectures. one of the worst profs ive ever had. 2 papers, 2 final papers during finals week. essay instructions were given 2 days before due date, and only give B instructions. she says u must go above and beyond for A but doesn't say how.

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POLS147 . Bruhn K 5 Years Ago

The class is super interesting and Bruhn really knows her stuff. However, the course requires a 15 page case study paper that neither Bruhn or the TAs really teach you how to write that is worth 30% of your grade. Other than that the course is pretty straight forward, also after the midterm she gives extra credit so be sure to go.

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POLS134 . Bruhn K 7 Years Ago

I took 134 Spring 2015, and found myself wanting to take her again (the TA made the class hard, but if you go to lecture and hear her out/engage with the material, you'll see that in your grade). I then took 147 and 148 because Bruhn LOVES what she teaches which makes it interesting. She gives out study guides, and tests are straight forward.

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POLSC147 . Bruhn K 8 Years Ago

She is one of the least approachable/friendly professors I've had at UCSB however she gives excellent lectures and gives students the greatest educational gift they can hope for which is graded practice on researching and writing real-world scenario assignments. I used her assignments as writing samples with my resume and landed a political job

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PS147 . Bruhn K 15 Years Ago

Tough class. A LOT of reading. The reader is where she tests from. TAs were useless. Bruhn knows her stuff to another echelon and it shows in her material. Very interesting class but so much material that it is difficult to enjoy it.

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POLSC147 . Bruhn K 15 Years Ago

I found the class extremely interesting and really well rounded. She discusses different opinions and formulates power points that are really helpful. She doesn't email them though so I would try not to miss class. Once in awhile she gives attendance pop quizzes. Papers aren't too hard and she gives you a study guide for the midterm/final.

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PS147 . Bruhn K 15 Years Ago

Hard class, took a lot of reading and a lot of work to keep up. Her lectures go very quickly. She is so very devoted to what she is teaching that her passion makes the class interesting. It is a ton of information in a short quarter but incredibly useful. I started out hating the class for the massive amounts of reading but grew to love it!

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POSCI147 . Bruhn K 16 Years Ago

Bruhn is a good lecturer, but speaks very quickly. Be sure to bring your laptop if you do not want carpal tunnel syndrome. Two 5 page papers, midterm, and final. If you go to lecture and do the readings you will do well.

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POLS147 . Bruhn K 16 Years Ago

I had this prof. some quarters ago and she left a wonderful impression on me. She is the most interesting and intelligent professor I ever had at UCSB. People say she is shy, I say she is reserved but very approachable. Teaches well and prepares you well for exams and papers. Comparing to other political science professors she is by far the best! G

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POLS147 . Bruhn K 17 Years Ago

Professor Bruhn was a good professor. I recommend her to anyone interested in studying Third World Politics. Only advice to her would be to more open to students when they come to her office. Sometimes seems uninterested in students questions. But Great overall!

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POLS147 . Bruhn K 17 Years Ago

This class was great. The lectures were clear & focused. Exams & papers were fair & corresponded to the course. She was one of the best lecturers I've had. VERY GOOD PROF. & GREAT CLASS

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