Kathleen Bruhn
87 reviews

POLS6 . Bruhn K 4 Months Ago

Lowkey a lot of reading but it was chill....shes a fun lecturer and a lot happens in her lectures. She is so interesting cool career stories dropped. Fav Poli Sci class out of the intro ones rlly liked.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 7 Months Ago

Bruhn is one of the best lecturers I have had so far. She ties her lecture topics in with real-world examples, making it much easier to comprehend. One of the best Poli sci professors

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 8 Months Ago

Bruhn is a really interesting lecturer, and she talks about her time and studies a lot in Latin America a lot. Lectures are very content-heavy, and it's important to take notes. There are weekly quizzes that are sometimes a little random, but for the most part, if you took notes on lectures and read the textbook you'll be fine. TA's were unhelpful.

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POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 8 Months Ago

Class was interesting but lectures felt rushed, heavy reading and quizzes every week with oddly specific and irrelevant questions. Main issue is TA's- they suck and give unclear grades.. the essays have vague prompts and constraints that make it hard to do well. Can't get an A without really putting in the work. Not great but not terrible.

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 8 Months Ago

Professor Bruhn was very well educated on her topics of discussion, however her lectures were very fast paced, just reading off the slides, and felt like a race to get all your notes done. Weekly quizzes were pretty difficult. Midterm was take home essay, final was in person multiple choice and essays

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 9 Months Ago

Ok so I agree with another comment that said she grows on you throughout the quarter the only issue is essays can be unclear and some TAs are unhelpful and unapproachabe. Final was fairly easy as it was reused quiz questions and an essay you could answer if you knew the basics of the class

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 9 Months Ago

Professor Bruhn is clearly passionate about politics, and the class definitely had a slight focus on Latin America due to her experience. Lectures were not very engaging, weekly quizzes were fairly easy, but essays do not have a rubric so be sure to check with your TA.

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 9 Months Ago

Professor Bruin is great but a lot of the class is just you teaching yourself it feels like. The TA's don't really do a lot and on both the practice midterm and midterm essay they gave minimal feedback and rarely helped give students actual examples of how to improve.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 9 Months Ago

She most definitely grows on you throughout the quarter. Makes some funny jokes and comments from time to time.Most of the TAs kind of suck and all have god complexes. Pretty much all the complaints I've heard were due to the Tas, not her. Not an easy A but can absolutely get by without reading anything. Lectures are pretty interesting and engaging

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

This professor reads off of a piece of paper during lecture. She requires a lot of readings and has very subjective quizzes that often don't have anything to do with lecture material. Midterm and finals are tough, there is little room to improve your grade as the only assignments are weekly quizzes and term tests.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 2 Years Ago

Professor Bruhn is very knowledgeable on comparative politics, especially in terms of Latin America. The lectures were very dense and long. The reading is not too difficult, only one chapter per week with an easy 10 question quiz on Friday thats due by Monday. The grade was mainly based on the two papers which are graded by the TA's.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 2 Years Ago

Class and lectures were actually easy to follow but depends on TA since I did everything still ended up with C with no comments.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 2 Years Ago

She is a really amazing lecturer and she has designed a wonderful class. But pay attention to the two papers, which gonna kill you if you had gone through the motions!!

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 2 Years Ago

Professor Bruhn was a fine professor. The class was based on 2 papers, weekly quizzes, and some extra credit. My issue here is with the TA who graded the papers, specifically Taylor Trummel, who gave little to no feedback on the final essay. Virtually no feedback as to why you got the score you did.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 2 Years Ago

I thought this class was very interesting, The lectures sometimes were confusing because she would talk a lot about things that were not directly stated on lecture slide, She has a lot of knowledge and experience in her field which makes her lectures engaging Quizzes not that hard if you have good notes,read, Overall enjoyed class

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 2 Years Ago

Content-heavy lectures, but they align decently well with the reading. Not a ton of grading opportunities outside the 35% midterm/35% final/20% reading quizzes/10% participation. Midterm grades took until Week 10 to be released, so that limited how much you could improve your grade. Do the EC and you'll be fine, just grind on essay skills.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 2 Years Ago

The essay prompts are all over the place. And no, the textbook and lectures do not align.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 2 Years Ago

The lectures and the book cover pretty much the same material so you really only have to do one or the other. This class is fairly easy if you pay attention in lecture.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 5 Years Ago

Truly one of the least engaging, most boring lecturers I've ever had. An example of the pitfalls of universities prioritizing research prowess over teaching ability.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 6 Years Ago

PowerPoint slides are basically copy and paste from the textbook, which she summarizes in lecture. Studied the textbook more and did not really attend lectures because it's the same thing. Midterm and final are multiple choice with essay chosen from study guide. Really easy if you put in the work and study case studies.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 6 Years Ago

Lectures are terrible

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 6 Years Ago

Lectures are mostly her reading directly off of a PowerPoint that's posted online. Lectures are usually pretty boring. Where my problem lies is that the grading criteria for the quizzes and participation in section is vague, leaving you questioning your grade until the end of the quarter. Would recommend the class, but with a different professor

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 6 Years Ago

Professor Bruhn is clearly a master of the content that she is teaching. She is knowledgeable to an extent beyond that I have seen in UCSB before. However, her lectures go by quickly, too quickly, and it takes away from the ability to digest the information. I didnt touch the textbook but that was because I had work experience in the subject matter

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 8 Years Ago

This class wasn't too bad honestly. I went a lot and it was really helpful but it's not completely necessary if you really don't want to go. The exams are both worth 40% though which makes it hard to make up for mistakes and the midterm is really rushed. Other than that this class was fine and no papers :)

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