Kathleen Bruhn
87 reviews

PS6AND147 . Bruhn K 9 Years Ago

took 6 and found myself wishing I went to lecture more just to hear her lecture (& to help my grade) so was interested in taking 147. passionate and straightforward lectures. she really knows her stuff and engaging. didn't do much reading. gives study guide and occasional extra credit. posts lectures. tests can be tricky if not prepared

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PS6 . Bruhn K 10 Years Ago

you need to read the textbook to pass weekly section quizzes. her midterm and final are based on lecture. so pay attention to the notes.

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PS6 . Bruhn K 17 Years Ago

I think she is a pretty good lecturer, not the most exciting but not bad by any means. Her lectures prepare you well for her exams. Use of powerpoint is helpful. Does make some biased comments, has a leftward bias. In honors section, very pleasant, prepares us well for papers, exams.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 17 Years Ago

she is not that hard of an prof but atendance is mandatory in her class, you can get away with not reading the textbook because her tests are pretty much completly based of her power points, her extra credit policy is prety awesome

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POLY6 . Bruhn K 17 Years Ago

Pretty difficult class..if you don't have to take it DONT..the paper is difficult and the test are too..her lectures get worse and worse, cause she writes less on her power points and just spits out the important stuff..she does give extra credit though which is cool

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 18 Years Ago

She was an awesome professor! Very clear, cracks a few jokes, interesting material. Gives extra credit if you show up to lecture the day after Halloween and on really rainy days.

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PS6 . Bruhn K 18 Years Ago

Good professor. Covers a lot of material but is fair.

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PS6 . Bruhn K 18 Years Ago

Total Hottie!! I got a bad grade because I didnt do****. Also this class doesnt fulfill any requirements so dont take it unless you are a poli sci major.

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PS6 . Bruhn K 18 Years Ago

Very clear lecturer. No surprises on the exams. You don't really have to read, she'll tell you if something is important enough to read.

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POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 18 Years Ago

She is the best lecturer i've had. She is incredibly clear on the material and never needs to repeat herself. The essay topics are good and and the material is interesting. I didn't do 90% of the reading and i still got a B, so it's super important to go to lecture. Recommended

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 18 Years Ago

Lectures are very clear and interesting. Most of tests are based on this and i didn;t do much reading. I really good class if you get a good ta especially.

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6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

Class lectures and text were very interesting..broad range of countries and topics studied. Getting a good TA (as opposed to a psycho) makes a big difference. Prof. is the closest thing you could call to hot in the dept. but doesnt like to give any gems of wisdom. I asked here to elaborate a little more on oil politics in Nigeria (something not dealt with in the lectures or text) and she told me to read up on it on my own. :[

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PS6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

Gives very interesting lectures, but puts up few overheads so it is hard to follow. Your hand really hurts after lectures, but always go to the lectures. Forget the book. Her exams are really fair and straightforward, and are all based of the book.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

nice lady. definitely go to lecture. i have really good midterm and final review notes if you want me to email them to you email me. merrisa@aol.com

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POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

The class cemented my decision to be a poli sci major. She can go fast and doesn't really have overhead notes, but is always willing to slow down if you ask. Go to lecture, that's where 90% of the test material is from.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

her tests are extremely fair.she gives out a review sheet before the midterm and final.throws in extra credit questions. reading helps but she goes over alot of it in class.go to lecture it isn't that bad.one of the easier pol s classes i've taken.she deserves more credit than she's been given

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POLSCI6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

Everything you need to know is in her lectures. Don't even worry about the book. She can go fast and usually doesn't have overheads but will stop for questions. But, class doesn't fulfill any GE's.

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POLYSCI6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

Lectures not really structured and boring; only take it if your a poly sci major; tests are fair tho and not that hard of a class as long as you study

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POLYSCI6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

She is a great professor. The book was the worst part of the class, really crappy and hard to read but lectures were really important. It's constant note taking, but the material is easy to understand and the class was not boring at all. She loves Mexico.

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PS6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

She's flaming liberal like every other teacher on campus but knows her material. Jokes aren't really funny but does help prepare you for the midterm and final. My TA was a joke which was the reason why I got a C+ in the class. Just show up, take notes, and you'll be fine and can easily get an A.

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POLS6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

This was a very easy class. If you go to lecture and read in the reader you should be fine. Her tests are very easy but the reading in the book is pointless.

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

Lectures are vital, the book sucked; I read maybe two chapters. Bruhn is helpful in lectures, tries a bit too hard to be funny, but overall she's a fairly good professor who is quite enthralled by her work and field. That gave me confidence in her, the class, and the TAs. Read supplemental reading!

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POLISCI6 . Bruhn K 19 Years Ago

The lectures really help in this class. The book really sucked, and I didnt read too much of it. I found her to be fairly clear, and always willing to answer questions in lecture.

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